

Though Eric was glad Stacy didn't blame him for his reaction, he still knew he'd been wrong too. He doesn't argue with her though, not having much time before she speaks again. 

Just listening quietly, Eric's heart sinks a little. Ashlee's father had called? Of all the nerve... No wonder Stacy had been so upset. She was right - that guy had no right to see Ashlee now. Not after abandoning them and all of his fatherly responsibilities. It was despicable as far as Eric was concerned. People like Rich ought to be strung up by their fingernails.

Realizing that there was something else in Stacy's voice... withheld tears, perhaps? Eric's anger against Rick is quickly replaced by a deepening sorrow for Stacy. Here she was apologizing all over again, when now Eric understood completely. It all made sense now and... he felt rather rotten. 

Allowing a short pause of silence after Stacy is finished speaking, Eric suddenly pulls Static to a halt. With his arm still around her waist, he could feel her hand on his, and he wonders why it created the little flutter in his chest. 

"I am so sorry." His voice is quiet... so gentle compared to earlier. "I... should have known you didn't mean what you said." 

He swallows hard, fighting against any remaining pride. "When... when you yelled at me, it, um... it really hurt my feelings... a lot. You probably didn't even know you found the worst buttons of mine to push. It's my fault I'm so sensitive... I've been called stupid a lot in my life but I guess I ain't figured out how to handle it too well." 

Static shifts restlessly and Eric pauses to settle him down before speaking again. "How I reacted wasn't okay and it wasn't right, no matter how hurt I felt. My actions..." He could kick himself now for that angry kiss. "...were highly inappropriate, and I apologize for stepping over that line. If I would have known why you were so upset I... well, I never would have done that." 

As they remain still in the path, there's a sudden dim light that spreads, and Eric's eyes glance up to realize that the clouds were beginning to part. The sky was a dark gray color, the sun having already gone down. The stars would be visible soon. 

Returning his gaze to earth, he feels a bit awkward all of a sudden, feeling every bit of Stacy that was tucked in his arm. "Are... are you really okay?" He wasn't worried about her head anymore, it was her heart that concerned him now.

Burning Tears

Seeing that she would be riding on the horse Stacy was a bit nervous but knowing Eric would be riding with her helped her calm a little. She did trust him, and new in his hands she would be safe. and she had never thought differently though her words not so long ago said so.

Having Eric get on the horse behind her Stacy helps him get comfortable and as the horse starts forward with a little jerk her hand instantly finds his as she holds on. Leaning back just a little she does her best to stay calm. She'd never ridden before so this was something completely new for her and she admitted she was nervous.

Continuing along the path the silence was so awkward till finally Eric spoke. Hearing that he was sorry sent another pang to Stacy's heart. It was really clear to tell that she had hurt Eric very much and she hated the thought of that. 

   "No, No you had every right to act the way you did. I attacked you and you were just trying to defend yourself. There is no harm or fowl play in that."

Letting the silence linger again Stacy looks to the side watching the scenes go by. Riding on a horse was  so much different than anything else. There was more time to look and enjoy everything that was going on around you. Never would she have guess it would be this nice.

Giving a small sigh Stacy doesn't give much warning to Eric as she continues to talk once again. She wasn't sure why but she felt the need to continue telling Eric why she had been so mad. She didn't like that she was upset with her even if he had every right.

   "Before I had come to see you..I'd just gotten off the phone with Rich. He wan't to start seeing Ashlee and I told him no. In fourteen years he never even tried to see her. He never was there the say she was born what right would he have now. We got in a big fight over it and it ended with him saying he was going to take me to court over it."

Even now talking about it Stacy could feel the tears burn in her eyes. It still made her so angry.

   "It's not an excuse to have gotten upset with you, I should not have taken it out on you at all and for that I was very wrong. Your a great guy, and everything I said was mean, and a lie. I didn't mean any of it."


Though Eric was concerned to hear that Stacy had been unconscious, he was glad that she seemed to be feeling better now. Going to respond, he stops as she continues. 

