
Sure of it

Sparky chuckles at Faith, holding Twilight still. "Well good... and you're welcome."

He gives a little nod. "Whenever tomorrow is fine. I'm not too busy for you. Come on. Lunch will be soon."

Motioning Faith closer, he slings an arm around her shoulders as they walk back out of the corral slowly and head for the barn. Once there, Twilight is untacked and rubbed down, thoroughly enjoying the attention.

Sparky looks over her back to Faith, a quirky smile on his face. "Last thing you gotta do is before bed, I want you to take a hot bath. Even if you're not that sore tonight, you will be in the morning - take my word for it. No matter what good a shape someone is, a ride like that for their frst time in the saddle is gonna hurt. But if you soak a while, it'll lessen the chances of you getting too stiff."

As lunch is prepared in the kitchen, right on time, others start to filter inside, finding their way to their favorite tables. Trent finds his usual corner out of the way, today seeming to be occupied with a small notepad he's writing in, every once in a while looking up, proving that he was well aware of what was going on around him.

JIm finds Becky in the kitchen and after a short conversation, he wanders to the dining area, spotting Annie off to the side. Approaching casually, he stops, looking out the window, but speaking to his sister. "I was right, by the way." He keeps his voice quiet. "About Sparky and Faith that is. I'm sure of it now."

Gage shrugs, not minding what movie they went to or if Sapphire wanted to browse the mall. He was along for the ride and really didn't care what they did, as long as he was out of his apartment for a while. "Whatever is fine... you know me."

He ambles beside her on the way inside, having been here with her before so it didn't feel too odd. They wait for Con and Jamie to decide what they're going to see, and wind up with a little while to kill before the movie. Wandering through a few stores, he follows Sapphire's lead, though the entire time, his eyes are everywhere, like usual, never resting, never letting his guard down in a public place like this. One could almost see his mind processing every little thing.  There were a lot of people out today... many of them Christmas shopping.

Eventually, the movie is seen, Gage enjoying sitting next to Sapphire, and Con having his arm around Jamie the entire time. And when it's over, the four are together again in the parking lot.

Con yawns and stretches tall. "I don't want to go back to work," he admits ruefully. "I feel more like a nap."

Gage grins a little. Con looked the type to be active all day, not one to take naps. He looks to Sapphire, questioning her next move. "Are you... going back to work now too?"

"Well... if it isn't Ms. Lockheart." Gunner cocks his head, a wry grin tweaking the corner of his mouth. "They finally came through with my one request. And it only took them... how long? I'm impressed." The dryness of his tone was a bit sarcastic, though a glint of humor was somewhere in his eyes that were so tired.

Staring across the table at Angelica, he shakes his head. "Come now... you already know what I've gotten myself into. I got arrested for breaking out a mental patient. That much is obvious, isn't it?"

He gestures to her briefcase. "You don't happen to have some paper and a pen in there, do you? I've been dying to doodle, but they won't let me."


Pulling into the parking lot Sapphire looks at Gage for a long moment. It was still off Gage wanted to come with her back to work but she would bring him.

"Ok, thats no problem I can bring you. Everyone will be happy to see you again anyways. They always ask me about how your doing."

Taking her keys out of the car and putting them into her bag Sapphire gets out of the car. Locking up she smiles over the top of the car at Gage and gives a little laugh.

"Honestly I am sure now what we are see. We weren't sure what time we would be getting here so we figured once we were, we would see what options we had, and you can let us know what one your interested in seeing too.We might have a little time to look around the mall as well, if you dont mind."

Sapphire smiles standing next to Gage she waits till he is ready to head into the movies to wait for Con and Jamie.

"I am having a blast."

Time seemed to slip buy without even knowing it. The minutes just seemed to slip, having so much fun enjoying every moment with Sparky and just taking in everything so she could remember it for tomorrow. As the time comes to an end Faith felt like it was all to soon. Sliding off the horse like Sparky showed her Faith's legs felt a little wobbly and sore but it had been so much fun that the slight throbbing didnt seem to matter.

