

Being pulled into Alec's lap Ryan doesn't mind it at all as she wraps her arm around his neck to make it a little more comfortable. Leaning into him Ryan accepts his kiss giving it her own passion in return as her hand finds the back of his head again.

As he pulls back Ryan's grin grows, going in for another kiss and than pulling back again, only to have him return once more, and pull away.

"Trouble, danger, sounds kind of fun if you ask me."

Bringing her lips to Alec's again Ryan deepens the kiss just letting if last for several moment before pulling away and kissing his nose, than his cheek, than making her way down to his neck, than back up to his ear nibbling on it a little. Her breath brushing across it.

"Danger is my middle name after all, and I think I like it that way."

Shifting a little again Ryan looks Alec in the eyes again for a long moment as she runs her hand long the side of his face once more. Her eyes dancing with his, the sparks being thrown back and forth till finally she brought her lips to his once more and letting the kiss last this time.

Hanging on tight to the end of the cart Destiny laughs and lets out a whoop of her own as the go shooting down the isles again. She couldn't remember the last time she had laughed so much as now that she was she was going to enjoy it.

Looking behind her a little Destiny see the course they are taking as well and gives a little shreek.

"May day may day may day.."

Coming to a stop right in front of the carts Destiny lets out a low breath happy that they hadn't crashed. Shooting the employee a glair though Destiny was not amused that she was being such a stick in the mud for them just having a little bit of fun.

Hearing Chances story Destiny dosn't skip a beat as she slips into the roll he was describing. Giving a nod to what Chances was saying agreeing with him that what he said was true.

"Your lucky this time lady. Next time watch that YOU don't make a scene. We might not be around to save you again."

As Chance turns the cart around and starts away again Destiny can't help the chuckle that escapes her lips. Giving a shake of her head once they were around the corner she lets her laugh out a little more.

"That was great! Did you see the look on her face? I though she was going to wet herself right there."


Having Karla scoot a little closer to him, Kip feels a strange little feeling in his stomach... a good one... something like butterflies, but not quite. And in this moment, he knew for sure that he and Karla would be okay. She was accepting him back... after his mistake, she was forgiving him. And he was bound and determined, not to make that same mistake again.

Leaning a little closer so their shoulders touched, he's happy to have his hand in hers, resting in her lap, and he gives her fingers a little squeeze. He might not want to admit it, but this whole new adventure was a bit scary to him too, so having her there with him felt really nice.

"Mmm." Kyle kisses the top of Alice's head and gives her a big hug. "I love you, too, Pepper... I love you, too."

Chance grins, imagining Destiny stuffing her mouth full of candy. A little chuckle slips out and it seems he wants to say something, but refrains. Scanning the shelf again, he grabs a big bag of M&Ms. "Small chocolates... but lots of them."

He winks at Destiny and throws the bag in the shopping cart. "Alright... fruit... candy... now that we have the essentials, we're ready to get the, shall we say... extras." Aiming down the aisle, he takes a run with Destiny on the end of the cart before climbing on the bar again and shooting towards the intersection. "Geronimo!"

Meeting the intersecting aisle, there's a store employee carefully stacking a pyramid of soup cans. Seeing the speeding cart coming towards her, she jumps back, dropping a can onto the floor. Chance's eyes widen as he realizes their collision course and he quickly slides back to the floor, his feet acting as breaks, bringing the cart to a stop right in front of the stack of cans.

The store employee gives a little gasp and she glares at Chance for the shenanigans. "Really," she hisses, "I would expect this from an eight-year-old."

Chance looks around them quickly as if looking for someone. "Well uh... I guess you better start expecting it from twenty-eight-year-olds too." He glances to the floor and nods at the runaway can. "I think you dropped something there."

"Move along, or I'll have to call management," she threatens.

"Hey, lady." Chance gains a look of irritation. "You wanna keep it down? I happen to be on a very important mission here and I'm trying to keep my cover here, but you're making it very difficult." He pulls open his jacket to reveal his badge, his voice lowering to a hoarse whisper. "Now I'm supposed to be a madman, so please... don't blow my cover. Just play along and maybe, just maybe, we'll all get out of this alive."

The woman blinks and backs up a couple steps, her face paling slightly. "Okay... okay. I'm sorry, officer, I didn't think-"

"It's fine. Everything's fine. Now... my colleague and I are going to continue as we were. You just act like everything is normal." Chance gives her a serious nod before swiveling the cart around. Heading down the next aisle, his eyes go wide at Destiny and his mouth quirks into something between a cringe and a smile, the laughter held just under the surface but dying to be let loose.

