

Misty's apology caught Carson completely by surprise. He knew she was on an emotional rollercoaster, but hadn't expected this at all. He opened his mouth to reply, but stopped as she continued.

As she spoke, a new flutter of hope welled up in his heart. Was this really what she wanted? Was it something that would last, or when she felt better, would she change her mind? Did she really no longer want a divorce?

It was several silent moments before Carson realized he'd been staring into her eyes without responding. "Well, yes," he blurted. "I mean..." He blinked, trying to collect his rampant thoughts. He let her go and brought his hands up to gently cradle her face. "I will do anything.... anything, as long as there's even the slightest chance of a future with you."

His thumb caressed her cheek. "And none of this is your fault. It was me who started this whole thing. I know I did what I did because I was trying to protect you the best I knew how...but I was stupid. I never should have handled the Agency threat like I did - I never should have lied to you. If... If I hadn't made those choices... We'd probably still be a family and Alec would still be alive."

Yes...he blamed himself. This whole thing had started when he'd bent to the Agency's wishes instead of asking for help. Instead of trusting enough to let other people in.

He swallowed hard, keeping his emotions at bay. He could break down later, but not now. "I know you're in a dark place right now, and I am so sorry I can't fix things and make them right again. You never deserved to lose so much." He had to force himself not to think too long about his own losses right now, lest he find his own heart in a dark place.

"But you mean the world to me." He wiped away one of her tears with his hand. "And you always will, no matter what. So yes...whatever it takes...just tell me. Tell me what to do and I'll do it."

Tal gave Ryan a smile but couldn't help the funny feeling that it wasn't him who she wanted there. He followed her roving eyes, wondering who else she might be waiting for, but tried to shrug it off. "Well, I was getting lonely," he teased. "Besides, I don't have to work tomorrow, so I can afford a late night watching my girl race."

He sidled up to her to sling an arm around her shoulders and give her a squeeze. "Thought maybe we could do something afterward. Grab coffee...go for a moonlit drive...or go back to my place to occupy the couch..." He left the invitation hanging, unsure if she'd feel up to anything, but it was worth a try. He knew she'd had a hard day and just wanted to help her smile again.

Another round of shots rang out before Aaron reloaded his handgun. The property's shooting range was empty except for him - he'd ordered a guard and a trainee out, in order to have the privacy. If Victoria did have any information in Garret, it would be best not to have any listening ears at this point. 

Movement caught the corner of his eye, and he holstered his gun. Right on time, as usual. He leaned on the guardrail, watching Victoria closely as she approached. There was little point in trying to read her though - she was too good at hiding her true emotions.

"We have fifteen minutes before anyone shows up again," he informed. "So...what do you know?"


As Carson comes near her and wraps his arms around her Misty's stiffens a little before feeling the warmth, the strength that Carson always offered and just softened. She soaked in the comfort as more tears seemed to come. Everything had just been so much and it still weighed heavy on her mind.

   "It's not ok. Everything is my fault, and I'm sorry. I'm....I'm sorry I blamed you for everything. I know you are at fault for somethings but not everything and I'm sorry. I just...I guess I just needed someone to blame and you were an easy target."

Taking in a long breath Misty's tears start to slow as she sniffles. Pulling away from Carson she can look him in the eyes and search his face. She wondered so many things, she felt so many different ways it was hard to tell what was up or down. But now was the best time as any to talk to him.

  "Carson...I'm broken, beaten down, and damaged. I dont know how much good I'll be to anyone anymore, and I dont even know where life is going for me. But I do know I dont want things to be like they us to be with us. I don't want lies, and hidden motives, I just can't. I do know though I don't want a divorce anymore."

Still wondering how he'd react Misty is quick to keep talking before he can say anything else. She just wanted to get everything out before stopping and losing her train of though.

   "I want time though, time to take it slow and work on things. Work on myself, work with you, after everything thats happened I cant just jump back into our relationship like nothing is wrong because there is a lot wrong, and a lot that needs to be fixed. Do you think...you can do that? Take it slow, and work our way back up?"


Being met at the door, Carson felt more awkward than he'd imagined he would. It all felt so wrong. This had been his home too. This was his wife. Yet he was an outsider.

A little grin came to his lips as he handed Misty the flowers. "Of course they're for you. I don't see any other pretty sheilas around." As soon as he'd said it, his eyes bounced another direction and he bit his tongue, hoping Misty wouldn't be put off by his quick flirting.

