

Seeing Travis' knees buckle Ashlee steps forward taking one of his arms while Angel helps with the other. She really didn't know about the newcomer but she always was interested and today had been a slow day with not much going on.

   "I live here in one of the bunk houses. It's a nice place. Once you are able to move around a little more a tour is a must. It's a great place with a lot of great people."

Ashlee smiles down at him. He seemed like an interesting guy and not to bad looking either. She really didn't have anything better to do today. Looking at Angel she had question in her eye. Seeing Angel nod it was ok to talk with him for a little bit she turns back and smiles.

   "Your in Texas now, but where do you life? Far away?"

Letting out a sigh Nate new it was to good to be true. At least they had someone on there radar though and they new this was Agency after all. Garret had still been a really big help today and that was more than he could ask for.

   "Well, at least he have some kind of lead."

Standing and thinking for a moment Nate looks to Garret wondering if there was anything else before looking back to Dr Hawks. This had been good progress and that was better than what they had before which was nothing.

   "Do you mind if we take a copy of the tape? It would be nice to have just for record sake."

Looking at Mick again Xander can't help the smile that spread across his face. Sliding the picture over to Mick he points to the faces. He was so proud of his family.

   "This is my wife Abby. This is James, Colton, and Violet. I couldn't ask for a better family. I was so lucky to find them and have them part of my life. Abby knows everything about my work, and stills loves me for it. I couldn't ask for anything more."

Xander runs his finger over the faces that looked back at him. How he missed them and couldn't want for them to get there. Letting out a small sigh he looks to Mick again searching his eyes.

   "How is everything with you? How is Rosetta and the ranch? It looks like the years have been good to you.'

Awfully Cute

So Travis had an aunt...and a cousin...and he hadn't known either existed until now. What was wrong with this picture? Why had his dad never told him he had family? Angel seemed super nice - why would his dad never even mention her? "Wow...I...had no idea." 

He was about to say more, but the door opened and in walked a young woman. Wendy? She introduced herself. Nope. "Hey, um...nice to meet you." How many people lived here anyway? And where exactly was here? And...why didn't his appearance seem to phase Ashlee one bit? He took a step forward, but his legs buckled and he had to lean against the wall again. His face reddened slightly and he looked to Angel. "Guess maybe... I should get back in bed before I fall down." 

Once settled back in bed, propped up with pillows, he was able to hold the bowl of soup and take a few small spoonfuls. He looked to Ashlee and nodded. "Thank you." His head cocked a little as he studied her. His age? Maybe a little younger? Awfully cute. Seemed friendly enough. Did she live here? It sure would be nice to know just exactly what this place was and why his dad had brought him here. "So...you live around here?"

"Uh-uh." Garret shook his head at Nate's question. "Well...she usually hangs out in Russia. Spends her summers in Italy. She likes to kill people with exotic concoctions of poisons she's come up with herself." He shrugged matter-of-factly as if it was normal. "Every once in a while she gets bored and takes a case in the US though. My guess is she wanted a mini-vacation and volunteered for this job. And... she's probably halfway back to Europe by now." 

Dr. Hawks' eyes were wide as he glanced over to Nate. Who was this guy? "So...there's no catching her?"

"Probably not. At least not with the Elite's limited resources. All you can really do is keep a close eye out and hope she comes back to the US soon."


"Well, if you want to actually take her out."

Dr. Hawks blinked. Yes, this had to be the same man Justin had mentioned. "I see..." He turned to Nate. "Is...there anything else I can do for you?" 

"Of course." Mick nodded to Xander. "We'll do all we can to help you out. We're in this together now." He paused, lost in thought for a few moments. "Funny how things come full circle sometimes. How's life been treating you...really?"


As Travis comes out of the bathroom Angel looks up to him and smiles. He was looking better and though beaten there was more color to his face than before. That made her very happy.

   "You are definitely not crazy. I am your Aunt, and Wendy is here at the ranch too she is your cousin."

About to say more Angel falls silent as the door opens. Stepping inside Ashlee was carrying a bowl of soup.

   "I brought food from Rosetta. Hey Angel."