Her apology comes as a surprise, though his expression still didn't change much. She... hadn't really been angry with him? Then why had she said those things? Why had she called him stupid and deliberately taken a stab at his intellect? Who else had she been mad at, and why? 

He really wasn't sure how to feel. He wanted to forgive her. He wanted to just forget the whole thing. But he still couldn't deny the lingering sting that he still felt inside. It wasn't just his pride that had been bruised. Whether she knew it or not, she'd attacked his feelings and they were still a bit tender. 

Sighing, Eric takes his bandanna out of his back pocket and licks it before reaching out and rubbing some blood off her forehead to look at the cut better. It didn't look too awful deep. "You're welcome." 

Putting his hand under her chin, he tilts her head back a little more and looks at her eyes, moving a finger back and forth to check and see how her vision tracked. She appeared to be fine. Just a little shaken. For a moment though, his fingers remain under her chin and he studies her eyes for longer than need be. She was telling the truth. There was genuine remorse there. But why then had she said those mean things? 

Backing away, he doesn't respond to her apology, but turns to the saddlebags again for the walkie-talkie. "Mick, Sparky - I found her. She's alright. Four-wheeler's gonna need some work, but Stacy's okay." 

This time it was Sparky who responds. "Nice work. You need help?" 

"Naw. I'll bring her back. Head back to the ranch and be sure to tell Ashlee her mom's okay. I'll see you there." Tucking away the walkie-talkie once more, Eric tucks his bandanna back into his pocket and reaches out to guide Stacy nearer Static. He knew she'd never ridden before, but this was their only way home - he was not going to walk all the way back to the ranch, especially when it was starting to get dark. 

Giving Stacy a once-over, he takes a couple moments to adjust both stirrups to a shorter length before patting the saddle seat. "Come on. Left foot in the stirrup and swing yourself up." He wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Helping her with a little boost, he holds Static steady, waiting until Stacy looked halfway balanced. Without warning, He grabs hold of the saddle and swings up behind her in one motion. Adjusting his weight over Static's hindquarters, it wasn't the most comfortable seat, but it would do. 

Slipping one arm around Stacy's waist to hold her steady, his other hand remains on the reins. A little nudge with his legs and Static starts forward at an easy walk. 

Keeping Stacy tucked closely to him, Eric can't help but wish there had been no argument at all. Maybe then this evening would be much different. Maybe then, his arm wouldn't be around her only to help her balance... or was there more to it now anyway? 

He swallows hard, feeling his pride beginning to slip. Guiding Static along the path, he finally sighs. The silence was murder. "I'm sorry too." It was a late response to her apology, but he meant it. "I shouldn't have acted like I did. I just..." Did he dare open himself up again? No... no, not yet. "I was upset," he ends lamely.

Shinning Armor

Letting out a long sigh Stacy puts her head in her hands. Her head really hurt and she was tired but only from the stress of what was going on. Hearing something though Stacy looks up and spots the horse and rider coming near. Not knowing who it was Stacy stands and walks forward a little bit. 

Seeing it was Eric Stacy was a bit surprised. After what had happened the other day he would be the last one she expected to be here. She had been rotten to him and yet here he was...looking...as good as ever. 

As he his mounts and steps forward a little bit Stacy gives a smile smile and cocks her head a little bit. He looked extra good today maybe because he was the night in armor at the moment or maybe it was he always looked good and she just not noticed.

   "I definitely have been worse. I...I wasn't paying attachen and I hit that downed tree. Was knocked out for I dont know how long but I'm up and moving. Thats a good thing. Just a little disoriented at the moment."

Looking up at Eric Stacy's heart thumped. She remembered the kiss the other night, it was out of anger but she still remembered it. And now having Eric standing there she yearned for another one. But first she owed Eric something else, and she new she had to or it would eat her away inside.

   "Eric, thanks for coming looking for me. And...I'm...I'm sorry about yelling at you the other day. I shouldn't have, I was wrong and in no way was I angry with you. I let my anger for someone else get the best of me and...I took it out on you. I wanted to say that last night but...I didn't."

