
New Events

Answering the door Beth smile at Justin. Her dress flowed down to the floor. It was new she bought for this night. Her hair pulled back with little baby breath in them. She wanted to look extra good tonight on her first day. Seeing Zach she new she picked right. 

   "Hey Hey...your looking sharp."

Not wasting much time Beth and Zach finally get to where they would eat and sit down. Chat is light and Beth enjoys herself though the conversation she had, had with Justin still weighed heavy on her mind. She'd had feelings for Justin for a long time but had abandoned them thinking he did not feel the same.  Her feelings did they still linger...the answer was yes and Zach...she liked him but was it just as a friend.

   "Zach...I have something I need to share with you because I only think its right I tell you. I just hope it doesn't rune the night."

Beth hoped Zach would take what she told next well, or at least understood. She didn't want to hurt him he was a good friend and she enjoyed his friendship very much. So it was not something she wanted to rune.

   "The other day Justin finally admitted to me that he liked me more than a friend. He wanted to hear me the same thing but I told him I could not because I had a date with you and I wanted to make sure anything I did fell was real."

Taking a sip of her water Beth searches Zach's face. This was odd for her trying to talk this out and explain how she felt. She'd never had to do this before and it felt so odd now.

   "I am having a great night with you, and I love your friendship. For a first day this had been perfect and I never would of wanted it any other way. But I...I think where it ends is just a friendship. I'm...sorry if I lead you on or went about this the wrong way I'm still new at this whole thing. Can...we still be friends?"

Just staring at Alec for a few long moments Misty wasn't sure what to say. She'd always seen something in Alec and for that reason she had been kind. Knowing what he had gone through and done now still there was something about him. Maybe it was the same something she had see in Carson oh so long ago that caused her to give him a chance. But now with everything that had happened could she trust another troubled Banks?

   "For heavens sake Alec come in before your cold turns into something worse."

Opening the door and letting Alec come in Misty brings him into the kitchen and works quickly to warm a cup of tea with some honey in it. It was always in her heart to give everyone a second chance...just because Alec seemed to follow in his brothers foot steps did not mean she should condemn him right away. After all he was still family at the moment.

   "Drink the tea and wait here for a moment."

Leaving the kitchen and going up the steps Misty goes into the spare bedroom and opens a box. It had some of Carson's clothing in it that she found tucked here or there that she was meaning to throw out but hadn't yet. They would come in handy now even if they were big. Before going down stairs she goes to the bathroom and grabs some cold medicine.

   "Here...some of Carson's old clothing you can put on and I can wash and dry the ones you have on now. Take some of this cough syrup than head down the hall. The bathroom is on the right and you can take a warm showed and change into dry cloths. I'll make you some soup and we can talk...ok?"

   "I've got to find my family...please...I need to find them, they need me."

Wes trashes in bed as nurses try to hold him still before he hurt himself. This had been the third episode like this and if he didn't watch it he was going to disturb his set leg once more.

   "Mr. Doe you need to calm down before you hurt yourself. We know you have a family and its a start but without knowing your name, or there name there is nothing we can do because we don't know where they are."

The Dr looks down at Wes his look full of sympathy for there was nothing he could do. Some might say it was post tramadic stress from one thing or another and the dr would have to agree. But without knowing what from completely there was no real way to treat it. There was only hope more would continue to keep coming back to him that could give them solid ground.

   "You don't understand my little girl she has to know her father...and my wife....she...she can't live without me. I have to go...let me go."

Ripping one of his arms free from the nurse Wes takes a swing but all it lands it a needle in his arm with something to knock him out. Keeping him calm was the only option and if this was how they had to do it right now till he was healed or remembered more than it was what they had to do.

Sitting out on the porch to her bunk Katie looks up at the sky. It was a night night out and it was quiet, crickets where the only sound and it was like a lullaby. It was moment like this Katie loves. But the quiet was soon broken to the sound to her phone going off for a text message.

Flipping open the phone and reason Katie grew concerned. Hunter had gotten into an accident? He said he wasn't hurt but how bad had it really been? Katie couldn't help the worry that coursed through her for her friend.

Letting her finger hover over the reply button Katie stops for a moment. Maybe a phone call was more personal. It could be better to, to just let Hunter talk to her and not through a text. Sometimes that was better. Dialing the number Katie waits till she hears his voice.

   "Didn't I tell you NOT to get in trouble while I was gone? I got you messaged...Whats been going on?"

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