
A moment to spare

Justin nods and gives Misty a little smile, taking a note as he answers him. He turns to Rick next, his eyes asking the same. "Would you agree?"

"Yeah. He likes classical music too," Rick muses. "Scott's always been pretty simple. Never took much to make him happy, ya know? I feel... very sorry that all this happened to him. He's just not the same Scott we all used to know."

"No, he's not." Justin shakes his head. "But that's why we're helping him... so that hopefully we can bring him back. He'll always have scars but... the old Scott is still there... just buried under a lot of pain."

Sighing deeply, Justin stands up, finished with Rick and Misty. "Thank you both for your time. I appreciate it." He shakes both their hands. "I may be back."

"Um, Justin, before you go..." Rick wanders over to the supply cupboard and pulls out a clean white t-shirt. "On the house. You can use the bathroom back here too if you like."

Justin's grin turns into a laugh and he finally accepts. "Okay. Maybe it would be best if I didn't scare too many other people, huh?" With his wry humor in tact, he disappears for a few minutes, returning with a clean shirt on, along with his face being void of the colored dye. Much more presentable, he nods his appreciation. "Thank you." He gives an extra little wave to Misty. "I'll probably be in touch."

Once he's gone, Rick stands quietly for a moment before turning to Misty. "Well... he seemed nice. I think I like him. Don't know if he can help Scott more than anybody else but... he seemed dedicated. Different, but dedicated."

Hot, sweaty and just a little frustrated from the afternoon at work, Eli finds himself enjoying a hot shower more than normal. The beginning and middle of his day had gone so well - lunch with Scarlet had been as fantastic as usual... he needed to end this day right too. Meeting her at Jimmy's was going to do just the thing.

After grabbing a quick supper and leaving a note for Ryan that he'd be back later, he heads out again, just as it was getting dark. Riding his motorcycle to the bar, he takes the shortest route to get him there right on time. As he's nearing though, he sees a figure leaving the front door. Scarlet?

Pulling up to the curb, Eli is just in time to see that it is indeed her, and she is indeed leaving. All that's left is her taillights disappearing down the street. He doesn't even have time to wave at her or ask her why she was taking off. She had said yes to meeting him, right? And he was here on time, right?

Eli considers pulling back out and following her, but for some reason, his gut tells him not to. Confused, he puts his kickstand down and dismounts, locking his helmet to his bike before heading inside. His wallet's chain jingles as he walks and he takes off his gloves, putting them in his jacket pocket. Entering the bar, he takes a quick glance around before spotting Jimmy. Something just didn't feel... right.

Coming up to the bar, he rests against it, giving Jimmy a nod. "Hey... was Scarlet just in here?" He was genuinely confused. "Thought I was supposed to meet her but I think I just saw her take off. You know anything?"

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