Simple Question

Eric stops Static for the umpteenth time to scan the area. Standing up in his stirrups, he looks across the clearing, his eyes squinting as he strains to see as far as he can. Nothing. Still nothing. He'd ridden clear out to the edge of camera line and had seen no sign of Stacy. 

Sighing, he sits back again and retrieves his walkie-talkie from his saddlebag. "Hey, Mick? Sparky?" 

Mick's voice crackles back several seconds later. "Eric?" 

"Yeah. Anything?"

"Nope. Thought I saw tracks once but I haven't even seen the missing four-wheeler. Sparky hasn't either." 

Eric gives a little growl. "Alright. What's your plan?" 

"Not sure. I'm getting worried. Stacy's not back at the ranch either." 

"You thinking foul play?" 

"Either that or an accident."

"Well I'm not gonna stop looking til we find her."

"Me neither. Keep in contact."

"Yeah." Eric puts the walkie-talkie away again and looks one more time across the clearing. "Stacy, where are you?" he asks aloud. Mick was worried... and so was he. He really didn't think it was the Agency... not without some other sign or taunting that they had her. What he feared was an accident. Even if Stacy knew which way she was going, the terrain could be rough on the trails in spots. 

For a moment, Eric remembers their brief but heated argument. The words she'd said to him. The words he'd said to her. The angry, passionate kiss.

His pulse quickens slightly. He could still taste her returned kiss. He could still feel the way her arms had slipped around him right before he'd yanked himself away. He'd been on fire. And confused. 

He was still confused. 

Static chomps at his bit and paws at the earth, anxious to get moving again, and bringing his rider's mind back to the mission at hand. Eric shakes his head and readjusts his weight in the saddle. "Alright, come on." Steering his mount back towards the path, once they reach the trees, he pulls to a stop again. He saw nothing. No sign of anything. 

"Well, my friend..." He pats Static's neck. "Let's go left this time." 

Riding for a short while longer, Eric is just about to turn around, when something catches his eye. There was a downed tree up there and... His adrenaline kicks in. An upturned four-wheeler. 

Urging Static forward at a lope, he approaches quickly, sliding to a stop in front of the small wreckage. Looking around wildly, it only takes a moment to finally spot Stacy nearby sitting on a tree stump. Relief washes over him as he sees her stand. She was up and walking. Thank God.

Eric steers Static around the tree and slowly walks him up to Stacy, pulling his horse to a stop right near her. Just looking down at her silently for several long moments, his relief is hidden well behind his unemotional expression. She probably wished for anybody but him to find her. Anybody with more brains than he had. 

Finally dismounting, he covers the couple steps to her and cocks his head, seeing the dried blood on the side of her head. "You alright?"

Wake Up

Sitting in the mess hall Ashlee was at the table by the window. She new she didn't have to worry about her mom but she did. Maybe now she understood how her mom felt when she was missing. It just was not normal for her to be like this. Eric said it would be ok though so she trusted him. Now she just had to pay she was ok.

Slowly opening her eyes Stacy's head was splitting...what had happened. Seeing the over turned four wheeler she soon remembered. Had she been knocked out for long? She didn't know what time it was, or how long she'd been out.

Bringing a hand to her head she feels something wet. Bring her hand back down it was blood. Not a lot but enough to say she was correct in knowing she hit her head. Standing Stacy moves about just making sure she didn't have a concussion, her motar skills were still good. Everything seemed ok other than the wicked headach.

Looking around her Stacy isn't even sure what direction she had come from. She felt so turned around and lost. Glancing up at the sky she couldn't even us that to tell what direction go. It was so cloudy and over cast. Maybe if she just sat for a second and caught her breath everything in her head would straighten out a little better and she could head back or at least try and find her way.


Eric is just straightening out a mess of wire and recoiling it when Ashlee approaches. He tenses just a little, still unsure of how to act or what to say, lest something he did be taken the wrong way again. 

