
Singal Tear

Seeing the lack of life is Scott's eyes Hope can almost feel her head pick up so much more than it had before. Her hands were clamy and she wasnt even sure why yet. Maybe it was the fortold feeling of the words that were coming.

As Scott speaks Hope listens her smile never seemed to fade though but the feelings passed through her eyes as a glossy presence made itself know almost pushing to flow over though they don't. Hope wanted to be angry, herself, Scott who new...she just wanted to feeling but she couldn't.

Letting out a small sigh she continues to look at Scott, her eyes so lost, almost defeated. Trying to finger her words they seemed lost amongst emotions that wanted to be free. Finally though she trys to push back what she feels the smile though faded a little was still on her face.

"Did you ever think Scott maybe I come here for the both of us? I failed once on making you better, and maybe for me I came back here because I choose to, because maybe I needed help too and I had to try and make things right because I love and care for you that much."

The emotions still pooled in hopes eyes though she kept her voice calm, and her words uncontrolled. Sometimes she hated the councilor side of her that didn't allow her to get mad, or yell. That alone could be frustrating.

"I will continue to come. If you don't want me to stop in and say hi than I wont. If you want to break things off with me because I am coming here for me, than thats a pretty crappy reason to walk away from maybe one of the best relationships of your life. But I will continue to come, because I need to come. I'm sorry you feel as though I walked all over you, or I had no respect for you. But if I had to go back and do it again I wouldn't change it, because at least I cared."

Stepping a little to the side Hope walks around Scott and started to make her way inside the building at a slow pase like she had so many times before.

Though no one new out of her own choosing she had started seeing one of the Dr's here on each of her visits, just to talk, to voice how she felt. Everything that happened with Scott was hard for her to handle...not because it was to much but because in fact it did feel like she had failed him.

Where would they go now? She didnt know. Would Scott end it? Hope prayed he wouldn't! Would they be ok, and would there relationship mend, Hope wanted to think so because she did love Scott so much. And finally...a single tear fell from Hope's eye.

Finishing her own drink and being pulled down with Gage Sapphire comfortable tucks her on arm under her and the other lays across his stomach and her hands rests on his cest as she nuzzled her head into his shoulder.

Gage had learned so well how to comfort her, Sapphire couldn't help but think it was a trate he'd always had and giving the chanse to show it, it flourished so much and was so warm. Sapphire could spend the whole night like this and be happy.

"Mmm...ok a half hour. I am so comfortable to argue."

Scarlet can't help her laugh as she rolls her eyes. Hearing Eli agree to wanting her to be his girl felt nice and warm. Just the sounds of it felt....good. Though both seemed hesitant maybe that was the funny part about it all.

"Let's see...two days you said my bike will be ready...I don't know if I can hold out till than, but I can try."

Giving a shake of her head the grin on her lips seemed to grow even bigger. It seemed funny waiting a few days before there was an official title when they had already made up there minds but it was kind of fun to think about it at the same time.

"I do have to say though I am happy we got that first date out of the way. Just because I have to wait for the title doesn't mean I have to wait for the kiss....does it?"

Scarlet can't help the sly little smile that had formed on her lips to replace the grin. She liked Eli, and how she felt around him, she liked knowing they could throw pass back and forth at each other till they were blue in the face and never tired. It just seemed part of the fun.

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