
Unexspected Company

Moving around the dance studio Cassy makes sure everything was almost perfect. It was still a while before people would file in but Cassy just wanted to make sure everything would be set up. She had punch and cookies, along with some cake she had made that would be placed before everyone started coming.

Tonight she would do her own ruteen to start everything off, before going into a little speech about what to expect here, and than sign ups would happen. It wouldn't be anything grand but it would be for her an accomplishment.

Hearing the little bell on the door ring Cassy continues to work not even looking up she figured it was just someone wondering by wonder what this old place had been turned into.

"We're closed...Open house is tonight if you want to come back."

"Not even for an old friend Cass?"

Hearing the low voice she new so well Cassy's head shoots up as she turns around. Seeing Steve standing in the doorway it was like Cassy's heart had been thrown into her throat. She'd gotten over Steve but just seeing him here seemed to bring back a lot feelings that hurt.

"Steve...what are you doing here?"

Walking in a little farther the tall dark haired man came a little close the charming smile on his lips his dark eyes just as luring as ever.

"I got wind you were starting your own place and I had to come and see it for myself. It looks great Cass. You did a great job."

Cassy couldn't help but beam as she looking around the studio it had turned out so much better than planned and it made her so good.

"I couldn't have done it without my really good friend Leo. He helped me with a lot of the stuff so I couldn't do it alone."

Steve cocks his head a little at the mention of Leo almost a jealous glint seeming to pass in his eyes.

"New boyfriend of yours?"

Hearing the slight change in Steve's voice Cassy's eyes search his for a long moment. Why was he really here? He had no business being here at this moment, or ever for that matter. He was the one who had cheated and than left.

"No, He's just a really good friend. Not that it should matter to you."

Giving a chuckle Steve comes closer to Cassy continuing to look down at her. Somewhere, he missed here, the ping in his heart had told him he had done the wrong thing and now...now he'd realized that and seeing her standing there and how pretty and independent she was made him miss her more.

Reaching his hand out he brushes it over Cassy's face tucking a lose hair behind her ear. Thinking with Lynn weren't the same like they had been with Cassy. She'd been perfect, and so determined.

"Listen Cass, I made a mistake and now I'm paying for it. Your so pretty today, just like you were when I first met you. I'm sorry that I hurt you, and I want you back Cass, I miss you. I'm sorry I made you wait around this long."

Closing her eyes for a moment as Steve's hand brushed her face Cassy doesn't feel the warmth anymore, of the tingle like she did when Leo did the same thing. Steve's hands were now cold to her. Opening her eyes and taking a step back out of his touch Cassy looks up at him her voice strong.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't me wait, because I didn't. I'm sorry Steve but I don't have feelings for you anymore, and I don't love you. Please leave."

Steve's eyes seem to grow a little dark as he continues to look at Cassy. Rejection was not something people did to him, not something he was use to and it didn't still well with him as his voice was agitated.

"It's because of this friend isn't it? Is that what it is Cassy?"

Cassy takes a deep breath and stands her ground not backing down from Steve. She was fine on her own and she wouldn't let him run her life.

"It doesn't matter if he is or not Steve. Now leave right now and never come back."

Turning Steve gives a snicker of disgust. Making his way to the door he shakes his head before turning again.

"You'll never make it with out me, so don't even bother trying. I'll see ya again Cass."

Once Steve was gone Cassy let out a heavy sigh as she found a chair to sink down in. Her head going to her hands as she leaned on the small table. She didn't care about Steve anymore but still seeing him shook her up. His words ringing in her ears. Could she do this? Could she make her knee strong enough again? She had to, if only to prove Steve wrong, she had to.

Time off

"Friend of yours?"

Axel glances over to Leo after Rayne and Phil had left. "The girl? No." He eyes Leo skeptically. "Just because I get to talk to a pretty woman doesn't mean it's more than a customer you know. Besides..." He grins as he wipes off a wrench. "I got my own girl to worry about."

Though Leo smiles, his eyes don't quite match. "Uh-huh."

"What about you? Got any hot dates lined up?"

"You kidding?" Leo turns back to the car he was working on. "The best I got is going to a dance studio open-house tonight."

Axel quirks an eyebrow. "Not going to the races?"

"Might if it's not too late. You?"

"What, and miss out on watching lame television? Never." Axel grins. He knew Leo still wasn't back to his old self, but maybe one of these days he would be. "Dance studio, huh?"

"Yeah... friend of mine."

"Oh, the one you helped fix up her place?"


"Thought you said you didn't have a hot date." Axel ducks to avoid being hit with a flying rag and he laughs. "Alright, alright. We're even now."

"So, I'd like to take a couple days, if that would be okay, to take Ty over there and see those doctors."

Reese taps his finger on his desk, mulling over Rick's request. "Think it will help?"

Rick shrugs. "Only one way to find out. If it's what I think it is, then Ty's finally going to get the help he needs and I'm sure he'll be much happier, along with probably working better as well."

"And you will gain...?"

"Experience. Information. It would be nice to study this and see how the other doctors do things."

Reese thinks for another moment or two and finally nods. "Alright. Just let me know when and you and he both can have the time off."


Finished with her paper work, and her sub now sitting on a plate waiting for her Rayne lets out a small sigh as she goes into the kitchen for a drink. Looking out into the back yard and seeing the two big eyes looking back at her, her heart melts. Going to the door and opening it a large golden retriever wonders inside.

"Sitting outside my door again huh? I thought for sure you would of gone home by now. Where do you live huh?"

Bending down Rayne looks for a collar but finds non. The last few days the dog had been hanging around outside and no one had come to clam him, or even put up flayers he was missing. Her big heart for animals over came her seance to leave him outside and at least till she could find his home, and could stay with her. That wasn't a horrible thing right?

"Alright, you can stay with me, only till we find your home though out? Your to cute to keep outside in the heat."

Going to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of juice along with some water she pours it into a bowl and places it on the floor for the dog to lap up. Smiling Rayne heads into the living room with her own drink and food to pick out a movie.

Finally finding on she looks over to her left seeing the dog again just sitting there staring at her. Thoughing him a little meat from her sub she gives a laugh before finishing the rest off herself. Setting the plate on the table it was like a Q and the dog jumped on the couch and snuggled close to Rayne for his large size it was rather funny as he layed his head in her lap.

Petting his fuzzy hear Rayne shakes her own. The dog was well trained thats for sure, and he seemed so sweet. Who would let a dog like this go?

"I guess today it just my day? Two friends and a car."

The dog lets out a woof and Rayne looks at him and shakes her head a little.

"Yes a friend, only a friend...he's nice, sweet and very good looking but...he's just a friend. I only just met him for it to be more than that!"

Laughing and giving the dog head a pet again Rayne shakes her own as she leans back to watch the movie. She'd have to make up some flayers on the computer later and put them up so see if anyone would clam the dog.


"...yeah, so she's doing alright now, got a car... I think she'll be okay now." Phil takes a bite of his pizza and shrugs as he talks with Rocky. "She's nice."

Rocky grins a little as he eats his own slice while they sat opposite each other at a table in Mom and Pop's. "Nice huh?"

Phil gives him a little smirk. "Nice as in she's friendly."

"Uh-huh." Rocky teases him with a look before concentrating on his food.

"Hey, it's not like I went looking," Phil defends. "I can't help it I found her alongside the road, and it's a good thing I did."

Carson comes up to bring Rocky another drink and quirks an eyebrow, not having been able to help but hear part of their conversation. "Out on the back highway? The one that was on the news the other night?"

"Mm-hmm." Phil shrugs. "They made it out to be worse than it was on the news."

"Could have died - both of you. That's nothing to sneeze at."

Phil looks up at Carson with a little smirk. "I just don't want the attention, you know that."

"So she's nice, huh?" Carson folds his arms, catching on to Rocky's teasing.