Alec returns Ryan's kiss, only to have her pull away too soon for his liking. A grin creases his lips and he searches her eyes, first the right, then the left, studying them, drawing them closer with his gaze. His hand still rests to the back of her head too, and her fingers in his hair made him never want to move.

"You're good at that, aren't you?" he speaks quietly, his sly glint returning to his eye. "Driving me crazy. I can't let you get away that easy."

Reaching down with one hand on her jacket and one on her waist, he pulls her from her seat until she's sitting sideways on his lap. Grinning mischievously, he runs a finger down the side of her face. "You sure you wanna stick around with me?"

He leans down and kisses her lips with deep passion before pulling back again.

"I could get us in a lot of trouble."

His kiss finds her sweet lips again.

"Might be dangerous... being around me."

Another kiss and his arms wrap around her.

"Unless you... like it that way."


Hopping off the cart once they stop Destiny scans all the candy trying to deiced what she wanted. Bringing a hand to her lips in a thinking manor she makes a hummm sound showing she really was trying to deiced.

Hearing Chance's question a wider smile forms on Destiny's lips as she looks back to the candy again. Reaching out and finding what she was looking for she holds up a bad of sour patch kids.

"I like seeing out many I can fit in my mouth before it becomes to sour."

A grin forms on her lips as she throws the bag into the cart. This was going to be fun she new it would be. She never had any brother's or sisters so having Chance around to do some fun stuff with would be a nice change from the norm.

"Now you pick what you want too so we each had our favorites to share."

Feeling Kip's hand slip into her own Karla moves her fingers around a little. It felt warm in her own, but comfortable. There was no awkwardness like she would of thought after everything that happened. Giving a little returned squeeze to signal it was ok they held hands.

"I'm really happy I ended up coming too and I am glad I get to share this experience with you."

Looking out at the pond again it was a nice day thats for sure. Feeling Kip's quick kiss on her cheek it was a shock but it made her feel warm inside and she liked it. Knowing her cheeks were red now Karla felt the same feelings she had the first time Kip had kissed her. Though she was a little leery now not wanting to get hurt again she had to take the risk, she couldn't not take it and lose someone who made her feel special.

Sliding a little closer to Kip her hand still in his Karla was now quite close to him than they were before. Turning her head to look at him a smile forms on her lips before she looks out at the pond again. Placing his hand in her lap with her own she gives a sigh. Everything would be ok.

Being pulled closer to Kyle Alice can feel the warmth of his arm around her and loved every moment. They way Kyle held her, touched her it was always warm and welcoming. Feeling the soft kiss that followed Alice couldn't help the soft memer from her her lips as she returned the gentile gesture.

Pulling away a little Alice smile up at Kyle before leaning into him again and resting her head onto his chest.

"I love you Kyle Mitts, and don't you forget it!"

A grin forms on her lips as Alec's own brushes hers. Her heart seemed to race and if it was from his kiss, or his words Ryan wasn't sure. She really had found Alec's heart for him again? It send a whole new set of emotions through her much different than the ones before but good non the less.

"Mmm...maybe your right, maybe I am the hero and your the torcher. But I think its the kind I like because the out come is good."

Bringing her hand up Alec's arm and over his shoulder Ryan's hand finds the back of his head. Racking her fingers through his hand Ryan is a little more on the rough side as her eyes dance with fire.

"But the thing is...."

Ryan brings her face close to Alec's her breath heavy.

"...two can play at that game."

Pressing her lips to his she lets is last for a moment before pulling away herself the grin still on her lips.


Looking back at Karla as she thanks him, Kip is a little confused at first, before a small smile surfaces. "You're the one that stopped to see if I was gonna live," he replies, remembering the day he'd run too hard and she'd found him on the curbside.

Hesitating at first, Kip finally dares to reach over and take her hand. He couldn't tell if she was still upset with him or not for the whole Whitney thing, and he hated how it had made such a mess. If he could go back in time and change it, he would. He hated tension between him and anybody, and with Karla it felt ten times worse.

"I'm... I'm glad you came with us." He nods, showing he meant it.

Biting his lip, he studies her face for a moment, his cheeks growing slightly warm. Deciding to take the risk, he leans over and plants a quick kiss to her cheek. Straightening again, he looks out at the pond, not wanting to see rejection in her eyes, and his hand wiggles a little bit in hers as he thinks maybe he ought to just get up and walk away before she told him she hadn't liked that.

