
Ice Chips

Getting Travis back into bed, and hooked up Angel gave a gentile pat to his arm. He had been though so much already she felt so bad for him. Hopefully things would start getting better now. He was in good care here.

   "I know you do. You have an infection starting to set in but I am taking car of that now. You should start feeling better real soon."

Going to the other side of the room Angel scoops some ice with a cup and brings it back to Travis handing it too him. This would be better than anything else at the moment.

   "Here are some ice chips for you that you an suck on to help with your dry mouth ok? In a little bit I think someone is going to bring some more broth for you if you feel hungry."

Sitting on the side of the bed Angel gives his am a soft pat. There was so many things she wanted to talk to him about to get to know him but new it best left for when he felt better.

   "Do you need me to get anything else for you?"

Opening her eyes slowly and seeing Con Jamie couldn't help the tired smile that spread across her face. She sure had missed him while he was gone, and head been worried when he hadn't texted her back this afternoon. Seeing him now though it was like a breath of fresh air.

   "Hey...I was getting worried."

Deep down she new he was ok, but that still didn't mean she worried about him.

   "How did everything go?"

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