"Yes." Phil nods with emphasis. "Any more question, you two?"

Both Carson and Rocky start to laugh and Carson shakes his head. "No, I think I'm good for now. Need anything else?"

"A break." Phil rolls his eyes. "And more pop."

"I just asked you two minutes ago."

"I know." Phil hands him his glass. "Now I want more."

Rocky leans back, his eyes sparkling as he holds in his laughter.

Better day

Giving a wave as she pass Phil and finishes her rout to her own apartment Rayne smiles to herself pulling into the drive way. The day had defiantly been better than planned and that was a good thing. This morning had looked ok, a little bit of rain was in sights but now it was like the clouds had gone and the sun was out.

Getting out of the car and heading inside Rayne had to fill out some paper work but after that maybe she would order a sub and watch some movies. She didn't have to work till tomorrow and the rest of the day seemed like it was going to be a slow one but at least she had a reason to smile now.


Another little bit of happiness spread through Phil as he got back in his truck. Not only had he made a new friend, but he was going to be able to bring her to church on Sunday too. That made it doubly nice.

Hearing Rayne honk her horn, Phil pulls out first, giving a little wave as he passes and he makes sure she's behind him. Driving a little slower than normal, he takes the easiest route back through town until they're in familiar territory.

Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, he nods to an upbeat song on the radio, feeling better than he had when he'd woken up that morning. He still didn't have to work until a little later. Maybe he'd grab lunch with someone before work.

Arriving near Rayne's apartment, he slows and waves again so she can see him before he continues his route down the street. He watches in his mirror to make sure she's gotten there alright before turning the corner.

Waiting at a red light, he pulls out his cell phone and dials, listening for an answer. "Hey, Rocky... wanna do lunch at Mom and Pop's?"


Taking the keys from Tom Rayne gives a nod a big smile at Tom's comment of the car waiting just for her. Maybe it was, this was planned and fell into place so nicely.

"Thanks so much time. I'll see you at the end of next week with part of the other money I owe you."

Leaving the house Rayne felt so good knowing she didn't have to worry about how she was going to get around and to work. That was on less stress off her mind and for that she was happy.

Making her way outside and to the car Rayne stops before getting in knowing Phil would be on his way once they were back in town she might as well say what she needed to now.

"Phil, I'm looking forward to Sunday. Its going to be a lot of fun to fellowship with you. Give me a call later in the week to let me know when your gonna pick me up."

Giving a smile and a little wink Rayne gets into her new car and starts the engine. Giving a content sigh that it started once again so nicely. Giving a little honk she lets Phil know she was ready.


It was strange, Phil thought as he entered the house with Rayne. Things lately had been going well, but there just seemed to be a dimness about it. Having Kyle gone for a year, Jason on the job and Jen struggling, nothing had been bad, but it juts hadn't felt a hundred percent like it used to. But today, there was a strange little light... like that hundred percent still existed somewhere.

Phil didn't know what the future held and he always tried to trust in God no matter what, but he had wondered from time to time what really would happen with the band... with him. With everyone spreading out a little more, his apartment had grown quiet. At the moment, he had Kyle and several guys with him, but that would soon be gone again as well. Maybe finding a new friend was a good way to see that his own little world could still expand and that there were still new things out there yet to be discovered.

"...well, here you go." Tom hands Rayne the keys and a copy of their written agreement. "No one's showed any interest in the weeks I've had that car out there - I think maybe it was waiting just for you." He smiles. "Pleasure doing business with you."

Phil stands back out of the way, letting the dealings go on without him as he waited. He'd lead Rayne back home, then get back to the humdrum of the day.


Rayen gives a slight nod to Phil as they head back to the house. She was happy Phil was going to stay too. She enjoyed his company, and just spending time with someone else was great. It had been a long time for sure.

"Mmm...I think so too. Everything is defiantly in his control."

Knowing that Phil sheared the same faith as her was nice too. She was still learning and being around someone who had a strong faith was very nice indeed in helping her to grow.

"Thanks again, in case I hadn't said it before."


Watching Rayne's excitement, Phil couldn't have been happier that he'd stopped at the coffee shop today. He hadn't known if he'd even really see Rayne at all again after she'd gotten out of the hospital, and today was becoming a nice treat. Working later today didn't seem so bad now. It had already been a good day and one that made him smile again.

"I got time." He nods, knowing that Rayne was perfectly capable of handling the rest of this deal herself, but knowing too, that she might like the company or the lead back through town. He didn't mind one bit. Even if they did part now though, he had Sunday to look forward to.

Aiming for the house, he walks alongside her. "Not a problem," he assures. "This is better than sitting alone at an empty table anyway." He chuckles.

"This is quite the turnaround though. I find you on the side of the road, you were in the hospital, now you're up and going again, getting a new car..."

He looks at her, his eyes twinkling. "I think you've got Somebody taking care of you." His gaze drifts upward for a moment then back down. It was nice to be able to give credit to God with someone he knew would agree.


Getting Lost

Rayne couldn't be more excited than she was now. Making a new friend like Phil, having Tom trust her, and not getting another car so quickly it was great. Tonight she would have to say an extra thank you for the only one she new had the power to do this.

"Phil do you have a little more time to stick around so Tom and I can work things out?"

She new Phil didn't have to stay now if he didn't want to stay but she would like it if he did. Following him back into town would save her trouble of getting lost.


Phil grins at Rayne's backward idiom but doesn't say anything - he found it rather cute and would never make fun. He was glad that he could help her out with the car. It really had happened quickly and he was actually very surprised it had worked out as well as it had. But if he'd been able to be a part of that, then he was satisfied. Rayne seemed very nice and after her accident, he wouldn't want things to be too frustrating.

Tom was on his porch as the two drive up again, and hearing Rayne, a wide smile comes to his lips. Walking over, his eyes are twinkling. "Liked her, did ya?" He nods. "She'll do right by ya. Tell you what, if you want to come inside for just a few minutes, we can get a signed agreement taken care of, then you can at least take her home today. We can work out the logistics this week and get everything signed over to you."

Falling into place

Giving a nod to Axel again and getting into the car Rayne fires it up again. Purring once again Rayne gives the engin a little rev as a grin slips across her lips. Looking over to Phil she gives a nod.

"The first time I got a car here it was a nightmare, they could hardly understand me and got so frustrated. Thanks to you thought this has been a walk of cake."

Not even reliseing she got the saying a little backwards Rayne pulls out of the parking lot the directions Phil had given her to get there still fresh in her mind it doesn't take long before they are back at Tom's.

Parking the car Rayne sits for a long moment before looking over at Phil. She was so lucky to have met Phil. Everything just seemed to fall into place perfectly.

"I think I'm going to take it. I like everything about the car, its perfect. and I can't be picky with a price as good as this."

Getting out her eyes skim the yard as she see Tom. Giving a wave of her arms she gives a yell the excitement running through her voice.

"I'll take it."

Out of town

"You're welcome." Axel smiles and offers Rayne a handshake. "You shouldn't have any problems with it if you buy it, but if you do, just come on back and we'll take care of you."

Phil nods with satisfaction. "Thanks, Axel."

"No problem." He pats Phil's arm before turning to head back into the shop.

Phil cocks his head at Rayne and grins. "Never thought buying a car could be so easy, huh?" He chuckles. "I certainly didn't. Come on, we better get this back to Tom," he teases, "or he'll thing we ran out of town on him."

Take it

Paying attachen to Axel Rayne continues to watch him finding out different things about her car. If something happened to her car she'd probably bring it to the shop but knowing this stuff would at least help her determen what was wrong before going.

Once Axel was finish Rayne stands up and gives a nod very thankful for the information. Rayne gives a smile and a nod to Axel before turning to Phil and than back to Axel.