Her own eyes twinkle as she looks back at him. Taking his arm in both her hands as she gives it a gentil squeeze. Her breath was heavy from all the laughing but it didn't seem to matter.

"My first lesson was amazing. I didn't even know I was going to learn or get to ride like that. It was everything I expected and more. Thank you so much."

Leaning up on her tip toes Faith gives Sparky a quick kiss on the cheek as a thank you before backing away a few steps a smile formed on her face.

"I have to go into town tomorrow and see the Dr. But afterwards I'd love another lesson as long as your not busy."

Being let into the the room that held no windows, and no doors on Angelica own orders she just stands and looks at Gunner for a long moment. Currying her briefcase she enters farther placing it on the long table siting down in the chair across from him.

Angelica didn't know the whole store or why Gunner was here, and she wouldn't until it came from his own mouth but for some reason she couldn't help but feel bad. She had been able to over the last few months get to know Gunner and new he wasn't a bad person.

"Gunner...what have you gotten yourself into this time?"

Angelica sat across from him her hands folded in front of her. Her expression on her face only hoped that this was a miss understanding. That or Gunner had a good reason for his actions.

Another one

Hearing Faith laugh made the whole afternoon worthwhile. Sparky can't help his smile. Knowing Faith was having a good time automatically made him feel good too.

He lets Twilight lope a few rounds, giving Faith just a taste of riding for her first day in the saddle. Eventually though, he knows they need to slow. Pulling gently on the reins, the mare obeys, coming down to a jog for a couple strides then a walk. She chews on her bit and stretches her neck, asking for more rein, which Sparky gives.

He looks around Faith's shoulder to see her face, still grinning. "Having fun?"

Just riding for a while, Sparky stays behind Faith. He explains how he is controlling Twilight and why he does some movements different than other times. Walking in circles, backing up or in figure eights, he shows her much more than anyone normally would during a first lesson, but... no one usually taught over an hour either. By the time Sparky realizes that it's lunchtime, the time outside has simply slipped away.

Bringing Twilight near the gate, Sparky slides off her back and directs Faith on how to easily get back to the ground. Once she's out of the saddle too, he looks at her, his eyes sparkling. "So... how was your first lesson? Think you'll want another one tomorrow?"

Gage is still very thoughtful, even after Sapphire's question. "I just... want to come," he answers, somewhat evasively. "Then I can walk home after that... I need the exercise anyway."

Seeing that they were nearing the movie theater, he switches subjects. "You never said what movie we were gonna see."


The rest of the mean was enjoyable and the talk was nice. Catching up with friends, sharing laughs and just simply talking with friends was always nice. Having Gage there was nice as well. Sapphire new it was new to him but she hoped he would be able to get use to it, so he could spend more time with others besides just her.

As the meal comes to a close and everything is payed for Sapphire and Gage are on there way to the theater. Driving in the car the silence rains for quite a while. Sapphire never found the silence uncomfortable with Gage, it always seemed like a nice time even when they said nothing at all.

Hearing Gage's comment it comes to Sapphire as a bit of a surprise. Gage had gotten away from there she didn't expect him to want to go back. But if he wanted to go, she would take him.

"Sure you can come back with me. Thats not a problem at all. "

Sapphire didnt want to pry but she couldn't help but let her curiosity get the best of her.

"If you dont mind me asking..why?"

Wondering that Sparky was doing Faith just listens to his directions and puts her weight on the other stirrup. Finally understanding what Sparky was doing and feeling his arms go around her wast a smile forms on Faith's face. Feeling Saprky's warmth behind her, and his breath on her cheek. Seeming to lose her words this was another element that sent emotions through her, Sparky being the first to teach her how to ride, and ride with her.

Starting out with the walk Faith leans back into Sparky just a little but not much. Just enjoying the peaceful ride. She gives a soft nod with her head signaling she was comfy. As Sparky tells her to hold on Faith sits up a little straighter as Sparky holds her close. His arms around her Faith new she was safe, and had no fear.

