

Sunshine. Maybe Garret knew just a little about that. Victoria had always seemed to brighten things up when he was around her. Aside from that though...there had never been anything that made Garret feel good about life.

Realizing they had to go back inside, he sighed and took one last look at the sky. It had been nice while it lasted. Maybe since he hadn't tries to pull any stunts, Reese would let him out again soon. He could only hope.

Back across the main floor, his eyes once more gazed upon the small force that had been such a giant foe as of late. It really was impressive they'd managed to be such a thorn in the Agency's side with as few people as they had. Maybe Garret wasn't quite impressed, but it was close.

Being released from his cuffs, he flexed his hands. There were several moments he could have taken advantage of and gotten past Nate, but he stayed put in his mini prison. Ready to be left alone again, he was surprised when Nate lingered to continue their strange conversation.

Garret cocked his head, unsure of the unfamiliar feelings that were trying to surface. He wasn't even sure what they were. Nate's final comment though brought out a chuckle. He truly hadn't been ready for that one. "I'm not sure I've ever been called anything but a bad guy. At least not since I was just a kid." A painful memory flashed through his mind, but he pushed it aside.

"But fear is something I learned to give up just as long ago. This all may be new, and seemingly pointless, but I can assimilate...just like I have time and time and time again."

For one if the first times, he gave up his authoritative stance and sank down in the cot while Nate was still there. His eyes suddenly gained a faraway look. "You're right about the freedom though. That's all I want.... To just... Be free." Free to be with the woman he loved. Free to make his own decisions. Free to live whatever life he chose. But was it even realistically possible?

Bad guy

Garret's reply made sense for someone who worked in the Agency. They were all business and if not it was only no good that came for fun. Good clean fun was not heard of there. It confused Garret about as much as the thought of no fun confused him. And looking closer Nate could see how empty he really was.

   "Because whats life worth living, what keeps you going on, if there isn't some kind of sunshine in your life!"

Moving again and stretching Nate nods to the door. It was time to take Garret back inside. They already had been out longer than Reese had told them to be and if he waited much longer, who know what might come busting through the door next. 

   "We let our guard down because we have faith in the people we work with. They have our back 24/7, and we trust our own skill to act when something does happen. Just because you are alert does not mean you are ready for anything. Come on, let get back inside before Reese never lets you out again."

Leading Garret back inside and down the hall Nate walked still thinking about Garrets words, and processing everything in his head. There was something more to Garret, something maybe not everyone could see. A longing, a need, a want. 

Letting Garret back into the cell Nate gates the cuffs off his feet and wrists before stepping back to the door. Pausing for a second he taps his fingers on the door before looking Garret in the eye again.

   "You seem pretty set in your ways with The Agency and yet...here you are. Wanting to turn yourself in. Deep down I think there is that desire to be free, to not be on guard all the time, to be able to laugh, and not always look over your shoulder. I just...dont think you know how and it scares you. Maybe one day it will be my honer to be the first to help you experience it. Because all in all....you are not such a bad guy."

Line of Duty

Eli nodded numbly as he stood up. No matter the reason for what had happened tonight, just knowing they needed to evaluate Ryan's mental state was hard to accept. "Yeah...yeah, okay. Thank you."

After asking where Ryan's room was, he found his way, and entered quietly. It was hard seeing his sister lying there in the bed. It always made her look so much weaker than she really was. Approaching slowly, he eased down in the available chair and just looked at Ryan, feeling utterly helpless. 

He pulled his phone from his pocket and hivered his thumb over the buttons a moment before finally forming a text message. He knew Scarlet was out of town and busy, but...he just couldn't bear this alone. 

Didn't want to bother you. Ryan was in an accident. She's going to be ok but I just wanted you to know. Details later.

He hit send, then sighed. Tal. He probably wouldn't even get the message til he got up in a few hours.

Ryan was in an accident. At the hospital but ok. I'm with her. Call me when you get this.

Pocketing his phone, Eli looked back to Ryan's still form. "What's going on, Speedy?" he asked quietly, not wanting to disturb her, but desperate to solve this mystery. "What really happened out there tonight?" Surely it hadn't been on purpose. God, please don't let it have been on purpose.

Enjoy doing something "just because"? What was the point? Garret's eyebrows furrowed in almost a slight confusion as he genuinely tried to imagine living that kind of perspective. He finally shook his head. "In my line of duty, there wasn't exactly time for doing something without reason, and laughter...was a polite formality reserved for social gatherings." True enjoyment of anything - aside from brief moments with Victoria - was rather foreign to him. Sometimes the guards would have late night card games and would carry on, but even that was limited, and Garret never entered in. He took his job too seriously to be caught in that position.

He gave Nate a sidelong glance, knowing full well that they were from completely opposite worlds. And this one...with as little as he'd seen so far...made very little sense. His own world had always been dark. From day one with the Agency, he'd been pushed beyond his limits, and had learned very quickly to set aside all emotions. If he hadn't, he would have been broken years ago. But he'd developed iron walls instead - walls that were now sunken firmly in place. 

"All it takes is one moment with your guard down to bring disaster. I'm not sure I could live without taking things seriously twenty-four/seven."

Aaron's eyes widened. Victoria was actually going to take his idea? Without even a slam to his level if intelligence? Maybe miracles really did happen. As she turned her back in him though, he smirked. "Oh, I wouldn't dare miss out." As if. Did she really think he'd never been in a case before? 

He sighed and reached over to turn his light off before settling down on his back. His eyes drifted back to Victoria's form though. This trip didn't have to be so obnoxiously tense. If she'd just loosen up, they could... He rolled his eyes at himself before turning his gaze to the dark ceiling. As if. No, this was strictly business. Which it probably should be anyway if they were going to succeed in extracting Garret from the clutches of the Elite.

On Time...

Taking in what Aaron had to say Victoria just listens still keep her eyes up. He was right, he could have the best idea in the world and she might ignore it, but if she really thought it was good than she might not. There was just something about him that rubbed her the wrong way. However his idea this time did make sense.

   "Ok, tomorrow well set up and check it out."

Victoria rolls on her side away from Aaron and wraps her arms around herself. This was slightly different than most jobs, but at the same time she couldn't help the feeling of dread she had. She didn't like the feeling that something was very wrong but she had no choose in the matter.

   "Make sure you get up on time. I'd hate for you to miss all the action."

Pushing off the wall and looking to where Garret was looking Nate gives a small smile. He'd really never thought of it as being unprofessional and it seemed funny to hear someone call it there. It was just there normal every day life.

   "We take our job seriously, but whats the point if we can't have a little fun too. Most of us wait till work is over, and some of us joke around at work. Life is to short to just take things seriously twenty four seven. Haven't you ever just enjoyed doing something...because?"

Nate looks at Garret cocking his head a little. Maybe Garret really hadn't enjoyed something because.  Good clean fun is what they had, life, love, and not always having to look over there back. Nate couldn't imagen a life like that. He couldn't even being to think how he would feel.

Looking at Eli Amanda could see the pain in his eyes. Her heart went out to him and she really did feel bad.  Maybe Ryan had been just confused it was possible, but she still worried. With cases like this they needed to keep a close eye on there pashents.

   "She's resting right now but you are more than welcome to go in and see her. Another dr will be down in a bit to do an mental evaluation and I am sure he will have more questions. Just try and let her sleep for now."