"Yeah it is a really good deal. I have the two thousand to give him now and he's going to take payments for the rest. I couldn't pass up and opportunity like this."

Giving the car a gentil pat Rayne just smiles. The car had been easy to handle and she was pleased with the price, really how could she pass it up?

"Thank you so much Axel for your time, its been very helpful. I think I am going to take the card."

Well worth it

Though generally quiet, Axel didn't have a problem talking when it came to customers or anyone interested in music or cars. Today it was cars.

Leaning over the engine with Rayne, he chuckles softly. "Then you know more than the average woman out there, lemme tell ya." Pointing out parts of the engine, he explains a few things, and also confirms the work that had been done, just like Tom had said. "Put the brakes on myself and they're good ones," he adds near the end.

Backing off a little, he closes the hood of the car and wipes his hands. Cocking his head, he looks between Phil and Ryane for a moment, silent questions running through his gaze. But it was none of his business how they knew each other.

Phil gives a nod of satisfaction, knowing that Tom had indeed been a hundred percent honest. "Tom's asking three thousand for it," he comments.

Axel quirks an eyebrow, surprised. "That low?" He look to Rayne and nods. "It's a great deal if you got the cash. Well worth it."


Following Phil into the shop Rayne continues to smile, and gives a nod to Axel as she was introduced. It was always nice meeting new people, and since he was a macanice that was always a double good thing.

Listening to Phil and Axel talk Rayne looks between the boys just letting them chat but still listing closely so she could catch anything important if needing too. Following them outside again Rayne goes over to her side of the car and pops the hood before joining Axel and Phil at the front once again.

Leaning over the car and looking into the engine Rayne was ready to learn, and more than happy to have someone show her.

"I know how to change oil, add fluid, and thats about it. Anything else with a car and I am kind of clueless."


"Naw... that's just the way Tom is," Phil assures. "He's got one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen. Yeah, he could probably get more money elsewhere and he probably knows it. But... he likes to be a blessing to other people though and I think you just happened along at the right time."

He gives Rayne a wink and motions to the shop. "Let's see if we can find Axel."

Getting inside, Phil greets a couple people that he knew just slightly from association with Axel. Asking to see his friend, they're in luck - Axel was working today. It only takes a few minutes for him to emerge from the garage, wiping his hands on a rag. "Hey, Phil!"

"Axel." Phil smiles and gives him a nod. "This is my friend Rayne... she's looking at buying a car from Tom-"

"Gutherson," Axel finishes for him. "I recognized the car when you guys drove up."

Phil laughs. "Guess we don't have to confirm you were the one that worked on it then."

"Nope." Axel looks to Rayne, studying her for a moment, before offering a small smile. His eyes seem to smile more than his lips though.

"You mind showing Rayne around under the hood and making sure everything's in good shape?"

"Sure - not a problem." Axel tosses his rag on the counter and holds the door open for both of them before wandering over to the car. "Wanna pop the hood, Rayne?"

Waiting for that, Phil nods to Axel's hand. "How's the hand?"

Axel grins and wriggles his fingers. "Good as new." He pauses. "Well... I still got some bad days but for the most part, it's great. Good enough I can keep working anyway."


Having the hood popped, Axel lifts and props it open, waiting for Rayne to explain the work that had been done on it, and anything else that he felt she would need to know.


Ripped off

Thinking for a moment Rayne trys to remember if she had heard of Cryptic or not. She might of heard them but wasn't sure, unless they were the band that opened for Jetsteam. Remembering it was Rayne gives a nod.

"Yeah I've heard them a few times when they opened for you guys but thats about it."

Pulling into the parking lot at the auto shop Rayne felt confidant in having one of Phil's friends take a look at the car. He was a good guy and any friend of his had to be good too so she would trust them.

Getting out and joining Phil on the other side she smiles at him wide despite the little pain she was in from moving her wrist a little to much. Right now it wasn't to bad.

"So far I like it and have a good feeling on it. The car runs nice and smooth not to mention I just felt completely comfortable in it. I think if it checks out everything is ok under the hood I am going to take it. I can't help but feel like I am ripping your friend off a little bit though. He doesn't want much for the car."

Rayne's eyes show she truly was genuine and felt a little bad about getting such a great deal. Thankful but felt a little bad anyways that Phil's friend could probably get more else where.

What do you think?

Phil smiles and shakes his head. "Not too much work on my car - I'm just friends with Axel. Ever heard of the band, Cryptic? They were out traveling for a while, been back in the area for a while now. He's part of that band so that's how I know him."

Turning the radio off since they knew it worked, he doesn't settle in too much though as they approach the auto shop. "Good bunch of people... I'll have to introduce you to them sometime too."

He gestures to the parking lot. "You can just pull up close to the door and we can go in and see if Axel's here."

Getting out first, he goes around and makes sure Rayne is okay getting out and everything with less use of her hand. "So far, I think the car is good," he muses. "What do you think?"


Gently getting off the bed and moving the chair around the room Thirteen did her best to stay quiet and not wake Ryder. Thanking the nurse for the extra blanket for Ryder and for the blankets for the cot Thirteen makes it up as she dims the lights and leave the room.

Standing next to Ryder's bed for a long moment Thirteen leans down and gives him a kiss on the forehead keeping her lips close to him for a moment as she whispered.

"I love you!"

Just continuing to look down at his for a long moment Thirteen gives a smile than finally goes to the cot and pulls it closer even more to the bed. Getting under the covers and laying her head on the pillow Thirteen drifts to sleep. Tomorrow she would call Carson, tomorrow!

Driving along with Phil Rayne was having a nice time. Listing to the raido and knowing it worked was important. He rarely drove without some kind of music on. Having Phil check everything else she was thankful as she just concentrated on driver her broken wrist resting in her lap while the other was on the wheel.

"Ohh...you guys sound just as good than as you do now!"

Continuing to drive Rayne follows Phil's direction. The car seemed to drive very smooth, she was very pleased. She thought for sure there would be some bumps or something but it seemed so smooth like it was a bran new car. It was amazing.

"So you know this Axel guy? Do a lot of work on your car too?"


Phil laughs and puts his seatbelt on, nodding. "Sounds good so far. You'll want to turn left here and head back into town."

Riding along with Rayne, Phill keeps his eyes and ears open for anything strange in the car, but everything seemed to be running fine. Making a few wisecracks, he checks out the air conditioner and heater, along with the radio. One of the few JetStream songs they played on the local station happened to be on, which made it doubly fun, and Phil pointed out that it had been recorded long enough ago that they could hear Kyle on the keyboard.

"Okay, one more left here, and you'll see the auto shop," he directs, gesturing down the street. "If Axel's not working today, we can ask another mechanic to take a look or confirm what work was done on it."

The nurse smiles kindly and agrees. "I'll get the things for you. You can go ahead and move that chair out of the way so there's room for the cot." She knew they didn't normally do this for visitors... but it was a quiet floor and she had a soft spot for those wanting to be close to their loved ones.

It doesn't take long for the nurse to return with the roll-away cot and an extra blanket for Ryder too. Getting everything settled, she checks on Ryder one more time before leaving for the night, turning down the lights.



Rayne's eyes seem to sparkle even more at the price Tom had given her not to mention that he was willing to take payments. This was a blessing indeed.

"Wow, that price is to much to pass up. If the car drives good for me I can give you 2 thousand now, and than if I can pay you on hundred a week that would be great thank you to much."

Taking the keys from Tom Rayne goes to the car and gets in. Looking over at Phil she nods about going to see Axel just to make sure everything was up and up. Staring the car up and hearing the engine sound so strong Rayne gives a small laugh. Her accent making her statement sound funny.

"Purrs like a kitten."

Soon Ryder was asleep but Thirteen stays awake to watch the movie. Half way in seeing the nurse come in again she gives her a little smile and a nod as she mentions the cot.

