

Feeling Ryan's touch to his face, Alec closes his eyes for a moment, taking in her words. Was that it? Was it simply because now he cared? What if Jason was right though? Maybe he really had killed Drew just because he'd been mad. He replays the scenario in this mind for the umpteenth time. Drew had been lying there, unarmed, daring him to pull the trigger. The shot had been fired. Had it been necessary?

Alec's eyes open again, focusing on Ryan's face. "It wasn't self defense," he almost whispers. "Jason's right." He swallows hard and drops his gaze. "I... I was angry. Drew was unarmed at that point."

Having Destiny shake his hand, Chance's smile widens. Laughing, he nods. "Shopping extravaganza, here we come."

Getting out of the car, he makes sure nothing seems out of the ordinary before joining up with Destiny to go inside the store. He knew he needed to make a habit of always being on guard and always aware of the people around them. It wasn't hard... he lived like this most days now.

Grabbing a cart, Chance looks around the store. "Alright... no list. This is gonna be fun." Grinning, he aims for one end of the store, where the fresh produce was. Spying a rack of bananas, he throws Destiny a silly look. Stepping up onto the bar of the cart, he gives a little push and rides down the aisle, grabbing a bunch of bananas as he goes before finally setting a foot down to stop near the strawberries. "You can't ever go wrong with fruit," he muses.

"Are you guys ready or what?" Kyle stands at the door with his arms out, looking around the living room at his friends who were lounging and talking.

Russ is the first to his feet, throwing his hands in the air. "Woot! Concert here we come! Why didn't you say so?"

"I just did! We're gonna be late if we don't hustle!" In reality, they had plenty of time, but Kyle wanted to get the bunch out of the house for a while. His grandparents were more than happy to have them, but keeping a gang of bored "young'uns" all day was tiring them out just a little bit.

There's a bit more chaos as everyone cleans up and gets ready to go. Kyle had made a couple phone calls and found out that JetStream was going to go to Mom and Pop's afterward and he'd had someone else make sure Carson was aware that there would probably be some extra people this time. Kyle figured if they got going early to the concert, they'd have time to stop off at the park and walk around for a few minutes so his friends could see a few sights and they could all stretch their legs.

Getting everyone out and going again, it feels like a whirlwind, but they're finally at the park with some time to kill.

Kyle walks slowly, hand-in-hand with Alice, not paying a whole lot of attention to any quiet activities in the park, or even the pond that he usually went to see. He was nervous about tonight. Trying to hide it, but it was still there. He knew the others probably wouldn't notice, unless it was maybe Erik - he was pretty observant. But Alice would know for sure, whether Kyle said anything or not.

"You think... they'll be glad to see me?" he questions aloud. His hand wiggles hers around, his pent-up energy a combination of boredom and nervousness. "I mean... I don't know." Even after his late-night conversation with Gram, he wasn't so sure about it all. He'd changed a lot in the last year too... would things be alright? "Maybe they wouldn't want me showing up at a concert, ya know? Maybe I should just call Phil tomorrow or something instead."

After a friendly wrestling match with Theo, Kip is out of breath and flops down on a big rock by the little pond, startling a few of the ducks. He'd seen where Karla had headed, and had intentionally sought her out. The trip to Nevada had been okay... not quite what Kip had imagined, but it could have been a lot worse. Then last night, he hadn't had much time to sit and chat with Karla - everything had been kind of chaotic.

Catching his breath, he picks at a long piece of grass beside the rock and turns his head just a little to see Karla. "So... how ya doing?" His tone was a little hesitant. He hadn't been quite as hyper the last couple days, being more careful and not quite sure where he stood anymore. What he really wanted to ask was "how are we?" but he didn't.

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