

Still standing behind Carson Thirteen shook her head. She new that this was someone from her past life. She never new his name, but she new his face well and his voice. How could someone who spent day in and day out around another forget them. No...she remembered everyone she came in contact with there.

   "No...No I know you are a guard from there. You use to bring me food or what you thought was good enough to keep me alive. You'd yell in the hall and tell people you wanted to bring me in for the experiments. You would put a bag over my head and push me. I can remember it like it was yesterday. It haunts my dreams and still...sometimes I can feel the cold steel of the examination table, or the wine of the noises in my head. Than one day you...you were just gone and someone else took your place, worse than what you did."

"Reese...sorry to bother you. Carson wanted me to call you. He said he was bringing a prisoner into the Elite."

As Aerith talked on the phone to Reese she fumbled to get the handcuffs from Carson. This was definitely not how she saw her night turning out. She wasn't sure if she felt worse for herself or for Thirteen in this situation.

   "I don't know how it is. I think I heard him saw his name was Garret, and Thirteen is freaking out about not wanting to go back to The Agency. Ok...I'll let him know."

Hanging up the phone and bringing the handcuffs out to Carson Aerith had her own look of fear on her face. She new as long as Carson was there they would be safe, but still she couldn't help being shaken up as well.

   "Reese said he'd meet you there in five minutes."


Feeling Victoria's breath on his cheek, Aaron stared into her eyes. He tensed, as a bead of sweat trickled down the back of his neck. Only when she'd backed off did he breathe again, and cleared his throat. He wanted to retaliate. He wanted to step up and tell her off. But he wasn't that stupid. All he could do was get red in the face as she maintained the upper hand.

"Right. Collens instead of Harrison. Whatever you say." If it wasn't for Medridge's own orders, Aaron would take who he wanted. But he couldn't risk it.

Pushing off the wall, he headed for hi quarters. He had a lot to prepare and very little time.

Thirteen? Was this girls name really a number? All Garret's plans were falling to pieces because of this unexpected encounter. He'd wanted to get Carson alone. He'd wanted a chance to explain his presence before all hell broke loose, but it was quickly turning backward on him, and he didn't even know why. His instincts screamed at him to take action, and it took all he had to  stay put and remain calm. He could easily get away or even take out Carson and the girl both, but he couldn't. Not this time. This was a new game he had to learn now.

"Take it easy," Carson comforted Thirteen. "He's not taking you anywhere." He made sure he stood between her and Garret, his blood boiling at the thought of anyone harming Thirteen - before or now.

A guard? What? Garret's confusion grew.

"Is that why you came here?" Carson took a step closer to Garret, still aiming his shotgun. His voice rose with his temper. "Well? Is it?!"

"No!" Garret shook his head. "I came to see you. I don't know what she's talking about. I've never seen her in my..." His voice trails off as suddenly his mind's eye saw a much younger version of Thirteen. A messy ponytail. Agency scrubs. Pale, gaunt face. Eyes that had lost their shine. A young life raised by the Agency to know nothing other than the inside of their facility. Thirteen...a number. A name.

"Well??" Carson took another step. "You explain yourself, or so help me, they'll be cleaning your brains off the walls for weeks."

Garret swallowed hard but remained cool. He eyed the gun's barrel warily. "How about lowering that scattergun first?"

"Aerith!" Carson yelled. "Call Reese. Tell him to meet me at the office in half an hour and that I've got a prisoner. Then bring me the handcuffs that are in my room."

Garret sighed. "Really? Look, I just want to talk and -"

"Why. Are. You. Here?"

"I came to make a deal. Your help for mine. Plain and simple."

Carson's eyes narrowed. "And Thirteen?"

Garrett shook his head. "She must be mistaking me for someone else."

Bad Side

Victoria cocks her head at Aaron as a smile spreads across her lips and a chuckle comes out as well. He was grasping at straws and she new it. In a way it really was rather funny in her own mind. Straitening gives a small nod as she drew herself closer to Aaron.

   "You mean my emotions to just end the suffering I am going to have to endure having an arrogant man who thinks he knows everything on my team?"

Becoming only inches from Aaron Victoria brings her hand up to his chin and tilts his head back slightly so she could look in his eyes. Her lips only inches from his, her breath brushing across his skin as she can feel his own.

   "Don't get on my bad side and maybe...just maybe I'll keep my emotions in check enough you'll live to see that promotion."

Letting go of Aaron's face and stepping away from him Victoria turns and makes her way back to the house. She needed to get everything ready for leaving tomorrow to go to the states. Who new how long this was going to take, or how easy or hard it would, but she wouldn't take any chances with Garret's life. They'd be prepared for anything.

   "Bring Kirk, and Collens by the way. Harrison is to bull headed and has an issue following directions."

Thirteen couldn't help the fear that coursed through her. It was like everything else faded away and nothing else around her even mattered. Her heart raced as tears ran down her cheek. Seeing Carson Thirteen let out a small breath of air though she was still panicked and freaking out. If there was one person she trusted more than Ryder it was Carson.

   "Please...don't let him take me back to the Agency. I don't want to go back there...thats why he is here. I just know it. He use to be one of the guards when I was there before. Please Carson...I dont want to go back."

As Carson came up closer Thirteen stepped behind him. She was shaking, scared and didn't know what to do. She felt so useless not being able to even stick up for herself but she couldn't help it. She'd just froze and been so so scared.


Long Time

The fact that Misty was leaving things in Carson's ballpark was another surprise, but he wasn't about to draw attention to it. Yes, he'd call her, and it would take all his self control not to do it first thing tomorrow.