"If you can bring him another blanket I will. I have to keep him warm."

Giving another smile Thirteen wouldnt mind setting up the cot next to Ryder's bed as long as he was warm and comfortable.


Tom cocks his head, seeming to give Rayne a once-over before mentioning a price, almost as if he were deciding based on her instead of a prior decision. "Three thousand."

Phil quirks an eyebrow, getting the feeling that Tom had had a higher price in mind.

Tom nods. "And I'm more than willing to take payments or however you need to do it."

It seemed too good. Phil sets his hands on his hips, squinting at his older friend. "You-"

"Eh... what's the point of receiving when you can't give? It's the best I can do." Tom holds out the keys to Rayne. "Take her for a spin. If you're a friend of Phil's, I trust you."

Phil looks to Rayne, smiling a little and agreeing to her request. "I'll come along. We can take it over to see Axel if you want."

"There we go." Ryder lets Thirteen settle in beside him, running a hand through her hair. He felt like crap, hurting and still a bit sick to his stomach. But the easier he made it for Thirteen, maybe the less she would worry about him continuing to work at the zoo. It looked as though he'd be getting a bit of a break anyway, if what the doctor said was true.

Trying to stay awake for the movie, Ryder mumbles a few comments here and there, but it doesn't take him long to eventually fall back into sleep.

As the movie drones, a nurse returns. She takes a breath to chide Thirteen for being in bed with Ryder, but seeing him asleep, she sighs and ends up smiling a little instead. She'd been in that kind of position herself once and she hadn't wanted to be chided.

Moving closer, she lays a hand on Thirteen's arm. "We have a cot," she offers gently. "He should have the bed to himself."

Make or Break

Thirteen gives a small smile as she stands and climbs into the bed with Ryder. Even if she new Ryder hated when someone waited on him at least this once he wasn't saying it. It felt good to be able to take care of him for once, and it made her feel like she had grown in her independence a little more doing so.

"Mmm...we can't have your getting cold now can we?"

Being very gentile not to hit Ryder's leg Thirteen crawls close to him laying her head on his chest and draping her arm over him as well. Moving her head a little to be able to comfortable watch the movie. No matter how she liked taking care of Ryder she still loved having his arm wrapped around her.

"This is much better."

Giving a thoughtful nod as Tom talked Rayne takes another trip around the car. Only coming to a stop when Phil steps in and asks his question. She didn't mind at all, when it came to cars she could change the oil, and figure out what the little things were wrong were but other than they she really had no idea. So to have Phil ask was no problem.

Hearing she could test drive the car Rayne perks up and gives a big smile before looking over at Phil.

"Phil will you come with me?"

Rayne holds up her arm that still had the cast on it. She could drive with it no problem she just feel better having someone with her.

"I'd feel a whole lot safer if you were with me. Not to mention you could look out for any odd noises for me."

Slightly turning back to Tom she continues to smile very thankful for his offers. She did only have one more question for him and it was a big one that would make or break this whole thing.

"Before I drive it though...can I ask how much your asking for it?"


Ryder smirks a little, but returns Thirteen's squeeze to his hand. "Yeah, well just for the record..."

He was going to say that he didn't like roles being switched and didn't like being waited on, but he held his tongue. Perhaps Thirteen needed to be needed sometimes too. "...thanks for being here," he finishes.

Scooting over a little on the bed, he bites his lip, trying to ignore the pain in his leg and hoping the new dose of medication kicked in soon. He pats beside him where there was enough room for Thirteen's small frame. "Let's make the nurse really mad," he teases. "If she complains, I'll tell her you're keeping me warm."

Tom smiles and nods. "Well, this baby is an automatic. Sixty thousand miles on her... had some work done on her just recently. Work on the carburetor, new fuel pump and brakes."

"How come you're selling her?" Phil didn't want to interfere or seem he didn't trust Rayne's own judgment in handling buying a car, but he did feel somewhat responsible. If she went with a car he'd aimed her toward and it turned out to be a lemon, he would feel badly.

Tom sighs. "Finances have gotten tight. We got payments on two other cars so something had to give. You can take it to a mechanic if you want and have them confirm how she runs. I had it worked on down at uh... J&J Auto. The mechanic was...." He thinks and snaps his finger, trying to think of it. "Odd name... oh yeah, Axel."

Phil chuckles and nods. "Yeah, I know him." He looks to Rayne with another nod to her. "Good guy. Honest and great mechanic."

Tom pats the top of the car. "Take her for a spin if you like."


Thirteen gives a small chuckle after the nurse leaves and she is alone with Ryder again. Stopping flipping through the channels and looking at Ryder giving a grin.

"It's just a little change in rolls. I'm giving back to you now, what you've given me. It's kind of nice to stand on my own and take care of you. I kind of like it. But that does NOT mean you can get bit all the time. You'll give me a heart attack."

Reacting over to the bed Thirteen puts her hand in Ryder's and gives it a little squeeze before just resting her hand on his. Still flipping through the movies she finally lands on an action movie that she thought maybe they would both enjoy.

Giving a smile at Tom as he comes over Rayne returns his hand shakes introduces herself before getting into anything else about the car. Once that was done though her smile remains but she gets down to business.

"I'm not really looking for anything inpatuculer. Other than the car being an automatic and getting me around for now with it having a good price."

All Rayne really needed for now was something to get her around and since Phil had helped her and this was his friend she would trust what he said about the car. To her so far it looked good.


Wandering behind Rayne, Phil just lets her look, not even knowing if this was anywhere near close what she wanted. "Yeah sure." He nods. "Keep looking and I'll go see if Tom's home."

Leaving her for a moment, he heads to the porch and rings the doorbell, waiting for his friend to come. He did, and is quick to join Phil and Rayne out in the yard where the car is. Tom was in his forties with nice eyes and a kind smile. He approaches Rayne and offers his hand. "Hi there. Phil says you're looking for a car."

Being summoned, the nurse follows Thirteen into Ryder's room, going to his bedside to check on him. "Hurting a bit?"

Ryder nods. He might as well be honest about it. It was hurting badly enough that he didn't mind saying so.

The nurse prods a little around his bandages, not seeming too pleased with what she saw, but not worried either. "You're the one that got bit by that alligator today, aren't you?"

"Crocodile," Ryder corrects.

"Mm-hmm." The nurse injects his IV with some more pain medication. "Anything else I can get for you?"

"Some water might be good."

"How do you feel otherwise?"

"Kinda queezy in the stomach."

"It's probably the medications. I'll get you some crackers to eat too, to try and settle your stomach."

Ryder shrugs. "Okay." Watching her leave, he turns his head back to Thirteen, watching her for a moment. "You do realize how much this stinks, right? Me over here, can't move or do anything? I'm the one that's supposed to be taking care of you."



Smiling and giving a nod Thirteen stands and leans over Ryder a little looking at the little remote. Hitting the button for the nurse Thirteen gives a smile to Ryder and gives him a little kiss of the for head. Standing and going to the door she see the nurse coming.

"He's in some pain he said and I didn't know if you could give him anything else."

Thirteen was happy Ryder said she could stay. This meant she could take care of him for once and not the other way around. Kind of like giving back a little of what she gave to him.

As the nurse comes in Thirteen goes and sits by the bed again taking the remote and turning the tv on. Flipping through the channels she trys to find something that would catch there attachen.

Giving a laugh and taking another sip of her coffee Rayne gives a strong nod. It was funny how quick her and Phil had started getting along already, like they had been friends for ages.

"Ok, you picking me up sounds like a plan."

Putting her coffee back in the cup holder Rayne puts her own hand on the door and opens it before hoping out carefully.

Going over to the white car and looking it over Rayne peers into the windows. Coming around again and looking the car over once more she looks up at Phil and smile the sun feeling warm on her face.

"It looks nice...though...I'd like to see whats under the hood. Would it be ok if I poped it u think?"

