

The rest of the mean was enjoyable and the talk was nice. Catching up with friends, sharing laughs and just simply talking with friends was always nice. Having Gage there was nice as well. Sapphire new it was new to him but she hoped he would be able to get use to it, so he could spend more time with others besides just her.

As the meal comes to a close and everything is payed for Sapphire and Gage are on there way to the theater. Driving in the car the silence rains for quite a while. Sapphire never found the silence uncomfortable with Gage, it always seemed like a nice time even when they said nothing at all.

Hearing Gage's comment it comes to Sapphire as a bit of a surprise. Gage had gotten away from there she didn't expect him to want to go back. But if he wanted to go, she would take him.

"Sure you can come back with me. Thats not a problem at all. "

Sapphire didnt want to pry but she couldn't help but let her curiosity get the best of her.

"If you dont mind me asking..why?"

Wondering that Sparky was doing Faith just listens to his directions and puts her weight on the other stirrup. Finally understanding what Sparky was doing and feeling his arms go around her wast a smile forms on Faith's face. Feeling Saprky's warmth behind her, and his breath on her cheek. Seeming to lose her words this was another element that sent emotions through her, Sparky being the first to teach her how to ride, and ride with her.

Starting out with the walk Faith leans back into Sparky just a little but not much. Just enjoying the peaceful ride. She gives a soft nod with her head signaling she was comfy. As Sparky tells her to hold on Faith sits up a little straighter as Sparky holds her close. His arms around her Faith new she was safe, and had no fear.

Laughter rings out from Faith as the horse starts to lope. Her hand finding Sparky's and his arm, the wind gently blowing through her hair. Faith's smile had a smile on it that showed she was really enjoying herself.Riding, with Sparky non the less...it all seemed like something Faith read out of her book and she loved every moment of it. Sparky made her feel sp special, like she was a princess.

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