Kyle can't help a smile and a light laugh as he looks down at Alice. Bringing her hand up closer to his chest, it pulls her closer to him as his other arm slips around her. He leans his head into her hand and gives a contented sigh. "God knew what he was doing when he brought you to me," he muses softly. "You always keep me on track."

Leaning down, he gives Alice's lips a tender kiss - unusual for him to do in public, but he had no other way to express how grateful he was.

Nearby, Twila taps Theo's arm and points to Kyle and Alice, a silly grin on her face. Theo puts his hand over her eyes and turns her around to walk the other way and she giggles.

"What's wrong with watching somebody tell someone else they love them?"

Theo keeps pushing her the other way, though he laughs. "There's a different between seeing it and gawking at it. Go rent a romance movie."

Twila gives his shoulder a whack, but she's laughing. "I think they're cute."

"Okay, me too. But don't tel anybody I said that."

"Don't worry, tough guy, your secret is safe with me."

A little surprised Destiny hops on the back of the cart, Chance's grin widens. "You kidding me? A sugar high is the best buzz in the world."

Spinning around the corner, he speeds up a little, just because she was hanging on, then skids to a stop in front of a large display of all kinds of candy. For some reason, seeing her laugh brought a warm feeling to his insides. This was still just an Elite assignment, of course, but there was no reason for him not to enjoy parts of it, right?

"Mmm too many choices," he muses as he stares at the rows of bags and boxes. "I fancy chocolate on most occasions. What's your favorite?"

"A hero?" Alec's eyes shift a little as he abandons his other feelings for now. "I think you've got that a little backward, don't you?"

His hand slips up to her shoulder, then to the back of her neck, pulling her face closer to him. "You're the one that rescued me, remember? If it weren't for you, I'd still have a chunk of steel where my heart is supposed to be."

Leaning in closer, he teases her with only a small, light kiss before pulling away.

Willy Wonka

Keeping her hand on Alec's face Ryan looks him in the eyes her own face was stern but still showed her compassion for him. Maybe he had killed Drew because he was mad, but it wasnt worth beating himself up over.

"Still that doesn't make you a murder ether but there are a whole lot of what if that can't be answered. Live and learn, your not an Elite Agency your not trained, you acted out of emotion just like anyone else would."

Ryan gives Alec a small smile. Not many people would understand why she felt this way about Alec, and how she could open her heart to him in such a way that one day could cause it to break, sometimes still she didn't even understand but it was easy to do with Alec. With all the time spent with him she'd gotten to see the deeper him, something no one else did.

"Your a hero in my eyes Alec. Keeping that girl safe and standing up to the Agency. I don't care what anyone else says."

Following after Chance Destiny can't help but laugh as he zooms down the isle. She new people were looking at them but she didn't really care. Her own laughter rings as she catchs up and grabs some strawberry's and than some blueberry's as well.

"Mmmm...I love fruit. If I didn't love steak and hamburgers so much I could be a vegetarian no problem."

Continuing on though the section with the veggies and the fruit they get all they need from there before moving on. Next was the candy isle and Destiny only turns slightly to Chance a grin forming on her face as she raises an eyebrow.

Hopping on the end of the car she holds on knowing she was light enough Chance could still push. It was rare she acted silly like this but today just seemed like one of those days and it felt good.

"I think Willy Wonka is calling us. You always have to have candy in a house for when the craving hit."

Walking hand in hand with Kyle Alice new he was nervous. After all this time she's learned to pick up on different things to tell Kyle's mood before he even said anything. Just letting him talk Alice is silent for a long moment afterwords just thinking. But finally she found the words she wanted even though it really hadn't been hard.

"I know they are going to be happy to see you. They are family and nothing is stronger in bond than that. I bet they missed you an awful lot and I think the surprise for them will be nice."

Stopping Alice pulls on Kyle's hand a little to turn him to face her. Bringing her hand to the side of his face she runs her thumb over his cheek.

"They are going to love seeing you, and if they new you were thinking about ducking out of it, they'd whack ya."

Sitting on the rock just looking out at the pond Karla was enjoying the nice sun shine. It was different here, a lot different. Not bad...just not what she was use to and still it was a bit nerve wracking but she new she was with friends and that helped calm her a little.

Turning her head to look at Kip as he sat down Karla gives him a smile and a slight nod letting him know it was ok. She new the last few days things had been really crazy, and there drive here had been a little more quiet than planned but it was still nice non the less and she was happy Kip was there to be strong for her.

