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The orders taken, and the food being prepped everyone around the table continued there small talk. Thought they all worked together it seemed like there was still stuff to talk about and catch up on. Sapphire tried her best to keep Gage in the conversation as well but it was hard seeming he had faded into his own little world of thought.

Looking up at Gage's comment Jamie just looks at him for a long moment. It didnt hurt to talk about it anymore, and she didn't mind it just caught her off guard. Finally her lips turn into a soft smile as her eyes hold much to them.

"Yes Gage, Carson was the one who gave me my scar. It was a very long time ago, and the first time I ever met him. Forgiveness is a powerful thing, than can mend broken hearts, Now I couldnt images NOT being Carson's friend."

Sapphire continues to told Gage's hand giving a soft squeeze as she looks at him and smile. She was so proud of him, and he was coming along so well. It made her happy to see him here today.

Giving a nod to Saprky that she was ready Faith follows his directions. Holding the rains and not the horn, getting use to where her legs were they were ment to go. Keeping up with the conversation at the same time Faith's nerves seemed to calm. She didn't mind Sparky had a hold of the lead rope. It made her feel safe knowing she wasnt ready to handle the horse on her own.

"Hey, this is fun...even if its just walking in circles."

Faith's eyes sparkled in the sun light showing she really was enjoying herself even if it wasnt much to some. She was on a horse, she was learning how to ride, it was a dream come true for her.

As they come to a stop in the middle Faith looks down at Sparky. She really had no worry, knowing Sparky wouldnt let her alone on the horse. Placing a hand on top of his for a moment Faith gives a nod as she eyes twinkle.

"I am feeling brave as long as your still close by to help if I mess up."

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