
Just Yell

Seeing Travis up and moving around Angel could not be more happy. She'd been keeping an eye on him almost none stop only dozing here and there. She had been so worry leaving him alone was not an option. Pointing over to the corner she smiles.

   "Right threw that door. If you need anything just yell."

Bring thrown over Con's shoulder Jamie let's out a squeal before laughing again. He actully just made a joke about his hearing loss? That was new, he never did that. That was one thing that was all sensitive with him. Had he really changed, just like that?

   "No that just means I can complain more."

Being put down on the counter Jamie drape her arms on Con's shoulder leaning her head aganst his. He still amazed her, and she still felt like she was the lucky one. She remembered a time when she didn't even think she would make it to this point in life. The Agency had taken her and life seemed so far. But here she was now.

   "Lots of pashent."

Jamie's places a kiss on Con's forehead.

   "Lots of love."

Another kids on his nose.

   "And the fear of my parents hunting me down if I didnt. You are there favorite son in law after all."

A kiss to the lips that lingers a moment before pulling away again.

Xander sat at the table in the mess hall. Not many people were in there anymore but he didn't mind. Taking a sip of his coffee he pulled his wallet from his pocket. Taking out his Agency access card be outs it down on the table. What would like be like now? Would he still be able to help the Elite. What of his family?

Opening the folded picture four faces smiled back at him. It was those faces that got him through the hard days and oh how he missed them more than anything else. Were they well? Chance had promised to keep them safe. He believed that, but still he was there too. Would they be able to join him soon?

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