

Another little bit of happiness spread through Phil as he got back in his truck. Not only had he made a new friend, but he was going to be able to bring her to church on Sunday too. That made it doubly nice.

Hearing Rayne honk her horn, Phil pulls out first, giving a little wave as he passes and he makes sure she's behind him. Driving a little slower than normal, he takes the easiest route back through town until they're in familiar territory.

Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, he nods to an upbeat song on the radio, feeling better than he had when he'd woken up that morning. He still didn't have to work until a little later. Maybe he'd grab lunch with someone before work.

Arriving near Rayne's apartment, he slows and waves again so she can see him before he continues his route down the street. He watches in his mirror to make sure she's gotten there alright before turning the corner.

Waiting at a red light, he pulls out his cell phone and dials, listening for an answer. "Hey, Rocky... wanna do lunch at Mom and Pop's?"

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