

Hopping off the cart once they stop Destiny scans all the candy trying to deiced what she wanted. Bringing a hand to her lips in a thinking manor she makes a hummm sound showing she really was trying to deiced.

Hearing Chance's question a wider smile forms on Destiny's lips as she looks back to the candy again. Reaching out and finding what she was looking for she holds up a bad of sour patch kids.

"I like seeing out many I can fit in my mouth before it becomes to sour."

A grin forms on her lips as she throws the bag into the cart. This was going to be fun she new it would be. She never had any brother's or sisters so having Chance around to do some fun stuff with would be a nice change from the norm.

"Now you pick what you want too so we each had our favorites to share."

Feeling Kip's hand slip into her own Karla moves her fingers around a little. It felt warm in her own, but comfortable. There was no awkwardness like she would of thought after everything that happened. Giving a little returned squeeze to signal it was ok they held hands.

"I'm really happy I ended up coming too and I am glad I get to share this experience with you."

Looking out at the pond again it was a nice day thats for sure. Feeling Kip's quick kiss on her cheek it was a shock but it made her feel warm inside and she liked it. Knowing her cheeks were red now Karla felt the same feelings she had the first time Kip had kissed her. Though she was a little leery now not wanting to get hurt again she had to take the risk, she couldn't not take it and lose someone who made her feel special.

Sliding a little closer to Kip her hand still in his Karla was now quite close to him than they were before. Turning her head to look at him a smile forms on her lips before she looks out at the pond again. Placing his hand in her lap with her own she gives a sigh. Everything would be ok.

Being pulled closer to Kyle Alice can feel the warmth of his arm around her and loved every moment. They way Kyle held her, touched her it was always warm and welcoming. Feeling the soft kiss that followed Alice couldn't help the soft memer from her her lips as she returned the gentile gesture.

Pulling away a little Alice smile up at Kyle before leaning into him again and resting her head onto his chest.

"I love you Kyle Mitts, and don't you forget it!"

A grin forms on her lips as Alec's own brushes hers. Her heart seemed to race and if it was from his kiss, or his words Ryan wasn't sure. She really had found Alec's heart for him again? It send a whole new set of emotions through her much different than the ones before but good non the less.

"Mmm...maybe your right, maybe I am the hero and your the torcher. But I think its the kind I like because the out come is good."

Bringing her hand up Alec's arm and over his shoulder Ryan's hand finds the back of his head. Racking her fingers through his hand Ryan is a little more on the rough side as her eyes dance with fire.

"But the thing is...."

Ryan brings her face close to Alec's her breath heavy.

"...two can play at that game."

Pressing her lips to his she lets is last for a moment before pulling away herself the grin still on her lips.

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