
Touchy subject

Eli chuckles and shakes his head. "I'll definitely have your bike in one piece. I couldn't do harm to a motorcycle if I was paid to," he teases. "As for Ryan... I don't think it'll be too hard to get past her. She's softer on the inside than out. But don't tell her I said that."

Pausing, he continues to study Scarlet's eyes. She'd mentioned wanting more the very first night they'd been out together. Did he really want that? Did he really want more than just a couple casual dates? There was hesitance in his gut. He'd gone too far the last time a woman wanted to have a relationship. Moving in with Sasha had been the worst thing he could have done, so at a certain level he didn't trust himself anymore. At the same time, how could he let this drop-dead gorgeous, fun, adventurous, intriguing woman slip through his fingers?

It was ironic. He was always after dates and hanging out with the girls who walked by. But no one ever wanted anything more than an evening over drinks at the bar. This was different. This was... more. Scarlet didn't seem the type, though, to take things too quickly or too far. No... she was confident and a go-getter, but there was a certain reserve about her too, warning that she wasn't the type to go fooling around with one-night stands. No... Scarlet was... special.

Realizing that he was still staring at her, he finally drops his gaze and takes another bite of food. Being with her felt risky... but there was a sense of adventure there that beckoned him. A grin makes its way to his lips once more as he speaks again while eating. "So... a few dates, a few kisses, and we haven't killed each other yet. Does that make you my girl or do you have to see what shape your bike is in first?"

Gage finally manages a smile as he chooses the chocolate shake. "Spending time with you is always fun for me, you know that."

Sucking the cold treat up through the straw, he grins. "I guess a milkshake makes everything better, eh?" Moving over, he pats the mattress beside him so Sapphire can sit next to him instead of directly on the floor.

Quiet for a few moments, he mulls over another subject in his head, thinking through his words before speaking, like he usually did. "Con... he gave me a ride earlier today 'cause I had to go across town and he was heading that way. He... said Scott wasn't doing very well."

He pauses and runs his finger around the cup's plastic lid. He knew this was a sensitive subject and if Sapphire didn't want to talk about it, he wouldn't. But he did wonder how she was doing with it all - they rarely brought it up in conversation.

Gage glances to her out of the corner of his eye. "Are you...okay?"

For Scott, the next day came all too soon. Waking up in the morning, misery from the day before still lingered. Sleep hadn't come easily in the night, and that which had come, had been restless. All this whole mess was because of him, and he was sick of it. He was sick of needing help all the time, relying on others, and being the one to fall to pieces constantly. It wasn't fair.

Curled in bed, he glances at the window. Where had his determination go from the other day? He'd finally realized he did need the help. Was this just a bad spell? Would it pass? Would he ever have the courage he needed again? Would he even get away from here? Technically, he could leave whenever he wanted. But deep down, he knew that was the wrong choice. At least here, he wouldn't be putting his friends in danger.

Rolling out of bed, he trudges to get ready for the day. If he didn't, the nurse would be up to see him and get him up anyway. "Breakfast time!" she would say. And he would decline like normal. Then she would come up a while later with some food anyway and he would wind up eating a little bit of it. Later she'd come clear it away, still smiling and as chipper as always. It was an easy routine to learn.

It doesn't take Scott long to be showered and dressed. But before he could be approached about breakfast, he heads downstairs. Dr. Hawks said he could talk with him this morning - he might as well get it over with. He'd cooperate. He'd try not to walk out. He knew he had to do this. But there were some changes that would take place. There were some things he just couldn't handle anymore...

...Sitting outside on the very same bench as yesterday, Scott waits. He hadn't walked out this morning. It hadn't been easy... he'd told Dr. Hawks things he really didn't want to. But at least it had ended well. Now Scott knew that Hope would be coming again. He'd told her not to come, but he knew she would anyway. And that's exactly what he was ready for. He wasn't going to keep doing this stupid same routine day in and day out. It was a silly dance with silly games he wasn't going to play anymore. From here on out, he would do it his way. He'd get over this. He would win. But it would be on his terms this time.

So he waits.

Dylan knew all too well how to avoid detection when he wanted something. This afternoon was no different. It was still raining out, but not as hard, so at least he didn't get soaked on the walk from the bunkhouse to Angel's office. He'd been keeping an eye out for the traffic and knew that his dad was in the barn and that Rosetta had just gone to the mess hall, most likely for something to eat or some coffee. Dylan also had seen that Angel had slipped out the side to empty some garbage. If ever there was a chance, this was it.

Moving quickly but not too fast to be noticed, Dylan slips across the driveway and up the porch steps without hesitating. Letting himself in, he lets the door shut softly behind him and glances around. He sees the door at the other end of the room was ajar, so he goes to investigate. He wasn't really sure why he was here... maybe he felt more badly about the whole thing with BJ than he'd let on. He hadn't meant for the kid to get hurt last night. It had just been... a mess. And still was. If Mick knew he was in here, he'd be dead meat. But he just wanted to see for himself.

Dylan finds himself sliding into the cozy room, spotting BJ's sleeping form on the bed. He looked smaller now... kinda pale. But at least he was getting rest, right?

Closing the gap, Dylan's hands rest in his pockets and he looks down at the young boy, feeling the pangs of guilt again. He didn't like a little kid tagging along behind him or wanting attention all the time. But even so, he wouldn't have chosen for BJ to get hurt.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "When you wake up, I'll... I'll help you find another frog."

Mick leans on the doorway for a moment, having entered the office right after Dylan. He'd been prepared to drag his son out by his shirt, but hearing Dylan's soft words, it suddenly hits Mick that maybe there really was another side to his son. Maybe there really was something besides the bad attitude and stupid decisions. Was this what Dan had seen in him? Perhaps. Mick still wasn't sure how he should respond to the whole situation. He didn't know how to keep himself from blowing his top when thinking about it, or blaming this all on Dylan's stupidity. Maybe he just needed to do what he'd suggested to Dylan earlier - that he could stay as long as he earned his keep and stayed out of trouble. But maybe Mick just needed to back off and quit trying to fix things.

Backing away from the door, Mick wanders back through the office, exiting onto the porch. Sighing deeply, he looks at the sky that was changing colors as it prepared for nightfall. It had been almost twenty-four hours now... Another prayer is lifted for BJ to awake and be alright.

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