

Not knowing what else to do, Alec numbly follows Misty's directions, silently coming in to stand dripping in the kitchen. The tea was a bit of a surprise, but he does as he's told and tries to sip the hot liquid in between coughs as she leaves the room. When she returns, seeing the clothes and hearing her orders, all he can do is stare at her for several moments. He'd wanted some help but... he hadn't expected this much kindness. It was humbling, to say the least. 

Accepting the clothes and medicine, he simply nods, afraid to talk lest he break down in tears right here. He didn't deserve any of this. 

Half an hour later, his cough had lessened a little bit from the cough syrup, the hot shower had taken the edge off his chill, and the dry clothes helped a lot too. The scent of soup made his stomach growl - he'd been living on cheap microwave dinners or fast food for way too long. 

Coming slowly back to the kitchen now cleaned up, it was even more obvious how thin and pale he'd become lately. Hanging his head, he sinks down into a chair before he collapsed from exhaustion. Staring at the table, he swallows, wincing as he does and he tries to stifle another cough. Now what? Carson would be home soon and he'd be kicked right back out again. If he didn't start talking now, he might never get a chance. 

"How come..." His words were raspy and forced and he stops to clear his sore throat. "How come you're so nice to me?" He didn't yet raise his eyes, but he needed to know. Sure, he'd come here looking like a drowned rat but that didn't mean Misty was forced to help him, let alone to this extent.

Sitting across from Beth at the nice restaurant, Zach had a feeling something was bothering her. She'd accepted his date with a smile, but... ever since picking her up, he'd just felt there was something... off. He couldn't have asked for a prettier date, let alone as fun. Beth was just so full of innocent life, he loved it. Seeing her dressed up and happy to be on a first date like this... he was honored to be taking her out. Yet now as she initiated a serious conversation, he feared that his feeling of something being wrong was about to be proven.

Listening quietly, Zach's eyes start on her own before drifting slowly to the table and to his water where his fingers played with the rim of the glass. So his original hunch about Justin had been right. They hadn't been dating but Justin was jealous and did have feelings for Beth. But having been assured by Beth otherwise... Zach had taken the steps beyond friendship. And now that open door was being closed in his face. 

Letting out a quiet but long sigh, Zach lets a pause linger for a moment before finally looking back up at Beth. He smiles, but it's obvious that it's forced. "Well...  at least I got the first date, huh? I guess I can always brag about that one." 

That didn't mean he wasn't disappointed though. Oh, it wasn't the end of the world, but he really had hoped for a nicer evening than this. He'd wanted to spend it all with Beth just loving her company and then when he took her home, he'd even thought he might just steal a small kiss. Not anymore though. No, that would now be highly inappropriate. As far as being friends...

Shaking his head, he chuckles softly. "I'll admit... I feel a bit stupid right now. I guess I thought if I just ignored that look in Justin's eye, that maybe it wouldn't really exist." He shrugs. "Can't win 'em all though." 

Leaning his elbows on the table, he studies Beth's eyes. "I don't mind being friends... as long as you don't mind me sometimes having to say no. It can take a guy a while to convince his eyes he can't look a girl the same way anymore." He loved Beth's company, but it might be hard to readjust his thinking if he spent more time with her. He'd just have to be more careful, that's all. 

He attempts another smile. "Thanks for telling me though. You have my respect for that. If, um... if you'd rather call tonight early though, we can. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

Just ready to head back into town, Hunter's a bit surprised to hear his phone ring. He'd expected maybe a text, but having Katie call him back... A little smile comes to his face. 

"You told me, but I'm a guy and have a thick head, remember?" He grins as he holds his phone to his ear, still straddling his bike.

"Not much is going on, other than me going to fast and watching another car blow up as a result." Though his voice was kidding, there was an underlying tone that warned there was more to what he was feeling about what he was saying. "I got a couple bumps and bruises but nothing too bad. The other guy... well, he'll be alright once he's out of the hospital." 

Hunter swallows hard, not having expected it to be this difficult to talk about. What was his problem? Shifting his weight, he tries not to let the pause linger too long and he forces a chuckle. "I guess the whole thing shook me up a bit but don't tell anybody - it might ruin my reputation." 

Wanting to avoid talking about it, he moves on quickly. "So enough about me, what about you? How's it going at the ranch and all?"

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