Standing and working as Ashlee asks if he's seen her mom, he concentrates on the wire in his hands. But when he looks up to see her face, he notices now the worry in her eyes and he realizes that this was more important than her just casually looking around for her mom. 

Pausing his work, he tips his hat back on his head in thought. "Well..." He glances around, trying to remember the last time he'd seen Stacy. "I thought she headed out early on one of the four-wheelers to check on a camera. At least that's what I heard Mick tell Dan. Coulda been that she had to fix something or it was further down the perimeter than she thought..." 

Starting to coil up more wire, he stops again, feeling badly that Ashlee looked so worried. It bothered him to see her concerned. Taking a piece of twine from his pocket to tie off the wire he already had wound up, he then takes off his gloves and stuffs them in his back pocket. "Come on... let's go see if the four-wheeler is back, okay?" The least he could do was help her out and make her feel better.

Heading for the garage near the barns, he makes sure Ashlee is following. Once there, though, there's still an empty spot where one of the four-wheelers was still gone. "Hmm." A small twinge of worry creeps up on Eric, even though he fought it. Stacy knew good and well how to take care of herself. There was no cause to get worked up. "Well..." He sets his hands on his hips and looks down at Ashlee. "Maybe she came back but just didn't put the four-wheeler away yet." It sounded a bit lame, but it was the best he had. He had no explanation of why Stacy was still gone. "Let's ask a few of the other guys. I'm sure somebody knows something we don't." 

Unfortunately, asking around only led to more questions. No the four-wheeler wasn't anywhere to be found. No, she hadn't planned to be gone more than a couple hours. No, she had not shown up for lunch earlier. No, she hadn't called.

"I hope she didn't run into trouble out there." Mick stands outside the barn and looks down the lane, wondering what could have kept Stacy out so long. There were lots of spots out in the woods and along the foothills that were dead zones as far as cell phones went, so maybe she had a perfectly good reason for still being gone and just hadn't been able to phone back in. They had long-range walkie-talkies, but she hadn't taken one with her. 

Eric frowns, not wanting to come up with any scary theories with Ashlee there. "My guess would be she had to fix a camera or something and it just took longer than she'd thought." 

"Maybe." Mick glances to Ashlee then back up to Eric. "Keep an eye out. If she's not back in another hour, I'll take another four-wheeler out and see what's up, just to be on the safe side." 

"Yeah, okay." As Mick walks away, Eric glances to Ashlee and gives her a small smile. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about."

...An hour later though, Eric wasn't so sure he'd been right. Stacy still wasn't back. The sky was overcast, and even though there was no rain predicted, it was going to get dark sooner this evening without the sun shining. 

Finished with his small tasks, Eric wanders to the lane once more and looks down towards the woods. Had Stacy really run into trouble? Even if she'd had problems with the four-wheeler, she should have been able to walk back in this amount of time. Unless she'd gotten lost. Eric knew she'd been in the near vicinity a time or two and she'd studied the ranch's map, but it was easy to get turned around out there. And there was also the chance of foul play. Unfortunately, that was always a chance around here. If the Agency wanted to take out the extra set of eyes, Stacy was the right one to target. But would they have gone after her? What if they were responsible for the broken camera and not the wind or an animal? 

A revving engine causes Eric to turn around as Mick rides up on the four-wheeler. "I'm heading out," Mick informs loudly over the sound of the motor. He taps the walkie-talkie on his belt. "I'll let you know what I find out. Sparky's going around the other way." 

"Yeah... okay." Eric waves him on, and watches until he'd disappeared around the bend. With both Mick and Sparky out there, surely they'd find Stacy and everything would be just fine. 

Glancing back to the dining hall where he'd told Ashlee to hang out in case her mom showed up, the twinge of worry returns. His eyes go back to the lane. He hadn't spoken to Stacy for two days and he was still upset with what she'd said to him. Despite that though... if anything happened to her... For some reason, his mind wanders to the couple evenings they'd stargazed from the hayloft. And the twinge of worry grows.

