

Scott sees Hope approaching, but today he doesn't even try for a smile. He was tired of faking it.

Standing up, he faces Hope as she greets him. His eyes were dim, reflecting the lack of life he felt. "Morning," he returns coolly. Keeping his hands in his hoodie pockets, he shifts his weight from one foot to the other.

"I've decided to stay. It's safer for all involved if I do." He looks bravely into Hope's eyes, going over his words in his mind. He knew what he wanted to say... what he needed to say. "Before we go any further, I want to let you know that I care about you. I wish things were different so we could spend some real time together. But... we can't, because I'm messed up. And... I love you. But the fact that you came today even though I asked you not to... it just seems to confirm that nothing I say matters."

He swallows hard, knowing that his words were harsh, but he'd reached the point where he needed to express his true feelings. "I was dragged here against my will, and my wishes are consistently being disrespected. And I... I don't appreciate it."

Scott searches Hope's face before going on. "So I'm going to ask you one more time not to come back until I call. And if you do... don't expect you and me to go anywhere. Because I'm tired of being walked on."

Gage rests his head against Sapphire's as she leans it on his shoulder. He felt badly for her. He didn't know what it was like to have family, let alone a twin sibling. But he knew if he did have a brother or sister, he'd want to be close to them, not separated by these kinds of circumstances. Even if Scott had threatened him, he wished he would get better too, for Sapphire's sake.

"You will," he assures quietly. It was just another mess the Agency had created. He turns to kiss the top of her head before resting it on hers again. As much as Scott had been through already, surely he had enough strength to make it through this. Gage wondered if Reese or Hope had used Alec anymore... he could be the key to a lot of things, but it wasn't Gage's place to say.

Straightening a little, he returns to his shake before it melts too much, just enjoying some quiet with Sapphire. Much of their time was spent in silence. Gage rather liked it, learning how to read Sapphire without words, and watching her learn to read him too. Eventually though, the shakes are gone. But a glance at the clock proves they still have plenty of time to do whatever they wanted and still get out and about for the activities Sapphire had mentioned.

Setting his empty cup aside, Gage flops back down on his side on the mattress and with on arm, pulls down Sapphire too. His arm drapes around her waste and tucks her in close in front of him. "Half hour," he murmurs. "Then we can go."

Eli pauses between mouthfuls and contemplates Scarlet's question. Was it just him, or were they both undecided, tossing the idea around back and forth just to see who would make the first move? For two such confident people, surely to an outsider, this was a comical conversation. His eyes twinkle.

"Been a long time since I called someone my girl," he comments casually. "I'd say you were taking quite a risk by getting involved with the likes of me, but... it's apparent that you've done your homework." The awkward feelings about Scarlet finding out about him prior to their meeting were gone now, replaced by amusement.

He gives her another grin before taking time to sip his ice tea. What the hey. He had nothing to lose, and if things didn't work out, he could still say he'd had her for a while, right? "I think I'd like it," he finally answers. "Besides, if I don't act now, some other guy is gonna come along and steal you away and that wouldn't be any fun at all."

A wink is tossed in her direction. "But maybe you should wait to agree until after the bike's done."

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