As if

Ryder isn't really surprised that Thirteen wants to stay. Though he wanted her to be able to be more independent and feel better about being on her own, whether for one night or longer, he knew that she still viewed him as her security. Part of him liked that. He needed to be needed. And part of him wished she would be able to break free from that, if just for her own self-worth.

A little groggy yet, he nods, unable to deny that his leg was hurting him much more than it had earlier. "Yeah... there should be a nurse around here somewhere." He fiddles with the row of buttons on the bed. "Beats me what any of this means." He thinks someone told him earlier but he'd been too busy telling off the doctors to pay attention. "And yes, a movie sounds good if we can find something decent on the... uh..." He motions with his hand, clearly not thinking well, unable to think of the word. "...television."

Phil smirks a little, feeling comfortable enough with Rayne to chide her teasingly. "As if coming to get you is such a hard task. I'm not going to make you walk."

He rests his hand on the doorhandle and nods outside to the yard where the car for sale was. "Come on. Let's see if this car suits you or not."

Be good

Opening her eyes and looking at Ryder Thirteen gives a little smile seeing Ryder awake. Giving a little shake of her head she continued to smile. She'd rather stay here than go home. After all it wasn't so bad sitting in the chair.

"I don't mind this chair really. It's rather comfortable to tell you the truth."

Thinking for a moment Thirteen can see the sweat run down the side of his face. His pain meds must have been wearing off and she wasn't sure if she should get a nurse or not!

"Are you think any pain? Should I get someone for you? Maybe after words we could watch a movie."

Seeing they were at the house Rayne sits up a little but than turns to Phil seeing there conversation wasn't over. Her face wore an expression that she genuinely was excited about going to church with Phil.

"Oh Sunday school I think sounds fun too. I really...Haven't found a church I liked yet so thats why I though it would be nice. Not to mention knowing someone would be nice too."

Rayne felt like adding that part so Phil didn't feel like she was rushing there friendship or thinking her too strange though her eyes did twinkle with the though of spending more time with him.

"If it's not to far I could walk there too so I dont have to put you out by coming to get me first."

Either way

Phil is surprised at Rayne's request to go to his church with him. He didn't know where she attended regularly, but she must trust him enough through his actions to believe he went somewhere she might enjoy too.

He tries not to nod too quickly - he liked the idea but didn't want to see overenthusiastic and weird her out. "Sure - that would be great!" Seeing the house he was looking for coming up, he pulls over to the curb, but wants to finish their conversation first. "I don't have to play on the worship team this week, so I'll have plenty of time to pick you up. Would you like to come to Sunday School too? We're studying Paul right now - pretty cool. Up to you though, I can pick you up either way."

Ryder's eyes fly open and bounce around the hospital room as for several moments, he has no idea where he is. The hot pain in his leg makes him remember though. Sweat trickled down the side of his face, a result of the dream he'd just had. Or perhaps it was a nightmare. He hadn't dreamed of his brother in a long time. Maybe it was the meds getting to him. Either way, it hadn't been a nice dream and he'd rather make himself stay awake than go through that again.

Shifting a little, he winces. The pain meds must have started to wear off. His mouth felt like he'd been sucking on cotton balls too. Turning his head a little, he sees Thirteen is still here. The window was dark now - he must have been out for longer than intended if the day had already gone by.

"Hey you," he manages hoarsely. "You should get home so you don't have to sit in that chair all night. Katie'll be there."



Standing up Thirteen places a soft kiss on Ryder's lips not continuing with the conversation. Though she could argue more about this she had said what she wanted so now it would just lay at that.

"Get some rest sweety, I'll be here when you wake up."

Still holding his hand Thirteen slips to the chair that sat next to the bed. Taking the small book from her purse Thirteen opens it and starts to read. Slowly but reading it non the less. Now was a good time while Ryder was asleep.

Rayne can't help the laugh that escaped her lips at Phil's comment of drooling. Not saying anything for a moment she looks out the window just taking note to where they were trying her best to remember so she new her way around a little more.

Finally turning and looking to Phil again she gives a nod Sunday sounded great to her but she had another question on her mind too..and hoped it wasn't to bold.

"Maybe...I could go to church with you and than afterward we can just stop by my house to get the food and than come to the lake."

Rayne's voice heald much enthusiasm like she really did want to go to church with him. She was trying to look for one she liked and knowing someone there made it a little easier.

Not the time

Ryder listens, seeing now just how much she did worry about him. He wished she didn't. He didn't like it that she had any worries at all. But he didn't want to quit his job... he liked it and he didn't fit anywhere else.

"Animals aren't as dangerous as people like to make them out to be," he defends quietly. "But I'll be careful - I always am." Now was obviously not the time to bring up the offer he'd received a couple days ago. Breaking that to her would be interesting to say the least.

He gives her hand a little squeeze and closes his eyes again. He really did want to know what had happened with Sheba, but it looked like he'd have to call after Thirteen was gone, lest she get upset again. "Stop worrying... I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

Tugging on her hand, he looks back up at her. "Now give us a kiss before I fall asleep." He could feel himself growing drowsier and drowsier. He didn't want to sleep, but it would make time go faster.

"You're making my mouth water just thinking about it," Phil confesses with a grin. He wasn't just enthused about the food though - he was pleased Rayne wanted to do anything with him at all, let alone so readily.

"How about Sunday then? I got church but... maybe if I pick you up afterward and we can have a late lunch at the lake?"

Seeing Destiny drift off to sleep, Chance stands quietly and heads out of the infirmary. He would be gone several hours before returning to sit in the chair again and wait until the next time she woke.

Not for me

Coming closer to Ryder Thirteen sits down on the side of the bed, a few tears still rolling down her cheek. She'd lost so many things while living with the Agency, life, and now she new what she had missed and how it felt. Thinking about losing Ryder brought those feelings back and she hated them.

"I'm not going to take anything away from you, its not for me to do that. I've spend all my life having people rob me of life, joy, happiness I know how it feels and I would never do that to someone else. You helped me feel all those things again, and I know what I missed out on. You put the smile on my face and the joy in my heart. I just...wish you would take care of yourself. I might trust you will be ok but..."

Thirteen points to his leg and lets out another sigh.

"...even if this doesn't always happen it still happened. Your not invincible...those animles are dangerous...just...just be more careful next time."

Thirteen hated Ryder worked where he did with those animals and how everyone though he was so great with them though she'd never say it. Accident's happened, this episode with his leg proved it. So when would an accident happen that took him away from her?

"Well I have Wednesday, ans Sundays off. It's always the same unless I request other days off. So one of those days would be great, and I agree too going with someone would be better."

Looking to Phil again and giving a smile the wheels in Rayne's head turned. Maybe God had, had this hole thing planned. The bumps, the bruises...it was his will for her to find Phil. He was so nice, and seemed to love God just as much as she did.

"I could pack a picnic luck for us too if its around lunch and dinner as well. I make some real good peach pie and home made subs."

Destiny gives a little nod as her head sinks back into the pillow. She felt so tired from the meds Rick had given her. Really she'd like to just go home today but she wouldn't fight it she new at least on day here to have a eye kept on her would be good.

"Yeah, just a...little sleep. Hurry back."

Leaning her head against his a little to place a returned kiss on his cheek Destiny leans her head down again and lets it sink into the pillow letting her eyes fall close. In no time Destiny was sound asleep again her mind off in dream world.

Don't take this away

Chance forces another smile to the surface, though there was much more that laid behind his eyes. "I shouldn't have let you get hurt at all," he reasons. "You shouldn't have to go through this too."

Sighing, he runs his thumb over Destiny's hand. "You just get some more rest, okay? We can go back to the house tomorrow and start getting your life put back together again."