Ashlee gives a smile and a nod to Travis. They never were introduced but she new who he was. Putting the bowl on the table Ashlee walks back over to them.

   " Hey. I'm Ashlee, nice to meet you."

Getting Chances message Xander couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. His family would be with him soon and he was glad.

Hanging up the phone he breaths a sigh of releaf. Looking at Mick he smiles.

"Seems like they will be here soon for you to meet. Thank you so much Mick for letting us be here."

Sitting there with Garret the feed from the camera roll. Having Garret say he saw something  Nate backs up and pauses it. Looking to Garret with question.

   "Do you happen to know where we can find her?"

Nate than looks back Dr. Hawks. Some kind of lead was better than nothing. Garret had done a great job spotting that.

   "Good work Garret."


Travis nodded his thanks, then went and used the restroom. Looking himself in the mirror a few minutes later almost made his stomach churn. He had color in his face again... especially if you considered black and blue. He didn't remember everything, but the way he looked was a stark reminder of what had happened. 

Finishing up, he came back out and just stood, looking at Angel for a few moments, gaining a rather sheepish expression. "Um..." He ran a hand through his unruly hair. "So...I don't really remember a whole lot, and... I have a really foggy memory of like...my dad telling me you're my aunt." He leaned against the wall to steady himself, feeling his body begging him to get back into bed. 

"Am I... absolutely crazy or...?"

"I definitely don't deserve you." Con readily returned Jamie's affection, drawing her close while she sat on the counter. 

Finally pulling back, he sighed. He was exhausted and starving. And all he wanted to do was spend time with Jamie. He knew he should eat though, before it affected his mood. "Okay..." He gave her one last kiss. "Supper. Before I starve."

Pulling out a chair next to Xander, Mick glanced at the photos he was looking at. "Nice looking family." He smiled. "Bet they'll be glad to see you once they come. I'm sorry this situation changed everything for you." He knew the FBI situation would have actually been the clincher, but still, this hadn't helped any. "We'll do our best to help your family get settles again."

An incoming call to Xander interrupted them. It was Chance's voice on the other end. "Xander? We're on the road." They'd wasted no time - Chance had seen to that, and had worked like a trooper to get everything coordinated and loaded into the moving truck, which he was now driving. "I've got a close eye on your family - it's gonna take a bit but we'll be to the ranch soon so just sit tight."

Garret...that name rang a bell in Dr. Hawks' mind. Was he the man Justin had mentioned? "Follow me," he directed, I've got a room you can use.

A few minutes later,  they were in a small room with a couple monitors, playing back footage from the last week or so. "It's like looking for a needle in a haystack," Dr. Hawks admitted. "But if you can find something, great."

Within five minutes, Garret pointed to one screen and made Nate stop the footage. "There. Who's that woman?"

Dr. Hawks cocked his head. "I...don't know."

Garret nodded. "Natalie Fergus. Her expertise is disguise and poisons. She's the one who killed the girl. I'd bet my life on it."

Just Yell

Seeing Travis up and moving around Angel could not be more happy. She'd been keeping an eye on him almost none stop only dozing here and there. She had been so worry leaving him alone was not an option. Pointing over to the corner she smiles.

   "Right threw that door. If you need anything just yell."

Bring thrown over Con's shoulder Jamie let's out a squeal before laughing again. He actully just made a joke about his hearing loss? That was new, he never did that. That was one thing that was all sensitive with him. Had he really changed, just like that?

   "No that just means I can complain more."

Being put down on the counter Jamie drape her arms on Con's shoulder leaning her head aganst his. He still amazed her, and she still felt like she was the lucky one. She remembered a time when she didn't even think she would make it to this point in life. The Agency had taken her and life seemed so far. But here she was now.

   "Lots of pashent."

Jamie's places a kiss on Con's forehead.

   "Lots of love."

Another kids on his nose.

   "And the fear of my parents hunting me down if I didnt. You are there favorite son in law after all."

A kiss to the lips that lingers a moment before pulling away again.

