

Kaylee snuggles in close to Trey, hugging his neck. Pulling back a little, she looks at him inquisitively, as if wondering why he seemed, to her, happy and sad at the same time. In an attempt to make him feel better, she gives him a sloppy kiss on the cheek, then giggles. "Trey!"

Watching the interaction, Trey's tear did not go unnoticed by Cindy, and it takes all she has not to start crying herself. Reaching out, she places a gentle hand on Trey's arm, feeling him for the first time. She didn't know him. She didn't know what kind of man he was or what his past was like. She'd heard bad things. Things that would make her believe he was harsh and uncaring. A troublemaker who enjoyed it. But no matter what she'd been told, right here, right now, she saw something more. She saw a little boy who had missed out. A little boy who had been cared for, perhaps loved, but never given the truest love that said, "no matter what happens, I will always be here for you." His trust had somehow been betrayed by those close to him. He was a little boy who had a lot of hurt stored up inside, creating a bitterness that even he now despised. Cindy saw it. In that single tear. And in that moment, she didn't care what he'd done or what his past was like. It didn't matter. He was her son, and she loved him.

"I am... proud... to have you as my son." Her voice quivers slightly. "Would you be willing to see me again? I'll be in town for a little while."

Hearing Beth's offer to join him for church, Justin perks up. He'd been waiting for this... hoping for this. He knew Beth had, at one time, been quite close to God when she'd been younger. But so much bad had happened, that she'd perhaps searched elsewhere for answers. Justin often brought God into conversations, but never pushed. Not with Beth. She would have to come back in her own time, and Justin knew that. He honestly hadn't expected it this soon, though. However, he was thrilled.

"Well sure," he agrees. "That would be great. Sunday school is at nine... I usually go to that, then the main service is at ten-thirty. It's up to you what time you'd like to come. Just bring clothes to change since we'll be going out to the pond."

"You're kidding." Alec glares at the other guy working at digging the drainage ditch out by the highway. He spears the ground with his spade angrily. "I told him to back off."

"Yeah, well, that's not what Tony said. Word has it they're still seeing each other. You must not have roughed him up enough."

Alec's eyes narrow. "Must not have." Any guilt he had felt for beating up Tal was vanishing more quickly with each passing moment. He hadn't listened. He was still seeing Ryan. The nerve! Didn't he take Alec seriously? Or even Ryan? She knew what he was capable of. Then he remembers Trey. Alec wouldn't be able to take another late-night excursion and get away with it. He had no ally anymore. But that didn't mean he would have to give up. No.... no, his words to Tal would hold true.

"Hey! Get back to work!"

Alec swings a glare at the officer in charge of the road crew and steps back to begin digging again.

"So whatcha gonna do?" Lenny whispers hoarsely.

"Get me Cutter's phone number."

"Are you nuts?! He'll eat you alive."

"He's not gonna eat anybody," Alec retorts. "Handling him is like handling a baby. Just get me his number."

"He doesn't do nothin' for nothin.' What do you got for him?"

"I'll figure it out. I got somebody who owes me a favor. Cutter will get paid." Alec certainly did have a lot of people who owed him favors. But then, he'd been a whole lot busier when he'd been free before, than anyone knew. He hadn't been able to afford everything he'd had just because of a stupid little job. No... no, he'd been an avid gambler of illegal fights, races and more, knowing far too well how to play the right people... knowing far too well who to be "friends" with. And now when he was stuck and could do nothing on his own - he had people to call. Tal must be warned again. It was the only way. Getting rid of Tal was the only way Alec would ever have another chance at Ryan.

Eric ambles out of his bunk, still favoring his sore leg. It had been two days since getting kicked. The swelling had gone down and there was still a nasty bruise, but he knew it would only take a few more days and he'd be feeling better. For once, he'd followed Angel's orders. For once, he'd taken it easy instead of trying to do just as much work. For once, he hadn't cared about spending more time in his bunk than outside. He'd even skipped out on working with Ashlee yesterday, using his leg as an excuse. In realty though, he wasn't sure if Stacy even wanted him working with her daughter anymore. So for now, he avoided that conflict until he knew for sure. Although it might be hard to find out since he'd been avoiding Stacy altogether.

Stepping off his porch in the early morning light, he yawns and tucks in his t-shirt, pulling his suspenders up over his shoulders. It was chilly yet, but he had to throw down hay from the loft this morning, and he knew he'd warm up quickly. After that... well, he wasn't sure. He'd probably go get a cup of coffee once everybody else was done with breakfast, then maybe he'd go start working on that fence Mick wanted fixed.

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