Reaching up, he brushes aside a lock of hair from her face before leaning in to kiss her cheek. "I'm gonna leave you for just a little bit, then I'll be back."

Phil laughs. "It's not hard to get to the lake - I could give you directions, but going together might be more fun anyway."

Turning down another street, he continues the drive to where the car was for sale that he'd seen. "Got any days off this week? Weather's supposed to stay nice for a while..."

He lets the invitation hang in the air, not sure if Rayne felt comfortable doing something so soon or not. She seemed to be relaxed, but he didn't want to impose on her or make her think he was after more than just finding a new friend.

Ryder grits his teeth, fighting the urge to lash out at Thirteen. He knew in his head she didn't deserve that, but he was in pain, tired and whatever medication they were giving him was putting him even more on edge.

He hated seeing tears in her eyes - it made him feel awful. But he didn't want to feel awful. He loved his job. He loved what he did - it was a piece of home to him. Thirteen never had understood that and maybe she never would.

Lying back into his pillows, he closes his eyes, trying to stay calm. Taking a deep breath, he finally looks back to Thirteen and stretches out his hand. "Come here," he prompts softly.

Pulling her closer to the bed, he kisses her hand and looks up at her with an apology. "I'm sorry I scared you. This was a rare occurrence. Someone told me the tank was empty and I should have checked it myself anyway. It was my fault and I won't let it happen again."

His eyes plead with her. "Don't take this away from me... please. I know you worry but... you're just gonna have to learn to trust that I'll be fine."


Thirteen couldn't help the small annoyed feeling that grew inside of her as JT and Ryder go back and forth. She wish Ryder would just slow down and take care of himself, and be thankful he was alive at all.

As JT turns to her and makes his comment about Ryder's accent Thirteen grins and gives a nod. Her voice a little softer not really knowing who JT was.

"Uh huh...and its hot too!"

Turning back a to Ryder Thirteen backs up a few steps at JT gets right in his face. In a way she was kind of happy JT was making him stay. Knowing Ryder if he didn't he'd over dew it and be back again anyways. One the same hand though she hopped she could stay too. She'd never been in the house before without him.

Once JT was gone and Thirteen turns back to Ryder. About to say something she is cut off by his worry of the croc. Feeling her frustration grow again Thirteen can't help the tears that pool in her eyes.

"Can't you just worry about yourself and not that animal for a second. Your whole leg could of been take off or worse she could of bit you somewhere else and killed you. Than what would I do huh?"

Thirteen swipes her eyes with her hands to take the tears from her face. Just the thought of Ryder getting injured more than he had was a nightmare. He's been her safty since day one, and though she didn't NEED him to live, she wanted him there and if she needed to fall into someone she had him. She'd always felt so close to only him.

Thinking for a moment Rayne looks back to Phil and gives a small nod. Hvaing someone to hang out with would be nice. Cure the loneliness for sure, and Phil seemed really nice as well.

"I think that would be really nice. Than I wont get lost in who knows where."

Letting out a sigh and thinking for a long moment Rayne gives a nod as the smile on her face remand. Maybe this was the start to the friendship she had been looking for.

Locking her fingers with Chance Destiny gives a little smile her eyes feeling heavy again but not wanting to close them just yet.

"Thank you...for being here when I woke up, and for not letting anything worse happen to me."

Just squeezing his hand Destiny closes her eyes for a moment before pooping them open again. Some people would of been upset that Chance had left her, but he had went after the bad guys to chasce them away so at least he was still keeping her safe.

More worried about a croc

After fending off paramedics on the way to the hospital, arguing with doctors and nurses, fighting with doctors in the ER and finally being sewn up and put in a room, Ryder's spirits were less than joyful. His leg hurt more than he'd admit - and no wonder. He'd almost lost some of his leg from the deep bite - if the crocodile had torn instead of letting go, he'd be in much worse shape. As it was, the doctor was able to to repair what he could and put the stitches in place. Nerves and muscle had been damaged though, foretelling of a not-so-pleasant recovery.

Fighting to stay awake, despite the drugs, Ryder lifts an eyebrow as he sees Thirteen. Someone had called her. He's about to say something, when he received the whack to the back of his head, and he shoots her an annoyed look. "Ow! What was that for?"

Hearing her words of worry, he sighs, though still isn't happy. He can't help but give her hand a returning squeeze though. "Yeah, I'll be fine," he replies, a little disgusted. "They're making a big deal out of nothing. I've gotten bit before, and she wasn't trying to attack me - I just startled her. Hardy will be cheesed off when he hears about it and I'll get an earbashing but that's about the worst of it." He sighs again, ignoring the dull throb that went through his whole right leg.

"Well, Mr. Billings. Glad to see you're in your same chipper spirits."

Ryder turns to see Dr. Timble and his eyes narrow. "Tell me I'm going home today."

"Sorry." JT shakes his head and goes to poke a little around Ryder's leg to check the bandaging. "I put a lot of work into you today - I don't want to let it out of my sight yet."

"Aw, cods wallup. I've had worse."

JT smirks and looks to Thirteen, giving her a smile. "You have quite the personable fellow here."

Ryder growls in disgust. "I want to go home."

"Nope. Sorry." JT stands his ground. "You'll be lucky if I let you out on crutches in three days."

"That's a bunch of waffle," Ryder hisses. "I can leave whenever I want."

JT ignores him and continues to grin at Thirteen. "His accent gets stronger when he gets mad, doesn't it?"

Ryder takes a pillow and throws it at the doctor. "I want out!"

JT turns around, now finally annoyed. Nearing the bed, he leans down, his forearm pinning Ryder on the chest. He gets right down in his face, unafraid. "You want the zoo to cover this? Hmm? I could let you go and wait for you to come back in a week with an infection that will cause me to take your leg off from the knee down and send you the bills directly or - you can do it my way, get pampered for a while and not have to pay for it the rest of your life."

Ryder glares at him, but has no more to say. He knew he needed to follow the rules, lest he end up getting slapped with the bill because of some legal loophole. "Fine. One day."

"I'll check on it again tomorrow." JT straightens. "In the meantime, stay in bed and calm yourself before I give you a sedative." Turning to leave, he winks at Thirteen before heading out the door.

Ryder looks down at the blankets, misery written all over his face. "I need to call Dean," he mutters. "Find out how Sheba is. I don't know where I got her with the knife but I don't want them putting her down."

"Oh yeah, the lake's great." Phil nods. "I mean, it's not like one of the Great Lakes or anything... you can see the other side and all, but it's the biggest we got around here. Got a little man-made sandy beach on one side and a bunch of rocks that are nice to explore or just sit on. There's a lot of nooks and crannies around the water and there's a little ice cream place right by the parking lot too."

He grins and gives Rayne a sidelong glance. "We could go sometime. I could... show you around?"

"Hey... welcome back." Chance perks up a little and grins at Destiny, scooting his chair a little closer. "No bus... just a speeding bullet. You're gonna be okay though."

He takes her hand and gives it a squeeze of reassurance. "Rick did a good job... you'll be back to normal in no time."


Giving a nod of thank Thirteen was happy that Carson would let her go for the day. Going into the backroom Thirteen takes her apron and puts it into her locker. Taking out her jacket and wallet she slides it into her pocket along with the little prepay phone. She'd call a taxi to take her to the hosp since she didn't have a car.

...Not to much longer Thirteen was making her way down a hallway after getting directions from a nurse. This was a new surrounding and she wasn't sure if she liked it, but to get to Ryder she had to. Stopping outside the door Thirteen gives a knock before entering.

Seeing Ryder laying in the bed with his leg up Thirteen don't know if she is more worried or upset with him. If he wasn't always messing around with the dangerous animals this wouldn't have happened. Walking over him Thirteen gives him a whack to the back of the head as she looks down at him. Worry and fear coursed though her eyes.

"Now I've got to worry about you getting hurt again everytime you go to work more than I already do because you actually got hurt."

