
Willy Wonka

Keeping her hand on Alec's face Ryan looks him in the eyes her own face was stern but still showed her compassion for him. Maybe he had killed Drew because he was mad, but it wasnt worth beating himself up over.

"Still that doesn't make you a murder ether but there are a whole lot of what if that can't be answered. Live and learn, your not an Elite Agency your not trained, you acted out of emotion just like anyone else would."

Ryan gives Alec a small smile. Not many people would understand why she felt this way about Alec, and how she could open her heart to him in such a way that one day could cause it to break, sometimes still she didn't even understand but it was easy to do with Alec. With all the time spent with him she'd gotten to see the deeper him, something no one else did.

"Your a hero in my eyes Alec. Keeping that girl safe and standing up to the Agency. I don't care what anyone else says."

Following after Chance Destiny can't help but laugh as he zooms down the isle. She new people were looking at them but she didn't really care. Her own laughter rings as she catchs up and grabs some strawberry's and than some blueberry's as well.

"Mmmm...I love fruit. If I didn't love steak and hamburgers so much I could be a vegetarian no problem."

Continuing on though the section with the veggies and the fruit they get all they need from there before moving on. Next was the candy isle and Destiny only turns slightly to Chance a grin forming on her face as she raises an eyebrow.

Hopping on the end of the car she holds on knowing she was light enough Chance could still push. It was rare she acted silly like this but today just seemed like one of those days and it felt good.

"I think Willy Wonka is calling us. You always have to have candy in a house for when the craving hit."

Walking hand in hand with Kyle Alice new he was nervous. After all this time she's learned to pick up on different things to tell Kyle's mood before he even said anything. Just letting him talk Alice is silent for a long moment afterwords just thinking. But finally she found the words she wanted even though it really hadn't been hard.

"I know they are going to be happy to see you. They are family and nothing is stronger in bond than that. I bet they missed you an awful lot and I think the surprise for them will be nice."

Stopping Alice pulls on Kyle's hand a little to turn him to face her. Bringing her hand to the side of his face she runs her thumb over his cheek.

"They are going to love seeing you, and if they new you were thinking about ducking out of it, they'd whack ya."

Sitting on the rock just looking out at the pond Karla was enjoying the nice sun shine. It was different here, a lot different. Not bad...just not what she was use to and still it was a bit nerve wracking but she new she was with friends and that helped calm her a little.

Turning her head to look at Kip as he sat down Karla gives him a smile and a slight nod letting him know it was ok. She new the last few days things had been really crazy, and there drive here had been a little more quiet than planned but it was still nice non the less and she was happy Kip was there to be strong for her.

"I"m doing ok. Just trying to get use to everything, I am sure once we have a permanent place to stay it will be a little easier. I'm just trying at the moment to makes as little a mess at Kyle's grandparents as I can."

Looking out at the pond again Karla's lips turn into a smile as she thinks to herself. So far, the experiences she had, had were great and she thanked that all to Kip.

"Kip, I wanted to say thanks for letting me share this with you. So far the adventure has been great and I am sure its gonna get even better. If it hadn't been for you I never would of got to experience this. So...thanks."

Things had been rough with the over the last few days but Karla had already forgiven Kip and was starting to let go of the feelings she had when she saw him and Whitney together. They were gonna be ok, Karla new it. The time she needed seemed to be getting short by the minute. How could she be mad forever at someone as special as Kip?

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