
On Time...

Taking in what Aaron had to say Victoria just listens still keep her eyes up. He was right, he could have the best idea in the world and she might ignore it, but if she really thought it was good than she might not. There was just something about him that rubbed her the wrong way. However his idea this time did make sense.

   "Ok, tomorrow well set up and check it out."

Victoria rolls on her side away from Aaron and wraps her arms around herself. This was slightly different than most jobs, but at the same time she couldn't help the feeling of dread she had. She didn't like the feeling that something was very wrong but she had no choose in the matter.

   "Make sure you get up on time. I'd hate for you to miss all the action."

Pushing off the wall and looking to where Garret was looking Nate gives a small smile. He'd really never thought of it as being unprofessional and it seemed funny to hear someone call it there. It was just there normal every day life.

   "We take our job seriously, but whats the point if we can't have a little fun too. Most of us wait till work is over, and some of us joke around at work. Life is to short to just take things seriously twenty four seven. Haven't you ever just enjoyed doing something...because?"

Nate looks at Garret cocking his head a little. Maybe Garret really hadn't enjoyed something because.  Good clean fun is what they had, life, love, and not always having to look over there back. Nate couldn't imagen a life like that. He couldn't even being to think how he would feel.

Looking at Eli Amanda could see the pain in his eyes. Her heart went out to him and she really did feel bad.  Maybe Ryan had been just confused it was possible, but she still worried. With cases like this they needed to keep a close eye on there pashents.

   "She's resting right now but you are more than welcome to go in and see her. Another dr will be down in a bit to do an mental evaluation and I am sure he will have more questions. Just try and let her sleep for now."


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