
Shinning Armor

Letting out a long sigh Stacy puts her head in her hands. Her head really hurt and she was tired but only from the stress of what was going on. Hearing something though Stacy looks up and spots the horse and rider coming near. Not knowing who it was Stacy stands and walks forward a little bit. 

Seeing it was Eric Stacy was a bit surprised. After what had happened the other day he would be the last one she expected to be here. She had been rotten to him and yet here he was...looking...as good as ever. 

As he his mounts and steps forward a little bit Stacy gives a smile smile and cocks her head a little bit. He looked extra good today maybe because he was the night in armor at the moment or maybe it was he always looked good and she just not noticed.

   "I definitely have been worse. I...I wasn't paying attachen and I hit that downed tree. Was knocked out for I dont know how long but I'm up and moving. Thats a good thing. Just a little disoriented at the moment."

Looking up at Eric Stacy's heart thumped. She remembered the kiss the other night, it was out of anger but she still remembered it. And now having Eric standing there she yearned for another one. But first she owed Eric something else, and she new she had to or it would eat her away inside.

   "Eric, thanks for coming looking for me. And...I'm...I'm sorry about yelling at you the other day. I shouldn't have, I was wrong and in no way was I angry with you. I let my anger for someone else get the best of me and...I took it out on you. I wanted to say that last night but...I didn't."

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