
Another one

Hearing Faith laugh made the whole afternoon worthwhile. Sparky can't help his smile. Knowing Faith was having a good time automatically made him feel good too.

He lets Twilight lope a few rounds, giving Faith just a taste of riding for her first day in the saddle. Eventually though, he knows they need to slow. Pulling gently on the reins, the mare obeys, coming down to a jog for a couple strides then a walk. She chews on her bit and stretches her neck, asking for more rein, which Sparky gives.

He looks around Faith's shoulder to see her face, still grinning. "Having fun?"

Just riding for a while, Sparky stays behind Faith. He explains how he is controlling Twilight and why he does some movements different than other times. Walking in circles, backing up or in figure eights, he shows her much more than anyone normally would during a first lesson, but... no one usually taught over an hour either. By the time Sparky realizes that it's lunchtime, the time outside has simply slipped away.

Bringing Twilight near the gate, Sparky slides off her back and directs Faith on how to easily get back to the ground. Once she's out of the saddle too, he looks at her, his eyes sparkling. "So... how was your first lesson? Think you'll want another one tomorrow?"

Gage is still very thoughtful, even after Sapphire's question. "I just... want to come," he answers, somewhat evasively. "Then I can walk home after that... I need the exercise anyway."

Seeing that they were nearing the movie theater, he switches subjects. "You never said what movie we were gonna see."

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