"Okay, well..." How could he say goodnight? This wasn't fair...but he'd be grateful for what he had. "If you need anything..." Not that she'd call him, but it was worth an offer. He reached over to take her hand, and planted a gentle kiss on her fingers. "I'm always here."

Just as he started to rise, his cell phone went off, and he bit his lip. What now? Retrieving his phone from his pocket, he saw it was the restaurant. It must be one of the girls. "I gotta get this," he apologized. "The girls are prolly burning down Mom and Pop's." He gave Misty a little nod. "I'll talk to you again soon. Goodnight, Misty." A wink was the last expression before he was gone, out the door. "Yeah, hello." He answered the call as he stepped down off the porch. And hearing Aerith's strained voice and the commotion on the other end, his pace immediately quickened...

Garret opened his mouth to decline a drink, but didn't even get the words out before the young woman lost it. His eyes widened in surprise. What in earth was going on? Who was this, and why was she panicking?

He stood and put his hands up. "Whoa, whoa, hey, I'm just looking for Carson Banks." Hearing Carson was one of the people the girl was telling at her friend to call, he knew he was at the right place, but now he was even more on edge.

"I don't know who you think I am, but that's all I want - just to see Carson." He searched the girl's frightened face. Who did she think he was, and where did she not want to go again? Being gentle was not his strong point, making this all the more difficult. "Don't call the police - I'm not here to hurt or take anyone." The last thing he wanted was for the police to be called. But why was there recognition on her face? Surely there wasn't an Agency connection here...was there? 

In the back of the restaurant, the door quietly opened. Carson had made it here in record time. Slipping into the kitchen, he put his finger to his lips to keep Aerith quiet as he opened a bottom cupboard and retrieved his shotgun. Easing back out and down the short hall, he emerged, the gun pointed at the stranger. "One wrong move and I blow your head off," he hissed. 

Garret's hands remained midair and he quirked an eyebrow as he slowly turned his gaze. "Mr. Banks. Long time no see."

It took only a moment for it to register in Carson's mind who this was. "Garret Jackson, you swine." He made his way across the room to Thirteen, keeping Garret in his sights. "Thirteen, you okay?" he asked. "What happened? Did he hurt you?"

Aaron nodded. "Good theory. You could be right. I'd be surprised if the Elite was close enough to nab Garret but with all that's happened, maybe they're stepping up their game."

He paused, thinking through all they'd need to prepare. "I was thinking of taking Kirk and Harrison, unless you have another preference. Once we're in the states, depending on leads, I might send them on way while we go another, to cover more ground."

His eyes found their way to Victoria's face. I trust your emotions won't interfere with what we need to do." 

Call Anyone

Thirteen can't help the laugh that escaped her lips. The last few weeks there had been more good days, than bad days and she'd really enjoyed becoming friends with Aerith. At least she had one friend she enjoyed hanging out with aside from Ryder.

Hearing the bell on the door Thirteen looks to Aerith. They must have forgot to lock it after the last customer had left. Looking at Aerith Thirteen shakes her head with a smile before heading twords the door from the back room.

   "I'll get it."

Heading out while holding a plate, and a towel to dry it off Thirteen's mind really wasn't on the person who had just walked in. She was thinking about many different things and mainly about what Ryder and herself were going to be doing once he picked her up shortly. 

  "Hey, Sorry but we are closed. We must have forgot to lock the front door. Can we get you a soda or coffee for the inconvenience?"

Clearing the fog from her head and looking twords the strange that walked in Thirteen couldn't help the uneasy feeling that came over her. She'd been doing really good around people, and in different situations but something about this...there was something that almost sent panic through her.

Moving around the table he was at and being able to see his face better Thirteen instantly got flash backs of her time with the Agency. Everything she'd been though and this face, this man, he'd been there too. No...this couldn't happen...not now. Dropping the plat on the floor it shattered with a loud crash, and not being able to help the yell that came from her lips. Panic took over.

   "No...No...Aerith...call the cops...call Ryder, call Carson, call anyone...No...Please...I dont want to go back...I dont want to go back please."

   "You are welcome. I really enjoyed it too. It was nice."

Misty looks down at the table before looking up at Carson again. She really had missed having dinner with him even if this time it was a little awkward. But the time was coming when she new Carson would have to leave and she'd be home with her own thoughts. She new he'd have to go but she hated the thought of being alone in the house.

   "We will have to plan something else another time. I wont be back to work right away I dont think. Unless I get really bored here, but you know my number. I'll...be looking forward to it."

   As night feel and Victoria was outside among the stars she couldn't help but miss Garret more. No one would know that part of her heart or the pain she felt from it but it was there and she felt it all to much. She couldn't dwell on that now, not while trying to do a mission or she just might give Aaron that leverage over her he needed. 

   "I think in this situation small will be better. I looked up one of Garret's aliases that he would only use if he was in trouble and sure enough it had been used. He's in the US, and the only reason I could think of he'd end up being there is if The Elite is in on it, and after the whole mess with that Banks kid, I can see a reason for them to retaliate."

Leaning her head back and looking up at the sky Victoria is quiet for a long moment as she just lets her mind wonder. She was trying to formulate a plan and she was trying to do it fast. Who new what the Elite were doing to Garret, or worse. 

   "We should leave tomorrow. It might take a bit to track down where they are, and I'd like to not wast to many days. The sooner we find Garret. the sooner we can take or revenge and be back."