Xander sat at the table in the mess hall. Not many people were in there anymore but he didn't mind. Taking a sip of his coffee he pulled his wallet from his pocket. Taking out his Agency access card be outs it down on the table. What would like be like now? Would he still be able to help the Elite. What of his family?

Opening the folded picture four faces smiled back at him. It was those faces that got him through the hard days and oh how he missed them more than anything else. Were they well? Chance had promised to keep them safe. He believed that, but still he was there too. Would they be able to join him soon?


Travis mustered up another half smile, even though he had no idea who Rosetta was. He really could hardly remember much of anything since being rescued - but knowing his dad was right there helped calm his nerves...besides being too sick to really care. "Okay...thank you."

Most of the day he spent sleeping as his body continued to battle his fever. By noon, his temperature spiked dangerously high, leaving him even weaker. But by the grace of God and Angel's steady care, slowly his temperature started to fall through the afternoon. Lane never left his side, until someone insisted he go rest since he had hardly had any sleep himself. Travis was in good hands, and he needed rest before he got sick too.

Evening. Most people were in the dining hall eating, leaving the ranch quiet. Though everyone was still on high alert, all was quiet. Back at Angel's, Travis opened his eyes and glanced around the room. Swallowing hard and sitting up a little, he grimaced. It hurt. Everywhere. Worse yet, he was soaking wet along with the bed sheets, leaving his skin cool and clammy. The fever had broken.

With a clearer mind, he managed a sip of water himself, and tried to get his bearings. The last two days were awfully foggy and he wasn't quite sure exactly where he was. But it felt...safe. Needing to use the bathroom, he rolled himself out of bed, taking a moment to steady his shaky legs. He was still so sore from the beatings, and his illness had left his muscles weak. He made it across the floor though, and around the corner where he spotted Angel at her desk. "Um..." He tried to clear his throat. "Is there a bathroom...I can use?"

"Okay, good." Keeping his arms around Jamie, Con got up off the couch, and without warning, swung her up into his arms, then over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before marching towards the kitchen. "Now...let's see where this food is."

Getting into the kitchen, he reached around to tickle her ribs. "Don't bother complaining," he warned. "I can't hear you anyway." 

He didn't torture her too long though, before finally setting her down to sit on the counter where he gazed down into her eyes. Oh, how he loved her. "How do you put up with me, hmm?" His palm came to rest on the side of her face. "Thanks for never giving up on me." 


   "You are not a bother at all. This is why I became a doctor to help people."

Angel gives a smile to her nephew placing the cup back on the table and helping him adjust to what was comfortable.

   "I'll have some more broth come in and you just eat what you can. Slowly though since your stomach is not use to food."

Being starved was not a fun thing and eating slow, and light was even more frustrating when you were so hungry but it was a must.

   "Once your stomach can handle that you'll really get to taste some of Rosetta's good homemade cooking and I promise you, you won't be disappointed."

Jamie enjoyed the kiss and just basked in it. She wasn't going to let it pass by. To many times that had happened. Just letting her own emotions show just how much she had missed this.

Hearing Con's stomach growl again she can't help but break the kiss with laughter. Her eye sparkles bright and she continued to look down at her husband. She was happy she had waited up tonight for him.

   "Oh I guess since I'm going to play hooky tomorrow after you feed that monster of a stomach we can resume these shananagins. "


Grateful for Angel's help, Travis took several sips of the cool water before letting her take it away again. He wasn't sure water had ever tasted so good. Leaning his head back in his pillow, he swallowed and winced, but tried to give Angel a little smile anyway. 

"Total crap," he croaked hoarsely. "That 'bout sums it up." He didn't understand why he was so sick, but it hurt trying to figure it out. He tried to talk again, but his voice was almost completely gone. Trying again, he managed, "I don't feel like...like eating...but I'm hungry." He knew that didn't makes sense, and gave her an apologetic look. He didn't mean to be difficult. He just wasn't so sure he could keep anything down, but he still hadn't gotten hardly any food in himself since almost being starved. 

His eyes fell shut as his body tried rest, but he forced them open again. "Sorry," he mumbled a whisper. "I don't...don't wanna be a....bother."