"I"m doing ok. Just trying to get use to everything, I am sure once we have a permanent place to stay it will be a little easier. I'm just trying at the moment to makes as little a mess at Kyle's grandparents as I can."

Looking out at the pond again Karla's lips turn into a smile as she thinks to herself. So far, the experiences she had, had were great and she thanked that all to Kip.

"Kip, I wanted to say thanks for letting me share this with you. So far the adventure has been great and I am sure its gonna get even better. If it hadn't been for you I never would of got to experience this. So...thanks."

Things had been rough with the over the last few days but Karla had already forgiven Kip and was starting to let go of the feelings she had when she saw him and Whitney together. They were gonna be ok, Karla new it. The time she needed seemed to be getting short by the minute. How could she be mad forever at someone as special as Kip?


Feeling Ryan's touch to his face, Alec closes his eyes for a moment, taking in her words. Was that it? Was it simply because now he cared? What if Jason was right though? Maybe he really had killed Drew just because he'd been mad. He replays the scenario in this mind for the umpteenth time. Drew had been lying there, unarmed, daring him to pull the trigger. The shot had been fired. Had it been necessary?

Alec's eyes open again, focusing on Ryan's face. "It wasn't self defense," he almost whispers. "Jason's right." He swallows hard and drops his gaze. "I... I was angry. Drew was unarmed at that point."

Having Destiny shake his hand, Chance's smile widens. Laughing, he nods. "Shopping extravaganza, here we come."

Getting out of the car, he makes sure nothing seems out of the ordinary before joining up with Destiny to go inside the store. He knew he needed to make a habit of always being on guard and always aware of the people around them. It wasn't hard... he lived like this most days now.

Grabbing a cart, Chance looks around the store. "Alright... no list. This is gonna be fun." Grinning, he aims for one end of the store, where the fresh produce was. Spying a rack of bananas, he throws Destiny a silly look. Stepping up onto the bar of the cart, he gives a little push and rides down the aisle, grabbing a bunch of bananas as he goes before finally setting a foot down to stop near the strawberries. "You can't ever go wrong with fruit," he muses.

"Are you guys ready or what?" Kyle stands at the door with his arms out, looking around the living room at his friends who were lounging and talking.

Russ is the first to his feet, throwing his hands in the air. "Woot! Concert here we come! Why didn't you say so?"

"I just did! We're gonna be late if we don't hustle!" In reality, they had plenty of time, but Kyle wanted to get the bunch out of the house for a while. His grandparents were more than happy to have them, but keeping a gang of bored "young'uns" all day was tiring them out just a little bit.

There's a bit more chaos as everyone cleans up and gets ready to go. Kyle had made a couple phone calls and found out that JetStream was going to go to Mom and Pop's afterward and he'd had someone else make sure Carson was aware that there would probably be some extra people this time. Kyle figured if they got going early to the concert, they'd have time to stop off at the park and walk around for a few minutes so his friends could see a few sights and they could all stretch their legs.

Getting everyone out and going again, it feels like a whirlwind, but they're finally at the park with some time to kill.

Kyle walks slowly, hand-in-hand with Alice, not paying a whole lot of attention to any quiet activities in the park, or even the pond that he usually went to see. He was nervous about tonight. Trying to hide it, but it was still there. He knew the others probably wouldn't notice, unless it was maybe Erik - he was pretty observant. But Alice would know for sure, whether Kyle said anything or not.

"You think... they'll be glad to see me?" he questions aloud. His hand wiggles hers around, his pent-up energy a combination of boredom and nervousness. "I mean... I don't know." Even after his late-night conversation with Gram, he wasn't so sure about it all. He'd changed a lot in the last year too... would things be alright? "Maybe they wouldn't want me showing up at a concert, ya know? Maybe I should just call Phil tomorrow or something instead."

After a friendly wrestling match with Theo, Kip is out of breath and flops down on a big rock by the little pond, startling a few of the ducks. He'd seen where Karla had headed, and had intentionally sought her out. The trip to Nevada had been okay... not quite what Kip had imagined, but it could have been a lot worse. Then last night, he hadn't had much time to sit and chat with Karla - everything had been kind of chaotic.

Catching his breath, he picks at a long piece of grass beside the rock and turns his head just a little to see Karla. "So... how ya doing?" His tone was a little hesitant. He hadn't been quite as hyper the last couple days, being more careful and not quite sure where he stood anymore. What he really wanted to ask was "how are we?" but he didn't.