Laughter rings out from Faith as the horse starts to lope. Her hand finding Sparky's and his arm, the wind gently blowing through her hair. Faith's smile had a smile on it that showed she was really enjoying herself.Riding, with Sparky non the less...it all seemed like something Faith read out of her book and she loved every moment of it. Sparky made her feel sp special, like she was a princess.

Red flag

Sparky grins. "Well, then... you should be okay."

Taking the leadrope, he loops it and ties it in place around the saddle horn. He checks the saddle girth again, making sure it's plenty tight. "Alright..." He slips her left foot out of the stirrup. "Put all your weight in the other stirrup, okay?"

Waiting until her weight is shifted, Sparky gathers the reins and reassures Twilight with a few calm words. Putting his own foot in the stirrup, he swings up behind the saddle, making it look so easy. Once on Twilight's back, Sparky shifts his legs back and puts his arms around Faith's sides. "Put your foot back in your stirrup," he directs.

Still grinning a little, he takes the reins in one hand, his other arm slipping around Faith's waist. "Comfy?"

Nudging Twilight with his heels, the mare moves forward at a walk again. Once they're around the ring once, Sparky leans his head a little closer to Faith. "Hang on... we're going for a ride."

Squeezing Twilight's sides and giving her a little more head, giving her the signal to lope. She obeys immediately, jumping into the rocking gait. Sparky holds Faith close, balancing himself behind the saddle, while keeping her from sliding loose from her seat.

Near the barn, Jim cleans up a broken hay bale with a pitchfork and wheelbarrow. Wiping some sweat from his brow, he turns around, seeing a horse in the corral. He knew Sparky was giving Faith her first ride, so he watches for a moment. But what he sees isn't Faith on the horse and Sparky leading. Instead, he sees the loping mare with them riding double.

So surprised, the pitchfork slips from his hand and falls to the ground. Jim blinks. Not only was the scene totally inappropriate and possibly dangerous for a new rider, but he couldn't believe Sparky would be doing that. Sparky? The level-headed one? Not only breaking riding rules, but putting his arms around a grown woman like that?

"Dang..." Jim blinks again, bending to pick up his pitchfork. But the red flag he'd sensed earlier was back and even bigger and brighter. Sparky? And Faith? It just didn't seem... right.

Close by, Trent is kneeling by some bushes alongside the barn, clipping out weeds and keeping to himself like usual. Glancing up just in time to see Jim drop the pitchfork, he furrows his brow. Then he follows Jim's gaze to the corral and sees Sparky and Faith. Looking back to Jim for a moment, he thinks for several moments before getting back to the shrubbery.

Forgiveness. Gage knew what it was, but he wasn't sure he'd ever felt it. Sapphire had talked about it before. It must be pretty powerful for Jamie to be friends with Carson. Could people have forgiveness for him too? Someone as bad as Gage was? He wondered.

Still holding Sapphire's hand, Gage tries to concentrate on lunch. He gives Jamie a little nod to let her know he understood and was thankful for her response, but he lets the subject go for now. It was a lot to think about.

And think he did. He doesn't join in much with the smalltalk at the table - not really used to it. He enjoys the food though, and being with Sapphire was always nice. Soon it was time to go to the theater, so the meal is wrapped up, and they drive across town. On the way, Gage seems so far away. Quiet and almost distant, but no more than normal when his mind's wheels are turning.

"Sapphire?" He looks out the window at the passing scenery. "When you go back to work later... can I come with you?"

Close By

The orders taken, and the food being prepped everyone around the table continued there small talk. Thought they all worked together it seemed like there was still stuff to talk about and catch up on. Sapphire tried her best to keep Gage in the conversation as well but it was hard seeming he had faded into his own little world of thought.

Looking up at Gage's comment Jamie just looks at him for a long moment. It didnt hurt to talk about it anymore, and she didn't mind it just caught her off guard. Finally her lips turn into a soft smile as her eyes hold much to them.

