
All Night Show

   "It's not just about you Garret! You can not want friendship all you want, and I can understand now why, but its not just what you want. Its what others around you want too. To me, to Maggie, you are our friend. I know it goes against everything you have learned in the Agency, and everything you know, but there are days friendship is the only thing that holds me together."

Relaxing a little more Nate watches as Maggie shifts again and takes Garret's hand in her own and pulls it close, tucking it under her cheek. He always wondered what went on inside his sisters head. What did she think about, what did she dream about. She saw the world much different than most people. Maybe it was for that fact alone that drew her to Garret. She was an outcase too. Maybe for a different reason, maybe different outcomes, but she was.

   "You look exhausted. How about instead of walking back to the Elite in the rain, I move that sack of potatoes in your lap, and you can have the couch to rest on for the night. Not sure if its more comfortable than the Elite bed, but its a warm place to rest."

Adison can't help the rolling laughter that came out of her. That had been quite the night and not many people were happy with them. But it had been fun, at least to her it was. That twinkle in Kirk's eye told her he had though so too. Giving a slap to his arm she takes another sip of her coke.

   "Me!!!! I was good at 2 pots of coffee, but than you had to go and make another and pull out your stash of candy. You know what caffeine and sugar does to me. I don;t think I've ever crashed so hard in my life."

Setting her now half empty can down Adison finished off the crust of the pizza taking one more bit and making sure to get the pepperoni. Tossing the rest of the slice back in the box. She couldnt eat another bite or she would pop. At least now anyways. 

Standing she moves around the paperwork to find the "A" files. Bending down and picking it up and holds it for a long moment before looking back to Kirk. She new nothing about these people but knowing Kirk she would very soon.

   "Alright...time is ticking. Lets get those all night show on the road."


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