
If you want...

Feeling the warm hand on her cheek Katie makes a soft noise. She was somewhere between being awake and being a sleep. Deep enough that it would take a moment to wake, but awake enough she could hear what was going on around her. 

Hearing Hunter's words Katie could feel a little cold shiver go up her back though now awake she still didn't move. Finally opening one eye she looks at Hunter before closing it quickly again. 

   "Didn't you know Prince Charming is meant to kiss the Princess to wake her up?"

Letting her smile grow a little more Katie opens her eyes and just looks up at Hunter. Not moving from her spot something about him just laying next to her seemed comfortable. Like she had no worry what his intention might be it was just comfortable. Not to mention incredibly sweet for not just haled off and kissing her. She might of slugged him for that one.

   "And a kiss breaks the horrible spell you know...maybe you should try and see if it works?"

Katie gives a grin soaking in how handsome Hunter looked at this moment. He always looked good but something about right here, right now just made him look extra good. Could of been the right out of the shower look, the scruffy look or maybe the light was coming in the window just right.

   "I mean that is...if you want."

Placing a hand over her stomach it had almost become second nature to do that now. Letting her grin grow even more her face lighted up at the same time. Misty had never planned on being a parent though the desire was always there. Now though it was completely different actually knowing she was going to be a parent and it was exciting.

   "Yeah I am eating for two and it gives me a reason to get fat."

Giving a laugh and going to sit down Misty leans back in he chair stretching for a second before reaching out and grabbing the food. It didn't take long as Misty dug into the food. It tasted so good she hadn't really realize how hungry she was till now.

   "When it comes to Chinese food there is not much I wont eat, however you picked food with the shrimp and broccoli, its what I like eating the most."

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