

Travis mustered up another half smile, even though he had no idea who Rosetta was. He really could hardly remember much of anything since being rescued - but knowing his dad was right there helped calm his nerves...besides being too sick to really care. "Okay...thank you."

Most of the day he spent sleeping as his body continued to battle his fever. By noon, his temperature spiked dangerously high, leaving him even weaker. But by the grace of God and Angel's steady care, slowly his temperature started to fall through the afternoon. Lane never left his side, until someone insisted he go rest since he had hardly had any sleep himself. Travis was in good hands, and he needed rest before he got sick too.

Evening. Most people were in the dining hall eating, leaving the ranch quiet. Though everyone was still on high alert, all was quiet. Back at Angel's, Travis opened his eyes and glanced around the room. Swallowing hard and sitting up a little, he grimaced. It hurt. Everywhere. Worse yet, he was soaking wet along with the bed sheets, leaving his skin cool and clammy. The fever had broken.

With a clearer mind, he managed a sip of water himself, and tried to get his bearings. The last two days were awfully foggy and he wasn't quite sure exactly where he was. But it felt...safe. Needing to use the bathroom, he rolled himself out of bed, taking a moment to steady his shaky legs. He was still so sore from the beatings, and his illness had left his muscles weak. He made it across the floor though, and around the corner where he spotted Angel at her desk. "Um..." He tried to clear his throat. "Is there a bathroom...I can use?"

"Okay, good." Keeping his arms around Jamie, Con got up off the couch, and without warning, swung her up into his arms, then over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before marching towards the kitchen. "Now...let's see where this food is."

Getting into the kitchen, he reached around to tickle her ribs. "Don't bother complaining," he warned. "I can't hear you anyway." 

He didn't torture her too long though, before finally setting her down to sit on the counter where he gazed down into her eyes. Oh, how he loved her. "How do you put up with me, hmm?" His palm came to rest on the side of her face. "Thanks for never giving up on me." 

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