Making up his mind, Eric heads to the barn. Crosstying Static in the aisle, he's saddled up within minutes and back outside. 

"Hey, you taking off too?" Jim looks at him with concern. 

"Yeah, figured I would."

"You're gonna ride with that leg of yours?"

Eric's eyes narrow. "All three of the four-wheelers are out. But even if they weren't, I can still ride."

Jim backs off, knowing that look on Eric's face all too well. "Alright. Just be careful, huh?" 

"I always am." Swinging up into the saddle, Eric steers Static towards the lane at a fast trot.

"Okay, sounds good." Justin stands up and wanders the living room, glancing out the window to check on the dogs. "Um... if you wanna pack a lunch, I won't stop you. You know I'll eat anything of yours." He chuckles. "But if you don't have anything or don't have time, we can stop at the store. I'm good either way." 

Wrapping up the phone call, Justin finally lets her go and hangs up. Sighing, he stares at the silent phone. He was very glad Beth was going to join him on Sunday. And he was looking forward to it. But the thoughts about tomorrow still bugged him.

Jason leans back in his chair with his feet up on his desk, flipping through a file. The day seemed to quiet and he was getting tired. Or maybe it was just the late night he'd had last night. Either way, he wished he could call it in early.


Kaylee's squeal of delight breaks Jason's concentration and he puts his feet down, sitting up straight in surprise. "What on..." Before he can react, Kaylee is by his side, giggling and bouncing with excitement.

A smile creases Jason's lips and he picks her up, giving her a bear hug that makes her squeal all the more. "Kaylee!" Although the warm feelings deep down didn't quite register, he was going to act on them anyway. He knew he had to be excited to see his little sister, so he would act as such. And... it did feel... good, he thought. Setting Kaylee on his lap, he tickles her, making her squirm and laugh.

Cindy stands in the doorway, just watching and smiling. Those two had always had something special. She remembers when Kaylee was just a small baby and she'd found them both so peacefully asleep on the couch. It was an image she would never forget.

Looking up, Jason finally spots his mother and gives her a smile too. "Mom... I didn't expect you so soon."

Cindy enters slowly and shrugs. "I guess I needed a break from the ranch sooner than I thought. Since I booked a room at a hotel, I figured it would be okay if I just showed up."

Jason smirks. "It would be okay any time. You can stay at my place though, if you want, you know."

"I know." Cindy smiles and nods. "I was thinking of a hot tub." In truth, she really did just want some time alone. She knew she was always welcome at her son's house, but it would be nice to just have her own room and relax, and it would be fun for Kaylee too.

Jason chuckles. "Okay. Did you just get in then?"

"A few hours ago actually. We-"

"Trey!" Kaylee points towards the door.

Jason lifts his eyebrows. "Trey, huh?" He looks back to his mother. "Talk about him much?"

"I was just going to explain we saw him. I just came from downstairs."

Jason isn't sure he understands and he quits playing with Kaylee, letting her inspect the badge on his belt. "You just saw him? With Kaylee? After what happened last time?"

Cindy searches her son's face, hoping he would understand. "Yes. It was something I needed to do, and... it actually turned out pretty good this time. We had a nice talk and even had lunch together."

All of a sudden, the good feelings Jason had felt were replaced by negative ones. He wasn't sure what they were though. He felt... upset. But he didn't know why. He couldn't dissect what he was feeling to figure it out, and it was frustrating. His brow furrows. "You were here and just went straight downstairs?"

Cindy comes a little closer, trying to maintain the joy she'd gained by her time with Trey, while also sensing Jason was upset. "I didn't ignore you on purpose, if that's what you mean. But what would you have said if I'd told you what I was planning to do?"

"I woulda said yo were crazy."

"Yeah." Cindy gives him a gentle smile.

Jason remains skeptical. He'd found out about his brother quite a while ago, but he'd had no desire to interact with the Elite's arrogant resident, especially when it was so hard to process it all. Then he'd gotten sick and had been more focused on that than dealing with a twin. Rick had told him that Trey had found out about them being brothers but obviously that hadn't changed anything.