"Yes Gage, Carson was the one who gave me my scar. It was a very long time ago, and the first time I ever met him. Forgiveness is a powerful thing, than can mend broken hearts, Now I couldnt images NOT being Carson's friend."

Sapphire continues to told Gage's hand giving a soft squeeze as she looks at him and smile. She was so proud of him, and he was coming along so well. It made her happy to see him here today.

Giving a nod to Saprky that she was ready Faith follows his directions. Holding the rains and not the horn, getting use to where her legs were they were ment to go. Keeping up with the conversation at the same time Faith's nerves seemed to calm. She didn't mind Sparky had a hold of the lead rope. It made her feel safe knowing she wasnt ready to handle the horse on her own.

"Hey, this is fun...even if its just walking in circles."

Faith's eyes sparkled in the sun light showing she really was enjoying herself even if it wasnt much to some. She was on a horse, she was learning how to ride, it was a dream come true for her.

As they come to a stop in the middle Faith looks down at Sparky. She really had no worry, knowing Sparky wouldnt let her alone on the horse. Placing a hand on top of his for a moment Faith gives a nod as she eyes twinkle.

"I am feeling brave as long as your still close by to help if I mess up."

Something else

Sparky chuckles, holding in a bigger laugh. He didn't want to embarrass Faith at all, but he couldn't help his amusement at her innocent comment. He shakes his head and pats her leg. "Don't worry... Twilight doesn't know the meaning of tallyho, so we're safe." He tosses her a wink. "Alright... let's start her out slowly."

Taking the leadrope that led to the halter he'd left on under the bridle, he lets Faith hold the reins just like he'd shown her, making sure she didn't hang onto the saddle horn. Making their way slowly, he leads Twilight around the corral, walking down to the far end and back up again, staying just a short distance from the fence.

As Sparky walks, he talks quietly to Twilight, and is sure to make smalltalk with Faith, trying to help her relax and forget about being nervous. Having switched modes, nothing of earlier is brought up, though every once in a while Sparky will throw Faith a quick glance, proving that their kiss was not forgotten.

After a few rounds, Sparky stops near the center of the corral and looks up at Faith, resting his hand on her leg. "Are you feeling brave?" He wasn't going to let her take on Twilight alone yet, but he did have something else in mind.

Gage listens intently to Sapphire, then to Jamie. The color in his face proved he wasn't used to being in this position, talking about this sort of thing with anyone but Sapphire.

Looking down at the table, his fingers rub along the table, his other hand occupied with holding Sapphire's out of sight. He really didn't know what to say. "Thanks," he mentions quietly.

Glancing back up again, he see's Con's eyes and has trouble reading them. This big man hadn't joined in, but hadn't argued either. His gaze seemed to say he approved of his wife and Sapphire's words, though he wasn't going to intrude or push. And Jamie... Gage's eyes shift to her. She was wise. She had a good head on her shoulders and... Wait... Jamie...

He didn't have time to think before Carson was back at the table again.

Carson has an order pad this time, while Thirteen was busy on the other side of the room and Dani and Aerith were tied up in the kitchen. "Alright..." His voice trails off a little bit as he realizes that Gage is staring at him with the strangest look. "You're Gage, right?"

"Um... yeah."

Carson quirks an eyebrow at the odd tone. "How ya like this bunch?"

Gage manages a small smile. "I do."

"They're good people." Carson nods with confidence. "Hang around them too long and one day you'll realize you got a bunch of friends worth having." Not letting that thought linger, he looks to Con. "Alright, Tank, what'll be be?"

Once orders are placed and everyone is waiting for their food, Gage still seems in his own world. Eventually he's brave enough to look in Jamie's direction again, seeing the scar on her face once more. He hesitated to ask, but he had to know. "Jamie... I... I was in a different part at the Agency but... word about Carson got around sometimes. You can't be as good as he was and not be well-known, but um... I remember now... I saw a file and... aren't you... I mean..."

He stops, feeling ridiculous. Surely he was wrong. These were good people but... surely what he was thinking couldn't be right. "He wasn't the one to hurt you... was he?"