

The next few days seemed to pass quicker than normal. Things were different around work but one would guess it was the slight tension from having not one, but two highly trained Agency Agents in there facility. It was far from the norm to have two at one time, and knowing how skilled they were, or at least would seem just added to the stress of everything.

  "You asked me to be his handler so I'd like to keep doing that. I believe Garret really is here to try and change. He didn't have to save me! He could of just run off after I was shot but he didn't. That just doen't strike me as someone who has alternate motive."

 Nate had been released from the hospital last night and told to take it easy. He was going to be ok other than maybe ripping his stitches out. First thing this morning He'd come to work his arm in sling and all to talk to Reese. He hoped he wasn't to late and he could still help Garret.

  "I don't know anything about this woman, nor do I feel I should trust her. She did shoot me after all, but I think I can get Garret to tell us whats going on and maybe his whole store. If we keep pushing, and squeezing without really giving him anything it's only going to make him clam up, and possibly turn him against us. So please Reese...let me see if I can get him to work with me a little more, for everyone sake?!"

   "I...I can't remember. I was...I think I was going to see Alec. I don't remember running a red light, I dont even remember crashing."

Ryan sat up in her bed as a Dr shone a flash light in her eyes. She really didn't know what was happening, way she was here, where Alec was, or anything. Everything seemed a blur, and nothing made sense to her right now.

Looking over at her brother she would see the worry in his eyes. He was tired, he was stressed and it was because of her. Was she really losing it? She'd herd people throw around that she'd tried to kill herself, that it was because of Alec, but nothing mad sense and she was so confused. What was really going on?!

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