Con wrapped his arms around Jamie and held her close, just soaking up her sweet affection. He pulled back for a moment to see her eyes. "I'm sorry," he apologized softly. "I didn't realize I'd been so distant."

His hands gently rubbed her back. "You've been so patient....thank you." Slipping a hand behind her head, he brought her face close to his again to resume his kiss to her lips, allowing it to linger and deepen, expression just how much he did love her, even if he hadn't shown it enough lately. His legs hooked around hers playfully to keep her from going anywhere. As his stomach growled again though, a laugh broke his kiss and he smirked up at Jamie. "Dang stomach doesn't want me to have any fun. If I eat something, can we pick this up where we left off?" His eyes twinkled with humor.

total crap

Morning had come and Angel got very little sleep but enough to keep her going. On her way to check on Travis once again she saw him reaching for the glass of water and a small smile formed in her lips. He might not have much strength but he was moving and that was good.

   "Here let me get that for you."

Grabbing the cup and handing it to Travis she let him take some sips before returning it to the table. She hoped this was the end of it and he could start building his strength back now.

   "Other than total crap, how are you feeling? Good enough to get a little food in you?"

Bring rolled over onto Con Jamie just let it happen enjoying this little extra time. It felt nice, it felt refreshing and if he didn't want to end it so be it.

   "It's felt longer than that. You've been pretty distant."

Leaning down and pressing her lips to his her one free hand found Con's hair. Just running het hand though it even after she stopped the kiss she wanted to soak up this moment.

   "I've missed you in more way than one. Even through I was pashently waiting. I could never give up on you, never give up on our loveyou, yare everything to me."

Placing her lips to Cons once more Jamie deepened her kiss. She hoped this was here to stay.

Can Wait

Feeling the cool cloth on his head, Travis closed his eyes and tried to relax, even though it was hard. Angel's voice was so soothing, and at least now he was breathing half normally. 

Lane sat on the other side of the bed, his expression back to the pained worry he'd had at the start of all this. How could this have happened? Travis was going to be just fine, then this. Why couldn't they catch a break?

The evening dragged on, and so did the night. Travis had two more spells during the night where he woke up unable to breathe, once followed by a violent coughing fit that threw him into convulsions. Though scared half to death, Lane followed Angel's every direction, helping Travis pull through. By morning, it seemed all breathing issues had passed, and now it was the high fever that was left...

Morning sunlight created a warm glow inside Angel's office. Lane still sat on one side of the bed, leaning forward with his head resting on his arms on the mattress, too tired to stir yet. 

Travis' eyes fluttered open, and he tried to make out his blurry surroundings. His head was hot and pounding, and his throat felt like he'd swallowed sandpaper. He ached from head to toe, like the flu only ten times worse, and his clothes were soaked in sweat. Opening his mouth, he tried to talk, but no sound came out. But with no energy, he gave up quickly. 

Spying a glass of water on the nightstand, he stretched out his fingers but just couldn't quite reach it. Just letting his arm rest, he gave that up too, even though he was so thirsty. 

"Mm, I don't know... I kinda feel like staying here." Con dropped from his elbows, intentionally squishing Jamie into the couch under his weight. Still grinning, he returned to kissing her lips, just enjoying a sweet moment or two with her.

"Food can wait," he murmured. Rolling over and taking her with him, he switched places with her, now holding her on his chest. "Feels like I've been gone ten years instead of a couple days," he mused softly. "Have I been that bad lately?"

Gotten into you...

Seeing the mark on Travis arm Angel thinks for a long moment. Did they have something for Agency poison still? It had been so long ago. She was sure they made some more just in case.

   "It's been a long time but I think we might have something."

Leaving the two for a moment Angel goes into her back room rustling around quickly. What if this was a different kind of poison, what if this wouldn't work? They wouldnt have time to research and try to figure out something better. All she could do was hope.

   "I found it. Pray this works."

Removing the antibiotics Angel hooks up the antidote in its place before checking the drop and increasing the flow. Looking down at Travis she said a silent prayer that his worked.

   "Keep breathing sweetheart. It's going to be ok."