Cindy can read the confusion and mix of questions on Jason's face, and she's sorry. "You two have never spoken since you found out, have you?"

Jason's eyes lower and he toys with one of Kaylee's pigtails. "Just in passing... like a nod when we pass in the hall. We'd see each other all the time before I got sick but never talked, no. Since I've been back to work part time, I haven't seen him. I just hear him being talked about by Reese or Pete."

Cindy sighs deeply. "He thinks you don't want to get to know him."

"Well I don't."

"Why not?"

"He's..." Jason bites his tongue. He was going to say Trey was a jerk. Though they never interacted, he heard and saw all there was to around here. He knew all the reports, he knew where Trey had come from, and he'd seen his attitude. He knew how he'd treated Cindy their first time meeting. But all of a sudden, Jason wasn't just calling a stranger a jerk... he was calling his mother's son a jerk. And he couldn't say it to her face.

Not liking the way this was headed, Cindy opts to change the subject before her tears surfaced again. Coming around Jason's desk, she holds out her hands. "Come here."

Jason lets Kaylee slide from his lap and he stands up, offering an embrace to his mother. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "It's really good to see you."

"Ditto." Cindy rests her head on his chest and sighs deeply. "Are you okay?"

"Me?" Jason grins a little and pulls her away to look at her face. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

Cindy laughs. "Two worrywarts we are." She nods. "I'm okay. Really. I'm... missing... a lot.... but I'm okay." 

"Up! Up!" Kaylee jumps up and down, begging Jason to pick her back up again.

Jason's grin widens and he shakes his head. "Okay... but only because I love you." Scooping her back up again, he holds her upside down as she shrieks.


"What's the matter?" Jason rights her again and holds her close. "Is this better?"

Kaylee scrunches her nose and pats his head. "Tank oo."

Jason chuckles and kisses her cheek. "You're welcome."

Final Crack

Heading out early this morning Stacy takes the four wheeler into the woods and up a path. There was a camera that seemed to be out and it was more than likely just an animal or the wind but it was something she needed to fix. Though she new her task her mind was far away. Still thinking about Eric and how hurt he had looked so sad, He's turned away from her, not saying anything just slipping into his bunk. It made Stacy's heart break.

Snapping herself out of her though as something caught her eyes it was two late. The large tree branch in the path was there to damage and it did just that. Not being able to go anywhere Stacy can't swerve and hits it head on. Being thrown from four wheeler Stacy new she had been going to fast she new she should of been watching but there was nothing she could do now.

The last thing Stacy remembered was the impact of the tree before everything went dark. Her breath low, shallow, she was alive but trapped in the darkness while body tried to recover and make sure nothing was broken.

Coming out of the mess hall Ashlee spots Eric across the yard. It was odd her mom had been gone so long for one reason. If she ever was going to be this long she at least would of let Ashlee know but now she hadn't and it made her worry.

   "Hey Eric, have you seen my mom? She's been gone since this morning and I am starting to worry. I asked Mick, and Sparky but they haven't seen her either. I though maybe you've spotted her or something."

She couldn't help the worried look on her face as she talked to Eric. Someone had to know where she was or seen here. Some dark clouds loomed in the sky like it would rain soon. If no one picked up a trail now after the rain they wouldn't be able to either.

Beth gives a smile as she takes a spoon full of the fruit juice. It had been a long time since she'd gone to church and it was not because she was angry with God, or she though anything was his fault but it was more because of her fear of people. Now though something had changed and there was a tugging on her heart and she felt the want to go again.

   "Coming to Sunday school too sound great. I haven't been in a while and being able to go again will be nice."

Standing Beth take she bowl back to the sink and puts it into the soapy water just letting it soak for now. She was sure she'd have more by the end of the night and than she could just do them all together. 

   "I'll make sure to bring a change of clothes. Do you want me to pack the lunch or should we stop at the store after church?"

