
Unexspected Company

Moving around the dance studio Cassy makes sure everything was almost perfect. It was still a while before people would file in but Cassy just wanted to make sure everything would be set up. She had punch and cookies, along with some cake she had made that would be placed before everyone started coming.

Tonight she would do her own ruteen to start everything off, before going into a little speech about what to expect here, and than sign ups would happen. It wouldn't be anything grand but it would be for her an accomplishment.

Hearing the little bell on the door ring Cassy continues to work not even looking up she figured it was just someone wondering by wonder what this old place had been turned into.

"We're closed...Open house is tonight if you want to come back."

"Not even for an old friend Cass?"

Hearing the low voice she new so well Cassy's head shoots up as she turns around. Seeing Steve standing in the doorway it was like Cassy's heart had been thrown into her throat. She'd gotten over Steve but just seeing him here seemed to bring back a lot feelings that hurt.

"Steve...what are you doing here?"

Walking in a little farther the tall dark haired man came a little close the charming smile on his lips his dark eyes just as luring as ever.

"I got wind you were starting your own place and I had to come and see it for myself. It looks great Cass. You did a great job."

Cassy couldn't help but beam as she looking around the studio it had turned out so much better than planned and it made her so good.

"I couldn't have done it without my really good friend Leo. He helped me with a lot of the stuff so I couldn't do it alone."

Steve cocks his head a little at the mention of Leo almost a jealous glint seeming to pass in his eyes.

"New boyfriend of yours?"

Hearing the slight change in Steve's voice Cassy's eyes search his for a long moment. Why was he really here? He had no business being here at this moment, or ever for that matter. He was the one who had cheated and than left.

"No, He's just a really good friend. Not that it should matter to you."

Giving a chuckle Steve comes closer to Cassy continuing to look down at her. Somewhere, he missed here, the ping in his heart had told him he had done the wrong thing and now...now he'd realized that and seeing her standing there and how pretty and independent she was made him miss her more.

Reaching his hand out he brushes it over Cassy's face tucking a lose hair behind her ear. Thinking with Lynn weren't the same like they had been with Cassy. She'd been perfect, and so determined.

"Listen Cass, I made a mistake and now I'm paying for it. Your so pretty today, just like you were when I first met you. I'm sorry that I hurt you, and I want you back Cass, I miss you. I'm sorry I made you wait around this long."

Closing her eyes for a moment as Steve's hand brushed her face Cassy doesn't feel the warmth anymore, of the tingle like she did when Leo did the same thing. Steve's hands were now cold to her. Opening her eyes and taking a step back out of his touch Cassy looks up at him her voice strong.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't me wait, because I didn't. I'm sorry Steve but I don't have feelings for you anymore, and I don't love you. Please leave."

Steve's eyes seem to grow a little dark as he continues to look at Cassy. Rejection was not something people did to him, not something he was use to and it didn't still well with him as his voice was agitated.

"It's because of this friend isn't it? Is that what it is Cassy?"

Cassy takes a deep breath and stands her ground not backing down from Steve. She was fine on her own and she wouldn't let him run her life.

"It doesn't matter if he is or not Steve. Now leave right now and never come back."

Turning Steve gives a snicker of disgust. Making his way to the door he shakes his head before turning again.

"You'll never make it with out me, so don't even bother trying. I'll see ya again Cass."

Once Steve was gone Cassy let out a heavy sigh as she found a chair to sink down in. Her head going to her hands as she leaned on the small table. She didn't care about Steve anymore but still seeing him shook her up. His words ringing in her ears. Could she do this? Could she make her knee strong enough again? She had to, if only to prove Steve wrong, she had to.

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