
You did

As Hunter moves closer Katie can feel her heart pick up its beating. It pounded so hard in her chest she thought for sure Hunter was going to hear it and if he didn't someone else might and come running wondering what it was. Looking up into his eyes Katie could see a million emotions even if she couldn't read them all. They only caused her heart to race even more her words a soft whisper as she smiled.

   "I don't think he would say no at all."

Feeling Hunter's soft kiss to her cheek and than to her neck Katie's smile grows a little more as she murmurs a small pleased sound. Having him than come to her lips for a very so soft kiss but one that still held much feeling to it Katie returns it as her on hand comes up to his arm and the other cradles his face. Just running her finger over his cheek, and than making its way to his own lips as he pulls away Katie cocks her head to the side the smile remaining. 

   "I think, the spell has been broken but you can never be to sure."

Bringing her hand to the back of Hunter's head and letting her fingers comb through his hair Katie gently pulls him twords her gentily pressing her lips to his once again just letting it linger a little longer than before. The emotions she felt when kissing Hunter were soft, but nice they felt...good and made her feel like a woman inside again. Had the spell been broken? Pulling away again her eyes twinkle.

   "I...felt that. It felt, warm, soft, and made me tingle. I think you really did break the spell."

Laughing at Jason's comment about pigging out on a buffet Misty could totally see them both doing it. Though she would be able to use the excuse of a baby to back her up. Setting her food down for a second and taking a swig from her bottle of water Misty looks across the desk at Jason. She was enjoying there having lunch with Jason and having lite conversation. It was nice.

   "Tonight, tonight...I don't have anything planned that I know of."

Taking her food again and leaning back in her chair Misty pops a peace of shrimp into her mouth than  licking the sauce off her lips. This really had been a good choose on Jason's part maybe he did know her better than she thought. 

Holding up her chopsticks and looking at Jason she cocks her head for a second just studying his face. His eyes...she could look into his eyes forever and never feel bored. 

   "Did you have something in mind to do tonight? I'm up for anything really. The only thing calling me after work is the couch and the tv. Doing that alone just...doesn't seem fun."

Misty really was enjoying spending time with Jason and having him around. It was nice to not have to be alone, and to talk with someone. She had Alec back at her place now but there was just something different about Jason and knowing he really enjoyed being with her made her feel that much better.

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