Once Cindy and Kaylee were gone Trey sinks down on his bed again. He's told Cindy depending on how the day fit him he would see her again but there was no harm in asking. He hadn't given her a hug before she left because he wasn't to sure he was ready for that. 

Cindy's words about being proud to have Trey as her son still rung in his ears. He brought no attachen to it but he'd heard and it send a feeling of warmth through his heart the finally crack being put into the wall and breaking them down. No one had ever said that to him before.

Reaching over on the nightstand Trey could feel some more tears roll out of his eyes. It was like a damn he couldn't stop . His heart ached, like a little child he wanted to run after his mother and sister and tell them not to leave. These feelings they were new, They hurt, they felt good and it only caused try to cry more. 

Laying own on his bed his back to the door he brings his knees up close to his chest and holds them. He didn't want to be alone but here he was. He didn't want to be around anyone at the same time but he longed for it. The tears just continued to come as his should shook. Till now he never relized how much in life he'd really missed out on.


Kaylee snuggles in close to Trey, hugging his neck. Pulling back a little, she looks at him inquisitively, as if wondering why he seemed, to her, happy and sad at the same time. In an attempt to make him feel better, she gives him a sloppy kiss on the cheek, then giggles. "Trey!"

Watching the interaction, Trey's tear did not go unnoticed by Cindy, and it takes all she has not to start crying herself. Reaching out, she places a gentle hand on Trey's arm, feeling him for the first time. She didn't know him. She didn't know what kind of man he was or what his past was like. She'd heard bad things. Things that would make her believe he was harsh and uncaring. A troublemaker who enjoyed it. But no matter what she'd been told, right here, right now, she saw something more. She saw a little boy who had missed out. A little boy who had been cared for, perhaps loved, but never given the truest love that said, "no matter what happens, I will always be here for you." His trust had somehow been betrayed by those close to him. He was a little boy who had a lot of hurt stored up inside, creating a bitterness that even he now despised. Cindy saw it. In that single tear. And in that moment, she didn't care what he'd done or what his past was like. It didn't matter. He was her son, and she loved him.

"I am... proud... to have you as my son." Her voice quivers slightly. "Would you be willing to see me again? I'll be in town for a little while."

Hearing Beth's offer to join him for church, Justin perks up. He'd been waiting for this... hoping for this. He knew Beth had, at one time, been quite close to God when she'd been younger. But so much bad had happened, that she'd perhaps searched elsewhere for answers. Justin often brought God into conversations, but never pushed. Not with Beth. She would have to come back in her own time, and Justin knew that. He honestly hadn't expected it this soon, though. However, he was thrilled.

"Well sure," he agrees. "That would be great. Sunday school is at nine... I usually go to that, then the main service is at ten-thirty. It's up to you what time you'd like to come. Just bring clothes to change since we'll be going out to the pond."

"You're kidding." Alec glares at the other guy working at digging the drainage ditch out by the highway. He spears the ground with his spade angrily. "I told him to back off."

"Yeah, well, that's not what Tony said. Word has it they're still seeing each other. You must not have roughed him up enough."

Alec's eyes narrow. "Must not have." Any guilt he had felt for beating up Tal was vanishing more quickly with each passing moment. He hadn't listened. He was still seeing Ryan. The nerve! Didn't he take Alec seriously? Or even Ryan? She knew what he was capable of. Then he remembers Trey. Alec wouldn't be able to take another late-night excursion and get away with it. He had no ally anymore. But that didn't mean he would have to give up. No.... no, his words to Tal would hold true.

"Hey! Get back to work!"

Alec swings a glare at the officer in charge of the road crew and steps back to begin digging again.

"So whatcha gonna do?" Lenny whispers hoarsely.

"Get me Cutter's phone number."

"Are you nuts?! He'll eat you alive."

"He's not gonna eat anybody," Alec retorts. "Handling him is like handling a baby. Just get me his number."

"He doesn't do nothin' for nothin.' What do you got for him?"

