

Giving another small laugh at the mention to Eli bringing the bike back in one peace and never dreaming of hurting Scarlet couldn't help it though she did believe him. Taking a sip of her water and looking back at Eli she could see him studying her, as the wheels in his own head seemed to turn. It was almost like he was having a silent argument in his head, and just looking at her was drawing him to one side.

Continuing to look back into Eli's own eyes not mining it one bit being captivated buy his own eyes so easily. They said so much if one looked hard enough.

As Eli breaks his gaze Scarlet smiles and breaks hers as well looking back down at her food and singling out a peace of chicken to bit into. Savoring the taste, it had been so long since she had a good chicken salad.

Looking up again as Eli starts to talk Scarlet's chewing slows for a moment before picking up again. His question was simple, but it almost took her off guard. She had saut Eli out, She had told him flat she wanted something more than just a fling, but now faced with the question it was almost like her heart was kicked up a k notch and she was asking herself was this really a good idea? Eli was great, and he seemed even nicer than she had imaged. She had good a good job of finding out about him, but still from her own past falts that flag was there anyways.

Reasoning in her own mind Scarlet looks up at Eli again this time it was her turn to stair and thinking. Looking into his deep eyes she remembers how soft and sweet he had been, yet at the same time he had been hold and ready to match her head on. Yes, this was a man she did trust and that was something that didn't come easy with Scarlet but Eli in a short time had earned it.

"I'd say I would want to see my bike first but I like the sound of being your girl. I think I would be a fool to decline that title. Would you like me to be your girl?"

Moving from the floor to next to Gage on the air mattress Sapphire takes a sip of the cold treat. Spending time with Gage was always nice, even if they didn't do anything just being there with him felt good.

Hearing that Con had given him a ride she gives a nod not surprised by Tank's helpfulness. He had such a big heart he'd help anyone who needed it. Hearing about her brother though stricks a cord with Sapphire and her eyes turn a little sad. Taking another suck from the drink she is silent for a moment.

It wasn't often her brother was talked about not because he wasnt important but because it was just a sore subject. But even if she hated it maybe it was a good thing to with someone a once and a while on it. Who better than Gage, he already new almost everything about her he was part of her life, so he should know.

"I'm...ok. I just wish Scott would let his anger go. I heard Hope talking to Reese that they think Scott is more mad at himself than anyone else. I can see that about my brother, he's always hated not being better."

Sapphire lets out a sigh as she leans her head on Gage's shoulder for a moment. His presence was so calming she just wanted to tell him close to her. He always made her feel better even if he didn't know it.

"I just...want to see him better again."

Pulling into the parking lot Hope sits in the car for a long moment. She new what Scott had said yesterday and it still weighed heavy on her mind. He didn't want to see her till he called, but she had made a promise to him his first day here no matter what she'd come and see him. If he didnt want to see her she would say hi and than head to the library or the flower gardens that surrounded the area but she would be here.

Finally getting out of the car Hope shuts and locked the door. Walking just a tiny but slower up the walk way she is suprised to see Scott sitting at the same bench as yesterday. Drawing closer Hope smiles sweetly though she can see the look on his face was colder maybe even bleaker than normal.


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