
Bad guy

Garret's reply made sense for someone who worked in the Agency. They were all business and if not it was only no good that came for fun. Good clean fun was not heard of there. It confused Garret about as much as the thought of no fun confused him. And looking closer Nate could see how empty he really was.

   "Because whats life worth living, what keeps you going on, if there isn't some kind of sunshine in your life!"

Moving again and stretching Nate nods to the door. It was time to take Garret back inside. They already had been out longer than Reese had told them to be and if he waited much longer, who know what might come busting through the door next. 

   "We let our guard down because we have faith in the people we work with. They have our back 24/7, and we trust our own skill to act when something does happen. Just because you are alert does not mean you are ready for anything. Come on, let get back inside before Reese never lets you out again."

Leading Garret back inside and down the hall Nate walked still thinking about Garrets words, and processing everything in his head. There was something more to Garret, something maybe not everyone could see. A longing, a need, a want. 

Letting Garret back into the cell Nate gates the cuffs off his feet and wrists before stepping back to the door. Pausing for a second he taps his fingers on the door before looking Garret in the eye again.

   "You seem pretty set in your ways with The Agency and yet...here you are. Wanting to turn yourself in. Deep down I think there is that desire to be free, to not be on guard all the time, to be able to laugh, and not always look over your shoulder. I just...dont think you know how and it scares you. Maybe one day it will be my honer to be the first to help you experience it. Because all in all....you are not such a bad guy."

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