"I'll figure it out. I got somebody who owes me a favor. Cutter will get paid." Alec certainly did have a lot of people who owed him favors. But then, he'd been a whole lot busier when he'd been free before, than anyone knew. He hadn't been able to afford everything he'd had just because of a stupid little job. No... no, he'd been an avid gambler of illegal fights, races and more, knowing far too well how to play the right people... knowing far too well who to be "friends" with. And now when he was stuck and could do nothing on his own - he had people to call. Tal must be warned again. It was the only way. Getting rid of Tal was the only way Alec would ever have another chance at Ryan.

Eric ambles out of his bunk, still favoring his sore leg. It had been two days since getting kicked. The swelling had gone down and there was still a nasty bruise, but he knew it would only take a few more days and he'd be feeling better. For once, he'd followed Angel's orders. For once, he'd taken it easy instead of trying to do just as much work. For once, he hadn't cared about spending more time in his bunk than outside. He'd even skipped out on working with Ashlee yesterday, using his leg as an excuse. In realty though, he wasn't sure if Stacy even wanted him working with her daughter anymore. So for now, he avoided that conflict until he knew for sure. Although it might be hard to find out since he'd been avoiding Stacy altogether.

Stepping off his porch in the early morning light, he yawns and tucks in his t-shirt, pulling his suspenders up over his shoulders. It was chilly yet, but he had to throw down hay from the loft this morning, and he knew he'd warm up quickly. After that... well, he wasn't sure. He'd probably go get a cup of coffee once everybody else was done with breakfast, then maybe he'd go start working on that fence Mick wanted fixed.


The ride back to TJY was a quiet one but every once in a while Trey would turn around and peek around the seat with a silly little smile on his face to see Kaylee. Seeing her little smile and hearing her giggles seemed to warm Trey's heart a little more each time. He enjoyed just seeing that sparkle in her eye.

Getting down to his room Trey sticks his hands in his pockets looking back at her mother and sister. He wouldn't admit it out loud but he wished the time would last a little longer. Smiling at Kaylee he was expecting the goodbye but when she reaches out for him he was a little surprised.

   "I well...."

Looking to Cindy a little bit of nerves shown in Trey's eyes. He's never held someone so small before and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. Seeing her eyes sparkle though Trey can feel the corners of his mouth twitch as he takes his hands from his pockets.

Reaching out for Kaylee Trey puts one arm under her bottom and the other behind her back. It felt a little awkward but he did his best. Feeling the little arms go around his neck Trey leans his head down to rest against his sisters. She was ungrudging, took him for who he was, her little arms doing there best to wrap around him. More cracks on the wall formed as Trey just help her close a tear finally...finally rolling down his check...She accepted him.

Sucking on a peach Beth tried to deiced if Justin sounded disappointed or not. She though maybe in his own there was a bit of sadness but she wasn't quite sure. Just as long as he wasnt mad at her. If she had known he was going to ask her to do something she would of waited to tell Zach yes.

   "That sounds like a good plan to me. I could...always come to church with you too! Than afterwards we could just figure out what we are gonna do if you want. Might be easier."

Making he rounds Stacy once again like so many nights in the past finds her ending spot at the row of bunks. Eric's bunk was here too and tonight something pinged inside her heart harder than normal. Once calming down from everything that happened in the day she realized she had taken her anger for Rich out on Eric and she felt horrible for it. Now she found herself drawing closer to the bunk she needed to say she was sorry.

Seeing Eric come out she smiles he was still awake good. At least she wouldn't be waking him. But as he stops and looks in that direction she know he saw her and the look on his face was still less than pleased. Seeing him turn and slip back into his bunk Stacy could feel her heart drop. She had really hurt him and he was not yet willing to talk with her. 

Letting out a heavy sigh Stacy felt like complete crap but turns to head the other day. There would be another day she could say she was sorry. For now maybe it was best if she left Eric alone. Yet there was still this heavy thought in her heart, and a lump in her though. Dang him, Dang Rich he always found a way to mess up her life.