
Thanks for Trying

Not giving much resistance to Rick's prompt to lay down next to Jason she swings her legs up onto the bed and lays her head down on the pillow next to Jason's. Keeping her fingers locked with his she drew his emotions out with what he would give but she new he had to give more.

I know, I love you to Jason. Its just part of the process, its ok.

As Jason lets his emotions go Katie gives a gasp as her grips onto Jason's hand even tighter. It took everything she had not to scream out in pain. It would only make it worse so she did her best to keep the scream in but her whimpers escaped anyways.

Just letting the emotions filter through her mind Katie understood what had happened and everything else around her seemed to fade. Everyone in the room, it was her and Jason, his emotions and his throughs, what he saw, and how he felt it was all given to her so she to now new what was going on.

Letting her own grip go soft a little Katie relaxed a little as the emotions started to slow. Forcing her eyes open she felt so tired, and drained but she forced a smile anyways. Her voice was soft as she leaned her head close to his.

"Don't be sorry. I'm ok, just tired. Are you...going to be ok?"

Hearing Justin's voice Dalton's head shoots up. Feeling a little irritation grow there was something in Justin's eyes that stops Dalton. It was almost a look of defeat, a glint that had gone out. There was a pang in Dalton's heart as the soft spot was being hit.

Just continuing to look at him Dalton listins hearing the words he said. Hearing that Scott didn't want to see Justin anymore and or himself Dalton's shoulders seemed to sink a little bit. He had known about Hope and he had choose not to tell Scott out of her own wish and now...now Scott new and maybe he was worse off.

As Justin continues to talk for once he was actually thankful for his words. He felt in a way defeated that his friend was now pulling away, and he couldn't do anything but blame himself. Seeing Justin start to leave Dalton stands up from his desk and moves around it. Maybe it was at the moment he himself felt weak that his friend was angry at him, or maybe it was the look in Justin's eye that made him see he did care.


Taking a few steps twords him Dalton lets out a long sigh before holding his hand out quickly in a gesture to shake it.

"..this doesn't mean I like you, but...thanks for trying to help Scott. You've done a lot of good for him."

Giving a laugh at Ariel's mention to being lazy Trey just shakes his head a little bit. He didn't mind driving he just had wondered how close things where together and just trying to get his bearings.

"Driving for the lazy it is than. I think I can handle that."

Once the food was ready Trey grabs what he can along with making sure there was a set of chop stix as well. Following Ariel out of the chines restraint he followed her to her car. it wasn't the best of car but it was wheels non the less and that was more than he could say for himself.

Getting in and keeping the conversation light it didn't take much time to get to the park and Trey was following Ariel once again till coming to a picnic table and getting comfortable. Getting his chop stix out and opening his meal Trey gives a small smile as he hears Ariel's question. Just letting it linger for a long moment as he took a bit of his food he closes his eyes enjoying how good this really had tasted. Done chewing he opens his eyes again and looks across the table at Ariel.

"It's not so bad once I am out and about. Still not sure about how long I'll be here. I guess for a guy how has a hit over his head there is no timing till they are ready to stop. I have a feeling I'll be around for quite a while though. Doesn't seem like its to bad of a town just...a lot slower than what I am use to."

Thinking for a moment it was easy to see Thirteen was thinking about Jeff and trying to remember who he was. A smile spreads across her faces as her memorie takes hold and she gives a small nod agreeing with Ryder as he spoke.

"Oh yes I remember Jeff, Katie's dad. I think Ryder is right and Katie wouldn't mind at all. Having the whole family together would be a nice thing."

Just letting Ryder and Trent go back and forth for a few moments Thirteen didn't mind. Keeping her smile and looking at her dad she couldn't help but just be happy he was here, on his own he had come to see her. Really it did make her feel good.

As the conversation comes back to her Thirteen's smile grows even more hearing her father was interesting in knowing, really knowing how she was.

"I've been doing pretty good. I have a job now part time working at Mom and Pop's. Carson is really nice to work for and it is nice to get out of the house a little."

Taking in a deep breath Thirteen is quiet for a moment thinking about everything else that was pretty new.

"Ryder was teaching me how to drive too. I think I did ok, other than hitting the curb when I tried to park. Oh I got to go to the pet store as well as look at the puppy's they were cute. How about you? How about you? Anything new going on?"

Giving a grin Dan enters into the bunk house even more and closes the door behind him. The smile on his face just seems to grow even more as he sinks down on the bed. Jade made him feel so good, he just loved being close to her for that reason.

"I'll be your pillow all day as long as that meant I could be close to you."

Placing a kiss on the top of her head and scooting down on the bed Dan wraps his arm around Jade and pulls her close to him. Though it might be a long time still till they married, just knowing that ring was on her finger and that one day they would it put butterflys in his stomach. That someone could love him again, it was a great feeling.

"So what movie are we watching? A chick flick?"

Giving a chuckle and following Sparky into the other room Faith couldn't help the smile on her lips. She enjoyed being there for Sparky and doing things for him. After all the help he had given her it was the last she could do.

"Your very welcome my Love. Is everything going to be ok now?"

Faith couldn't help but worry. Rosetta and BJ hadn't come down for dinner, and after hearing Mike road off she couldn't help but worry. Faith had only been here a short while but this place, and these people already it felt like home to her and what happened to them mattered.

Getting the kiss from Mick Rosetta gives a smile and leans into him a little bit resting her head on his chest. She'd missed him all day, and had worried about him as well. It was normal for her to worry when something wasn't right.

"Your in luck I just brewed a fresh pot of coffee so that will keep me up with you a little longer."

Pouring a cup for herself and than one for Mick as well Rosetta brings them over to the table along with a bowl of hot soup and sets them down. Taking her place beside Mick she sits for a moment running her finger of the rim of her glass. Turning her head a little and looking at Mick she just studys him for a long moment.

The look in Mick's eye was one Rosetta had grown to know well. He was tired, and still beating himself up for this whole thing when really he had nothing to do with it. Reaching out Rosetta puts her hand over top of Mick's her warm fingers meeting his. Running the tips of her fingers over his.

"You can't blame yourself Mick. The air is filled with what if, but even if those could be answered and things could be different it doesn't mean that would be. We just have to deal with the now, and let everything else be in God's hands."

Letting her fingers move up his arm Rosetta finally puts her arm over his shoulders. Pulling herself a little closer to him and just letting her own warmth transfer to his cold skin.

"I love you Mick, and we are in this together. Your not alone never forget that...ok?"

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