Taking his hand in her own she ran her fingers over his taking her other hand and putting a cool washcloth on his head. She'd forgotten how scary this could be. Dang the Agency for giving a quick reminder about how they would never stop. She should of known, should of kept her own guard up.

  "Stay with us please....Travis. We just found you, we can't lost you already."

Jamie cant help but laugh, and than a little louder as Con tickled her neck with his kiss. Playfully slapping him she cant help but laugh more trying to wiggle out from undering him. She didn't hate this but she couldn't just give in. Returning the kiss its broken one more by his growling stomach and she laughs.

   "Something sure has gotten into you tonight...and as much as I like it, i better feed that stomach before it eats itself."

Leaning up Jamie kisses his lips before pulling away and just smiling up at him for a long moment she eyes twinkling like they use to so long ago. How she has missed this, and how happy not just for herself but for Con too that things went well and he was in a good mood.

   "I cooked a big dinner, and didnt eat it all. If you can kindly get off me, I can warm you up some. That's completely up to you though."


Now even more scared than before Travis tried to stay with it as Angel gave him another shot, then directed him. He did as he was told, still struggling to get air. He could breathe, but barely, and he was starting to get dizzy. 

Within seconds of Angel's call to the main house, Lane was sprinting across the driveway. Fear gripped his heart as he took the porch steps in one stride and quickly entered the building. "Angel? What is it? What happened?" One look at his son, and he was at the bedside. With Angel's explanation of what was happening - or rather, what she didn't know was happening - he racked his brain for answers. "I...I don't know what could have caused this." He set a hand on his son's shoulder. "It'll be okay, Travis, just stay calm, okay?" 

Travis nodded, although the fear showed in his eyes. He put a hand to his chest as he continued to wheeze. 

Lane continued to think. "You're not allergic to anything, are you? Travis?"

Travis had started to zone out, but fought to stay conscious before shaking his head. "Not...not that...I know of," he managed. 

Lane's gaze snapped back to his sister. "Could it have been something the Agency did? Before we went today, there was at least an hour without surveillance. What if they gave him something?" 

Travis's head was pounding, and his eyes started to roll back in his head. 

"No, no, Travis!" Lane gave him a short jolt. "Stay with us."

Travis blinked and kept trying to breathe. It took a few more seconds, but it did feel like he was getting more air now as the shot Angel had given him finally started to take effect. "So....hot..." 

Lane put a hand to his son's forehead and looked grimly at Angel. "I see you've got him on antibiotics, but what if this isn't your run of the mill infection? What if it's something else? Something more?" 

Travis's breathing finally began to calm, though his fear remained high. But turning over his arm, he showed Angel a very small mark. "I...I passed out," he explained weakly. "I thought it was...was just a tranquilizer...or...or something."

Lane looked at the needle mark and his blood ran cold. Agency poisons were nothing to play around with. "What do we do?" he whispered to Angel. "Do you have anything here that's been used in the past?"

Travis' hair was wet with sweat, and now that he could breathe again, chills returned tenfold and he shook all over, even when Lane pulled a second blanket up over him. 

Con smiled a little and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Jamie's ear. "Good. 'Cause I'd hate to be gone without being missed."

Gaining a mischievous glint in his eye, he stood - Jamie in his arms - then deposited her on the couch before piling on top of her and kissing her neck where he knew it tickled. Drawing back a little to keep his weight on his arms, he stared down at her with a silly grin. "Can you play hooky tomorrow?" He gave her another kiss to her lips this time. "So we can go somewhere?"

Without warning, his stomach growled - loudly - and his grin widened. "Did I mention I haven't eaten all day?"


Angel new Travis just wanted answers and she wished that those would come easy and they just didn't no matter who told him what. About to talk Angel felt Travis grip tighten on her arm and his words. Her mind started reacing on what was going on. This was not a sign of an infection not when she had him on antibiotics. This almost reminded her of an allergic reaction but what could of happened? She didn't have time to think. Going over to her locked cabnit she grabbed some meds and preped a needle before coming back over to Travis and giving him the shot. 

   "Deep breaths...in through your nose, out your mouth..slowly...breath."

