

Reese sat behind his desk and listened as he allowed Nate to present his case. His agent shouldn't even be here - he should have been home resting. But it was obvious that little could keep him away at this point, and Reese was too tired to fight him. The last couple days had worn on Reese, made apparent by his weary stature. This whole thing set him on edge and seemed to be leading them in circles. The last thing he wanted was to slip up and make them vulnerable like he'd already done with Garret. Reese's nose was still swollen, his eyes black and blue from his nearly broken nose. The others were still recovering from that episode too, making this situation even more of a risk.

He sighed deeply as Nate finished his spiel. "You're right. I did make you Garret's handler, and I'm not going to take that back. I think you should be home resting but that's beside the point." He leaned back in his chair and fiddled with a pen. "Since you're in charge of him, I'll allow you to do whatever you think is best, within reason, of course. You should know that Justin was here once but seemingly got nowhere. But be aware - I think he's holding back. I can't put my finger on it, but I think Justin knows something he's not telling me. I don't know what his motive could possibly be, but there's a missing puzzle piece there. Also, Carson has confirmed that Victoria is a high ranking Agency operative. That's all he knows, but it's enough to make us take every precaution with her. And don't forget... Garret may have helped save your life, but then he came in here and threw his weight around so hard, it took five men to slow him down. Do not... I repeat... Do not let your guard down."

Reese waved to the door. "Now go before I change my mind and scrap this whole idiotic plan to save people who don't want to be saved."

Garret sat in the floor of his cell, ankles and wrists cuffed - a stark reminder that prison was all too close. Things had been quiet. Too quiet. No one had spoken to him since Justin had been here. Not one word. Other than meals, the door stayed shut, and he had no idea what was going on. He had no idea if Victoria was still here or if she'd been carted off to prison. Although his gut told him she was still here, and she was near. But he was blind and it made him feel all the more claustrophobic.

No one had told him if Nate really had survived. No one had threatened, interrogated or even spoken to him nicely. It was a silence that could drive him mad. But only because he was failing at bringing Victoria into the fold. Without a chance to see her, this whole thing would be in vain.

He leaned his head back against the hard wall and stared up at the security camera. His eyes had regained their dark, hollow look. With each passing minute, his freedom was just that much farther away.

Eli remained at Ryan's bedside, having never moved until she's finally woken up. It was hard seeing her so disoriented, but he was relieved she was awake. Tal had been there when she'd awakened as well, and had been equally as relieved. Making room for the doctor though, he'd volunteered to go get some more coffee for Eli and himself.

Eli reached out and took Ryan's good hand to give it a squeeze. "The important thing is you're going to be okay." He and Tal had both already expressed to her how happy they were she was okay, but relief still couldn't cover it for Eli. He had almost lost his sister tonight, and if he had...he wouldn't have known what to do.

Once the doctor had left temporarily, Eli searched Ryan's face for any more clues. "You...say you were going to go see Alec but...but we talked about this... Alec is gone... Remember?" He hoped she wouldn't fight him again. He hoped he could get through to her. That maybe her strange behavior had just been a short-lived minor thing.

He swallowed hard, knowing she was hurting, physically and emotionally both. "They...question whether or not you did this on purpose because you didn't even slow down. It looked like you aimed at the tree, and you didn't brake. Do you...really believe you were going to see Alec?"

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