He cleared his throat and followed her inside to sit at the kitchen table as she worked. The awkwardness was just as bad, and the silence made it worse. There was so much he wanted to say, but so much of it, he couldn't dare. Not now. Not yet.

Suddenly seeing her fumble with the salad, then start crying, Carson's heart gave a leap. What should he do? He knew what he wanted to do, but would he just make things worse? Bypassing his fear, he got up and slowly went to her. He took her gently by the shoulders and turned her around to him before he wrapped his arms around her and just held her close to his chest.

"It's okay," he comforted softly. In this moment, all he cared about was her. Whether she ever took him back or not, he just wanted her to be happy again. He kissed the top of her head and just continued to hold her. "You're gonna be okay... I promise."

BReak Down

Looking down at the paper that was slid across the table and reading what it said Victoria could feel her heart start to race. Did he really know her secret. The secret, between Garret and herself or was it something else? Victoria's first instinct was to make Aaron dead before anything could get out, or be held to bribe her. But what if it was something else, or what if someone was listing or even waiting for her reaction.

Shifting her weight and sitting down in one of the chairs no one would notice the panic she felt inside. Her eyes were like stone, and they stayed that way. She'd never give in or even give someone a reason to doubt her, but she needed to know how much Aaron new.

   "There might be a few things I can check into. Since my grandfather trusted me a great deal I new more info, and intel than Garret himself."

Looking up at Aaron again Victoria's eyes flashed a warning. Between now, and when she'd talk to him again he'd better keep quiet or there would be a whole world of hurt that would come down on him. She could see to it, and make it happen in a heart beat.

  "Meet me at the shooting range in an hour and I'll see what I've come up with and Aaron, come alone. The information I have is sensitive and I doubt my Grandfather would want it to get out to two many people."

Concluding the meeting Victoria got up and left. Not leading on to anything, not admitting to anything but being calm, cool, and collective as always. Her room was her next destination so she could use her computer. She hadn't thought till now to check Garret's aliases. If he had been taken than he might of used a clue to let her know he was in trouble or where he was. It was worth a shot, and a good way to get Aaron alone.

Almost any hour later Victoria leans back in her chair. Hans Schrader was the name she had pulled up on her computer. That was an alias that only she new Garret had, and he'd used it to get out of the country. Something was not right and she new it. Garret's mission had been here, but now he was in the US. She had a sicking feeling that The Elite was involved, and Garret was not there on his own free will.

Seeing the time Victoria gets up and changed into more appropriate clothing for going to the shooting range. Along with attaching her gun holster and putting her gun into it. Time to find out what Aaron really new and didn't know.

Walking around and scanning everyone Ryan didn't race for a least another fifteen minutes. She wondered if Alec was going to be there he had texted.Seeing Tal Ryan gives a little wave. He'd been wanting to hang out for days now and she felt bad for blowing him off but at the same time, she just didnt feel like it.

   "Hey Tal, I didn't know you were going to be here tonight. Sorry I haven't called you back. Things have just been kind of all over the place!"

Ryan's eyes still scan the crowd. Maybe Alec wasn't coming or he got tied up. Maybe that was a good thing too since Tal was there. They never really did get along, and she didnt want a fight to break out here, and turn into something worse.

Hearing the knock on the door Misty leans against the counter for a long moment. She wasn't sure if she was ready to do this, but being alone in the house even if it was only for a few hours was already getting to her. Alec was everywhere, the preparations for the baby were every where. It was so hard.

Finally pushing off the counter Misty goes to the door taking a deep breath before opening it. Seeing Carson, a small smile comes but is soon good as she invites him in. It seemed strange inviting him in, even after all this time.

   "Come on in. Thanks for agreeing to talk to me. Thank you for the flowers too, that is...if they are for me."

Heading into the kitchen to finish up the little bit of food she'd made Misty hoped Carson would follow. This was so awkward. She'd never felt like this around Carson before and she couldn't help but wonder if it would always be like this. Maybe it was just her or maybe it was just the situation. 

Trying to work on the salad she had started to prepare Misty couldn't help her hands shake spilling the salad on the counter. She tried to contain her emotions but she just couldn't, not anymore. A tear rolled down her cheek as her shoulder shook. Holding on to the counter for stability. She didn't mean to cry in front of Carson or even break down at all, but it was so hard not too. She'd lost so much, and it was her own fault.