
Quick Run In

Looking up from her cubicle at the sound of a knock and a voice that followed Sapphire gave a smile at Justin. Hearing why he was there and that he was trying to help Scott she was a little surprised. Last she new Dr. Hawks and Hope were Scott's Dr's but maybe Scott needed someone else too so if thats what Justin was trying to do was help her brother than she liked him already.

"Sure, I was just finishing up with my work and I have a little time to spare before meeting my boyfriend so if you make it quick I would be more than happy to talk."

Sapphire's eyes sparkle a little showing that her comment about making it quick was only in a teasing manor. She had about an hour before she was to meet Gage for a movie so she had no problem talking with Justin at all.

Looking up as the door opens again Jimmy was sure it was Roth back for another beer even if he told him to leave. It had happened before playing this game of in and out but tonight he'd pushed Jimmy to far with Scarlet he wasn't messing around anymore.

Seeing it was Eli though he gives a nod as he draws closer coming over to him a little close as well. Hearing his question and seeing the confusion in his eyes Jimmy turns to the little cooler remembering what Eli had to drink last time and giving him the same setting it down on a little napkin.

"Yeah that was Scarlet you saw and I think she did mention something about having drinks with you tonight but that was before she had a quick run in with Roth before I broke it up."

Eying Eli for a moment he can see the confusion still on his face, and for a moment he hesitates. He new what Roth had done to Eli's sister and what Eli in turn had done to Roth. What would he do if he new what Roth had done tonight?

"Scarlet is a pretty special girl and she's like a daughter to me. I'd never let anything bad happen to her again or be put into a situation where she would get hurt. I told her to go home tonight. She didn't need to be here and if she stayed things might of gotten a lot uglyer than they already had."

Searching Eli's face Jimmy wonders if Eli new about Scarlet's past or not. His own face her new it said he new more than he was telling but really was it his place to say anything at all?

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