Letting out a long sigh Thirteen slips her hand into his giving it a squeeze she shakes her head a little bit.

"You an idiot you know that? But I love ya just the same. Are you going to be ok?"

Getting into the truck with Phil Rayne was happy he opened the door for her so she didn't have to make a fool of herself trying to do it on her own. Taking another sip of the drink than setting it in the cup holder Rayne draws silent as the scenery pass by.

Seeming to get lost in thought for a moment her attachen it brought back to Phil at his mention to the lake. It was a really nice day out, and great weather to be by any body of water.

"I've never been to the lake here. Didn't know how to get there, and like you it would be no fun to go alone. Is it nice?"

Maybe after getting her new car Rayne could venture out and try and find the like just to see what it was like. It might be a nice adventure even if she had to do it alone.

Shifting a little in the bed a shooting pain goes though Destiny's arm that causes her to stop moving and grown a little. She felt like she had been hit by a bus and for a moment she couldn't understand why her arm wouldn't movie, and it was in so much pain.

Opening her eyes and seeing Chance sitting in a chair not to far away Destiny slowly starts to remember what happened. They hadn't even be able to bury her parents because the Agency had tried to attack.

"Gah, I feel like I was hit by a bus. I had knock out meds for that reason."

Looking over to Chance again Destiny gives a small smile. She might feel like crap but she didnt want Chance to know she was hurting to much.


Carson knew Thirteen would be worried and tried to be as gentle as he could. She was doing very well at her job and learning new things, but Ryder was still her security. Any surprises or unexpected circumstances had yet to go over well, but Carson knew she was getting there. He readily agrees to her leaving early. "Yeah, sure, that's fine. Take whatever time you need."

Phil grins and shakes his head. "My truck has had so many meals eaten in it - I don't care if you bring your drink. Come on and I'll take you to see Tom."

Leading the way out to the pickup, Phil gets the passenger door for Rayne so she doesn't have to juggle her drink with one hand. Once she's in, he takes his place behind the wheel and pulls out into the street.

"Looks like a good day to head to the lake," he muses. "Used to go all the time with my brother and sister but... seems we don't have much time for that anymore and I don't much care for going by myself."



Finishing with her customer Thirteen sees Carson wave to her and comes over to him. Today she wore a smile and felt good. But seeing the look on his face before he even said anything Thirteen could feel her heart sink just a little.

"Carson, whats going on?"

Hearing that something had happened to Ryder Thirteen could feel her heart to thump hard in her chest as she held onto the towel she had and wrapped it around her hand in a nervous habit. Even though Carson said Ryder would be ok Thirteen was still worried sick as she tried to keep the tears locked away.

"Can...can I leave early please so I can go check on him?"

"That means a lot thanks so much Phil."

Leaning back in her chair Rayne gives a stretch and a small yawn. She wasn't tired or bored actually it was the opposite. She was quite comfortable and chatting with Phil had helped her feel that way, it was nice specially after everything that had happened.

"I could use more days when I have a friend to spend time with. I don't know about having the bumps and bruises though."

Finishing the last bit of her muffin and taking a few more sips of her coffee Rayne new she would be here a while longer here drinking her coffee if aloud too. She never hurried when she was drinking ice coffee.

"Well I am ready whenever you are, I can just drink the rest of them on the go. If you don't mind it in your car."

Close call

"Hey, sure, no problem, I got the time today." Phil nods and closes his notepad, clipping the pen to it. "We can go when you're finished there... in the meantime, I'm going to get myself some more to drink."

Smiling, Phil slides from his seat to go get some more, returning in just a few moments. Sitting down again, he sighs. "I need more days like this." He laughs. "But I guess I wouldn't have anything to pay the bills then, would I?"

He'd been down too long. He could feel his lungs begin to burn as the water pressed in around him. His reflexes wanted him to scream, but he knew if he did, he would breathe water and he'd be done for sure.

Struggling against the mighty beast, the knife on his hip is his last resort, but as an explosive pain seems to set his leg on fire, he knew he had no choice. Lashing out, his knife blade pierces the thick skin and his leg is released. Blood swirls in the water, creating a red fog.

Finally reaching the surface, Ryder gasps for air, choking and latching onto the hand that was reaching for him. Being pulled from the miniature swamp, he scrambles away from the edge out of instinct, while he was crowded by other zookeepers. Lying on his back, everything was blurry and everyone was talking at once.

"Back off, give him room!" someone finally orders.

"Look at his leg."

"Call 911"

"Somebody wrap this thing!"

Ryder blinks and tries to sit up with the aid of Dean. "Of all the stupid..." He winces, gritting his teeth as he tries to ignore the pain in his leg. "He said it was empty."

Dean tries to keep him from moving around too much. "Who? Who told you it was?"

"I dunno... the new guy." Ryder pushes Dean out of the way so he can look at his own leg, pulling up his pantleg, against the wishes of someone else trying to wrap it until an ambulance arrived. "Aw, nice. Tore my good pants."

"Your pants?!" Dean shakes his head in disbelief. "What about your leg?"

"He did a nice job on that too, didn't he? Just let me up. I'll take care of 'er myself." He attempts to stand but is pushed back down.

"Oh no you don't. You're going to need stitches." Dean looks down again at the wound. "A lot of them. You're lucky you got a leg left at all."

"Yeah, he had my foot and yanked me in then tried to twist me. I wrestled him over and woulda gotten away but he managed to get my leg on my way back up."

Dean rolls his eyes at Ryder's lack of worry. "You realize that anybody else would have been crocodile dinner, right?"


"Oy. Just stay here, okay? Humor me. For once. You're bleeding all over and we don't need visitors seeing this, alright?"

"Well don't make me stay at the hospital too long, mate. I got my girl coming when she's done with her shift in about an hour."

Dean smirks. "Trust me - you'll still be at the hospital. Want me to call her?"

"She'll kill me."

"You're afraid of her and not a crocodile?!"

Ryder shrugs. "Everybody's afraid of something."

Dean rolls his eyes. Sirens can be heard and he motions to some others to help. Once the paramedics have arrived and gotten Ryder into the ambulance, he makes up his own mind and calls Mom and Pop's...

..."Hello. Mom and Pop's, how can I help you?" Carson dries a pan with the phone cradled to his shoulder.

"From one Aussie to another." Dean sighs, hearing Carson's accent. "Is Jasmine... er... Thirteen there?"

Carson quirks his eyebrow and sets the pan down, finding this greeting very peculiar. "She is. Can I ask who's calling?"

"Yeah, this is Dean O'Rourke from the zoo... her boyfriend got himself caught by a critter and he's on his way to the hospital."

Carson's eyes widen. "Is he going to be okay?"

"Uh, I think so. Just got his leg nipped. He was ready to put a bandaid on it and get back to work. I just wanted his girl to know even though he didn't want her to."

Carson rolls his eyes. "Alright. I'll tell her. Thanks." Hanging up, he goes out to the counter and glances around for Thirteen, then waves her over away from the customers. "I just got a phone call," he explains quietly. "Ryder got himself hurt at work today and they had to take him to the hospital. They think he's going to be fine though," he assures quickly.

Not a hurry

Taking another sip of her drink Rayne raises an eyebrow at Phil's mishap with the wrong word. Letting out a small laugh Rayne dosnt say anything as not to embarrass Phil even more. Just moving on with the conversation she things for a moment.

"I would probably go with someone selling the car instead of going to a dealership. I don't have that much money for a new one so it would more than likely be cheaper."

Thinking again for a moment as she finishes off her muffin keeping her eyes down for a moment the wheels in her mind turning. Finally looking up at Phil again and giving a smile she talks again.

"If you not busy and feel like having some company maybe we can head to your friend now? I don't mean to be in a rush or anything but I have work again the day after tomorrow and they'll kill me if take anymore days off than I already have."