Angel continued to watch him for a moment to make sure he was out before going to the phone on her desk and calling the main house. 

   "I need Lane to my office NOW!"

Being pulled up and put in Con's lap she couldn't help the small squeal that came from her lips that followed with a small look of surprise. Searching her husbands here there was somethig different. Not bad different, but there was a hint of the old Con once again that she had known.

   "Oh Con...I'm so proud of you. You saved that boys life, I new you would."

Leaning in Jamie gives him a soft kiss on the lips before pulling away and nuzzling her nose aganst his. She couldn't help the welling feeling in her heart. It had been a long time since Con had been playful, affectinit and she missed it.

   "I missed you very much too."

Uh oh

Travis accepted the ice, and readily sucked on some - it did feel good. He nodded slowly. More broth sounded good. He felt terrible, but his stomach was still hungry after missing out on so many meals.

Forcing himself to keep his eyes open, he studied Angel for a few moments. It was hard - he knew he wasn't completely lucid, but he couldn't control it, which left him in a strange, foggy state of mind. "I just...I just wanna know what's...really going on." He shivered. "I don't...understand any of it."

Pausing, he frowned, his brow furrowing. Suddenly straightening up, he started to wheeze, and he gripped Angel's arm. "I can't..." He gasped for air. "Breathe..."

"Mm...it went okay." Con leaned over to pull Jamie up, and turned her to slide her onto his lap, and wrapped her in his big arms. After kissing her lips, he buried his face in her shoulder and sighed deeply. "We got the boy out. One Agency operative is dead. Nobody else was hurt." 

He stifled a yawn. "Been a long time since I've pulled off a shot like that. I dunno...felt kinda good to do something right for once." 

He nuzzled in closer. "Missed you though."

Ice Chips

Getting Travis back into bed, and hooked up Angel gave a gentile pat to his arm. He had been though so much already she felt so bad for him. Hopefully things would start getting better now. He was in good care here.

   "I know you do. You have an infection starting to set in but I am taking car of that now. You should start feeling better real soon."

Going to the other side of the room Angel scoops some ice with a cup and brings it back to Travis handing it too him. This would be better than anything else at the moment.

   "Here are some ice chips for you that you an suck on to help with your dry mouth ok? In a little bit I think someone is going to bring some more broth for you if you feel hungry."

Sitting on the side of the bed Angel gives his am a soft pat. There was so many things she wanted to talk to him about to get to know him but new it best left for when he felt better.

   "Do you need me to get anything else for you?"

Opening her eyes slowly and seeing Con Jamie couldn't help the tired smile that spread across her face. She sure had missed him while he was gone, and head been worried when he hadn't texted her back this afternoon. Seeing him now though it was like a breath of fresh air.

   "Hey...I was getting worried."

Deep down she new he was ok, but that still didn't mean she worried about him.

   "How did everything go?"

Don't feel right

Carson listened quietly, digesting Herb's words. He knew his friend was right. He did need to talk to Misty. He was just so scared of making the wrong move and upsetting her that he avoided trying to say what was on his mind. What if she didn't like what he had to say? Then again...it couldn't get much worse than it had been before. And he'd made it this far.

"Thanks, Herb. You're probably right. I guess I'm just being a coward." He shrugged. "Maybe I'll try to sit down with her tomorrow or something. I guess even if I just know where I stand, it would be better than what I've got now."

Travis squinted up at Angel, desperately trying to think through his mind's fog. He didn't feel good at all, and just would rather stay right here on the floor. But enough good sense made its way to the surface that he slowly nodded. "Okay." 

With Angel's help, he got back in bed, and didn't fuss when she hooked him up to an IV. "I'm thirsty," he mumbled. "And my head hurts." He licked his dry lips. "I don't....don't feel...right."

It was late, and Con's phone had died two hours earlier, which meant Jamie was probably still up, and probably a little worried about him. Letting himself in the front door, he deposited his bag in the hall before wandering to the living room where there was a light on. Sure enough, Jamie was there, although it looked like she'd dozed off while watching television. 

After just watching her for a few moments, he came close and eased down on the couch, gently rubbing her arm. "Hey... I'm home."