

It was strange, Phil thought as he entered the house with Rayne. Things lately had been going well, but there just seemed to be a dimness about it. Having Kyle gone for a year, Jason on the job and Jen struggling, nothing had been bad, but it juts hadn't felt a hundred percent like it used to. But today, there was a strange little light... like that hundred percent still existed somewhere.

Phil didn't know what the future held and he always tried to trust in God no matter what, but he had wondered from time to time what really would happen with the band... with him. With everyone spreading out a little more, his apartment had grown quiet. At the moment, he had Kyle and several guys with him, but that would soon be gone again as well. Maybe finding a new friend was a good way to see that his own little world could still expand and that there were still new things out there yet to be discovered.

"...well, here you go." Tom hands Rayne the keys and a copy of their written agreement. "No one's showed any interest in the weeks I've had that car out there - I think maybe it was waiting just for you." He smiles. "Pleasure doing business with you."

Phil stands back out of the way, letting the dealings go on without him as he waited. He'd lead Rayne back home, then get back to the humdrum of the day.

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