

Prince Charming? Katie actually...wanted... him to kiss her? Hunter can feel his pulse quicken slightly. What horrible spell must be broken? Would his affection help the sunlight enter Katie's world again? 

His finger continues to run softly up and down her cheek as he contemplates her suggestion. She was so beautiful. Everything about her. He'd thought so from the beginning. But especially right now. Maybe it was because she'd been asleep and was so peaceful looking. Or maybe it was because she trusted him enough to be lying here next to him without fearing his intentions. She seemed small... almost fragile... yet something he'd never want to harm. Would romantic affection spoil their friendship? Something told him it would only enhance it. 

Slowly leaning in closer, Hunter's eyes lock with Katie's. A thousand and one feelings seem to float on his gaze. Finally letting his hand glide from her face, he reaches his arm across her to position his face just inches above hers. "Would Prince Charming say no to Sleeping Beauty?" he asks quietly. A smile comes to his lips before they lower to Katie's cheek, kissing her softly. Sliding down, a trail of gentle, slow kisses moves to her neck then back to her cheek before finally Hunter's lips meet hers. He lets them remain for only a sweet moment before drawing back far enough to see her eyes again. 

"Did I break the spell?" he whispers.

Jason grins, glad he'd picked something Misty liked. For him, it really was hard to go wrong with Chinese food. He'd eat just about anything, loving most of it. Lately it seemed he had more of a hankering for something spicy though, which was what he got today. And when something at Tou Han's was marked as spicy, it really was. 

Taking a sip of coke in between bites to calm his burning tongue, he sighs with content. "Yeah, I'm pretty happy with most dishes too. A buffet... now that's what we ought to do sometime. Then we can both pig out on everything." 

Nodding, he licks his chopsticks, savoring the flavor. "So.... you heading home after work today, or you wanna do something?" He didn't want to pressure her if she'd just rather go home and rest. He really didn't want to go home and watch stupid television with Trooper, but he was going to let Misty lead on this one, not wanting to smother her.

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