
Wake Up

Sitting in the mess hall Ashlee was at the table by the window. She new she didn't have to worry about her mom but she did. Maybe now she understood how her mom felt when she was missing. It just was not normal for her to be like this. Eric said it would be ok though so she trusted him. Now she just had to pay she was ok.

Slowly opening her eyes Stacy's head was splitting...what had happened. Seeing the over turned four wheeler she soon remembered. Had she been knocked out for long? She didn't know what time it was, or how long she'd been out.

Bringing a hand to her head she feels something wet. Bring her hand back down it was blood. Not a lot but enough to say she was correct in knowing she hit her head. Standing Stacy moves about just making sure she didn't have a concussion, her motar skills were still good. Everything seemed ok other than the wicked headach.

Looking around her Stacy isn't even sure what direction she had come from. She felt so turned around and lost. Glancing up at the sky she couldn't even us that to tell what direction go. It was so cloudy and over cast. Maybe if she just sat for a second and caught her breath everything in her head would straighten out a little better and she could head back or at least try and find her way.

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