
Run In

Justin seemed nice and Misty was happy to help him. She'd seen many people come and going in her lift without the help of counseling some were strong enough to over come it and some were not. And maybe this time around Justin could help Scott. Not that Misty thought Hope hadn't or she couldn't but now it was a little different since they were dating. One would have a tendincy to hold back where if you had no connection would not.

Hearing Justin's last question Misty sits back and thinks for a moment. There were many things Scott liked that always mad him happy, how could she pick three.

"Well I guess since your making me pick only three out of the hundreds of things that make him happy I would say..taking pictures, Hope, and Domino his dog."

Giving Justin a pleasant smile Misty looks to Rick before Justin again. It was so hard picking but those were maybe the three most important that Misty though made Scott smile."

Than once again the sun starts to set the time moving on not stopping for anyone. Moving thought the day for some all to fast but for other not fast enough. The night would hold many different thing some good and some bad. But in a bar across town a motorcycle was heard pulling up a little early tonight but there non the less.

Entering the bar a little early than planned Scarlet didnt care. It had been a few days since she had talked to Jimmy and with everything going on she had to admit she was excited to talk with him.

Looking up from the glass he was polishing up Jimmy smiles seeing Scarlet. He'd hopped for one reason she wouldn't have come tonight of all nights but now she was here and he couldn't tell her to leave. He could only hope no trouble would be started.

Taking note to the wide smile on Scarlet's face Jimmy new something good must have happened to her. It had been a long time since he saw her smile like that, and the twinkle in her eye...he'd seen it before for a little while but to see it again it made her eyes even more amazing than they already where. Waiting until she was a little closer so he didnt have to draw to much attachen Jimmy finally greets her.

"If I didn't know any better by that smile on your face I'd say you where very happy with how your bike came out?"

Sitting down at the bar and leaning forward Scarlet didn't even have a chance to scan the room to see who else was there. She new Eli wouldn't be she was early and she was to excited about talking with Jimmy to bother.

"It turned out better than being very happy with it. Eli did a beautiful job on it. Not only that Jimmy...I scored a man out of the deal too. Made it official today when he told everyone where he works I was his girlfriend."

Jimmy own smile forms even bigger on his face as her hear Scarlet's good new. She had been through so much she deserved to have something good to happen to her and so far from what he new and ever say the last time Eli was here he was a good guy.

"I'm so happy for you Scarlet. You better hold onto him huh?"

Though Jimmy was happy his face seemed to drop a little slightly. His eyes seeming to narrow, he was wrong now there would be trouble he new it.

"Don't you start."

Moving one of the stools out of the way and leaning on the bar facing Scarlet the smell of liquor on his breath. Roth gives a snicker, Jimmy words being ignored as his hand moves across the bar counter to Scarlet's hand.

"So your dating the great Eli McKade now huh? Didn't you know you once your mine your always mine. So Mr. McKade is out of luck."

Moving her hand away from Roth's quickly almost like it was on fire Scarlet glares at him. Her own smile gone, her own tone gone cold.

"I'm not your girl and I haven't been for a long time Roth now get lost."

The blood all seemed to rush to Roth's face at Scarlet's comment making his anger rang a little more. Grabbing her arm and holding it all to tightly He pulls her twords him in a rough angry mannor, snearing.

"You are mine, and Eli should be the one who stays out of my way, and you should learn to respet me. You wont be anything ever, and as soon as Eli see right through you He'll drop you so fast. Your just a peace of trash and you belong with scum like me."

Seeing quite enough Jimmy steps in reaching out and taking Roth by the collar of his shirt and pulling him over the bar a little. For being older Jimmy still had quite the strength.

"Let her go Roth now before I make you wish you never came in here today."

Waiting for Roth to let go of Scarlet Jimmy can see the fear in this strong woman's eyes and it killed him a little inside. She was strong and could handle herself until it came to Roth who scared her to death.

"Scarlet why don't you go home for tonight ok?"

Looking back to Roth Jimmy's eyes narrow not letting go of him right away.

"And you best get home too before I call the cops."

Letting go of Roth his eyes never leave him making sure Scarlet gets out first without any other problems from Roth.

Knowing Jimmy new best and only wanted what was best for her Scarlet moves away from the bar. Her date with Eli tonight totally forgotten as she was to upset. Making her way out quickly Scarlet heads to her bike putting the helmet on and revving her engine a signal to Jimmy she had made it there ok. In a few moments she off, and it would take no time to get home.

Just glairing at Jimmy Roth looked as though he wanted to say something, or even take a swing at Jimmy but something in his eyes showed hesitance. Jimmy would be true to his word and call the cops if he didnt back off. Turning without saying anything more Roth leaves the bar and heads to his car waiting a few moment before peeling out of the driveway, way to fast and heading to where ever his destination might be.

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