Wrong word

Phil chuckles and doodles a little more - a nervous habit that he'd never been able to break. "Well, thank you. Jason's got the strongest voice - hence, why he's the lead singer, but I'm glad you like my voice too."

Finishing off his drink, Phil thinks about Rayne's question for a moment. "Hmm... well, if you're looking for a good relationsh-" He stops mid-word and shakes his head, embarrassed by his tangled tongue and not saying the word he wanted. "Dealership, there's a used car one across down that's real good. Or if you're looking for just someone selling a car themselves, I've seen a couple - one is from a guy I know personally." He shrugs. "If you need a lift to go looking, give me a call, I'd be happy to help."


Listing to Phil sing Rayne looks at the paper before looking at and watching Phil. A smile slips on her lips at she just continues to look at him, her own cheeks growing a little red but not letting it bother her eyes just rome his face still he was done.

"I think thats a start to a really pretty song. I like it a lot and look forward to hearing it."

Taking another sip of her drink Rayne straitens up in the chair a little bit now moving away from Phil bit trying to at least give him a little room to breath.

"You have a really nice voice too. I like it."

Having a little color come to her own face Rayne gives a little cough knowing she was being slightly bold but that was just how she was. Though she couldn't help the color in her cheeks anyways.

"So, you wouldn't happen to know anyone who was selling a car for a decent price would you?"

Love songs

Seeing that Rayne was genuinely interested in what he was doing, a smile returns to Phil's face. He shifts a little, scooting the notepad closer to her. There were doodles, scribbled notes and crossed out words. Only part of one stanza was clearly written and Phil sings a short tune as he reads it off.
"Walking down the street,
Looking in the window panes.
I see all sorts of pretty things,
And I can see your smile."
Stopping, he gestures as he talks, clearly having envisioned what he wanted the end result to look like. "I picture like this couple walking along the sidewalk window shopping. Holding hands. And as the guy looks into the window, he sees the girl's smile reflected in the pane. And even though he sees all these pretty things for sale, he knows that it's that smile he wants more than anything else."

A little bit of color comes to Phil's face and he shifts the notepad to doodle again. "It's just... something that came to mind I guess. I usually sick to the praise songs - Kyle's better at the love songs." He chuckles. "Probably because he's been there. But I thought I'd give this one a shot. Maybe nice upbeat but gentle music."

After Chance comes back into the building, he heads to the infirmary, passing Katie on the way and giving her a little smile and nod. Finding out from Rick that Destiny would be okay, Chance can feel the relief, and he takes up a chair near the bed to be there when Destiny woke up. He knew he shouldn't display too much affection around here, lest he get in even more trouble with Reese, but that didn't mean he couldn't at least be here.


Giving a smile and taking another bit of her muffin Rayne chews for a few minutes listing to what Phil said. Nodding her a little she really was interested in what Phil had to say. Hearing his was thinking about writing some new songs Rayne perks up a little bit.

"I be you do an amazing job writing songs as well. What have you go there so far?"

Standing a little Rayne uses her good hand and moves the chair over to Phil a little to see what he was doing a little better. Taking her drink she sucks on the draw a little letting the cold liquid quench her thirst.

Leaning against the counter Katie cross her arms over her chest as she looks across the room and watches Destiny sleep quietly. For a long moment she just thinks about everything before looking to Rick again and giving a nod.

"Yeah he did seem pretty worried, other than the part where he left her to run after the get away van. I guess thought after spending so much time with someone you form a friendship, but still its odd."

Pushing off the counter and taking a few steps forward Katie stops and turns to Rick for a moment.

"Thanks Rick, if anything changes let me know. I need to go write up my report for this."

Walking forward once again Katie makes her way out of the infermary After writing the report she had to go home and clean up.


Rick turns to see Katie, offering a smile. "I think she's going to be okay." He nods. "Wasn't the best I've seen but not the worst either. She can probably go back to the safe house tomorrow."

Organizing some of the tools and things on the counter, he gives Katie a sidelong glance. "That bodyguard seemed pretty worried about her. I guess I figured someone like that would have been a little more matter-of-fact about it."

Still smiling, Phil's eyes twinkle. "You're looking pretty good too, now that you're not alongside the road or in a hospital bed." He gives her a teasing wink.

Leaning back, he takes a sip of his drink before chuckling. "Yeah... work... band... you name it. This is my thinking pad in my little haven. Not even my sister knows I come here."

He doodles a little with his pen. "Thinking on some new song lyrics but Kyle's the genius when it comes to writing. I guess he'll be writing for himself here now, so it'll probably be me or Jason getting anything new written."



( So you went to bed early, but lol..maybe that was a good thing. It took me till 3:30am to finish this and its not even long LOL)

Stopping outside the infirmary Katie leans against the wall for a moment before going in. Thinking for a moment on what Jason said it was very unusual for both of them to be wrong on a feeling they had about something.

Think we should do a little investigating of our own? Its really not often both our feelings are wrong.

Pushing off the wall Katie keeps her conversation open but enters the infirmary. Letting her eyes roam a little she spots Destiny over in the bed hooked up to the IVs. At least it was a sign things were some what ok.

Walking over to Rick Katie gives a small smile. She needed to go home and change her blood stained cloths but she had a few things she needed to do first. Keeping her voice quiet she inquires.

"Hows she doing Rick? Everything gonna be ok?"

Seeing Phil move his note and offer her to join him Rayne smiles and sets her cup down along with her muffin to take her seat. It was nice to have an offer from him to join his table. She didn't have many friends here, and knowing maybe she made one, and a handsome one at that was nice.

"Your looking well today."

Taking a sip of her coffee and just looking across the table at Phil for a long moment. Relizing maybe she was staring Rayne looks down at her muffin and takes a crumb from the top eating it. Looking across the table and cocking her head a little she was interested in what Phil was doing.

"What are you working on there? Work stuff or band stuff? Maybe both?"


Chance isn't really sure how to take Katie's comments about Alec, so he remains quiet, simply giving her a little nod as she heads back inside. Once he's alone, he quickly goes for his cell phone, pacing along the wall as he talks.

Yeah, thanks... I'll go head him off see if I can get anything more out of him before we come inside too.
Jason eases out of his truck, taking his time to wander across the lot and to Chance. He approaches from behind though, and as he does, he overhears part of the one-sided conversation. Jason automatically lets Katie in on it.

"Look, I'm sorry, alright?" Chance's voice is agitated. "So I messed up. You're the one that's paying me to be here, remember? I didn't want this job. ...No, I couldn't. There were too many people and Jason was there, too. ...Yeah, I think she's gonna be alright, thankfully. Rick's working on her now. ....Alright. Yeah. Talk to you tomorrow."

Flipping his phone shut, Chance turns around and almost runs into Jason. Taking a step back, his eyebrows rise. "Always sneak up on people like that?"

Jason shakes his head. "Only when necessary. Problem?"

"Nope." Chance tucks his hands in his pockets. "Just heading back inside."

"Before you go..." Jason steps in his path. "How come you didn't have more backup out there today? I heard you didn't even think I was necessary."

Chance doesn't bat an eye. "I thought it would draw unwanted attention to have more people about, not to mention put Destiny more on edge than she already was."

"Kinda backfired, didn't it?"

"I think those mongrels would have attacked if we'd had an army." Chance sidesteps to get around Jason. "See you later."

Jason doesn't respond, but just turns to watch him go inside.
I still don't know what it is, but I still don't like it. He's too sure of himself. He's got secrets. I just wish I knew what they were.

Phil looks up quickly to see Rayne and a smile spreads on his face. "Well, hi there." He chuckles. "Small world, isn't it? I bet I've seen you too."

Moving his notepad and cup over, he gestures to the other side of the table. "Join me? I'm not as busy as I look."