
Like fun

Destiny gives a laugh at Chance's comment not being able to help it. At least he new now that there was no point skidding around anything with her because she would know anyways.

Looking at his out stretched hand for a moment Destiny than looks back up into Chance's eyes. Her hand meting his and giving it a firm shake and a smile.

"Deal, I think I can handle that. You help me, I help you. Sounds like fun!"

Letting go of his hand and giving a deep sigh like the air had been cleared again Destiny scans the area before looking back at Chance again. She hadn't said it but she was starting to get a little hungry.

"Alright how about we have our shopping extravaganza now?!"

Taking the keys out of the ignition Ryan holds them for a long moment now turning her head to look at Alec. She could see the confusion on his face and the slight bit of pain in his eyes. She felt so bad for him that he was dealing with this conflicting but she wasn't sure how to help other than offer encouraging words to him.

"Jason and Reese can think what they want, in that business there is a fine line between murder, and self defense and if they are so quick to accuse you than they should accuse themselves too. When someone is coming at you with a gun there is no time to stop and think, auction has to be taken before its to late."

Jingling her keys a little bit Ryan continues to look Alec in the eye. What she said was not because she had a thing for cops but because it really was the truth. There was a find line and she was sure many had crossed it in one form or another.

Reaching out Ryan runs a finger down the side of Alec's face, softly just running over his cheekbone.

"This bothers you so much more because now you know your life has changed, and your trying your darnedest to do whats wrong. So in killing this man you think your slipping when your not. And what makes this different from when you killed before...is now you care enough to feel bad."

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