

Sitting on the couch Ryan continued to watch the tv even though she saw her brothers eyes on her every now and than. She wondered why really he wanted her to stay home but didn't really ask to much. There had been a race tonight she wanted to go to but it was going to be a rough crowd so maybe that was his reason. 

As Eli stops the move Ryan looks to him with question in her eyes. Something seemed off, something she hadn't noticed before but there was something wrong she could just tell. Than hearing that the Elite had called it made her heart race. What was wrong that the Elite would be calling them, and how bad was it.

Hearing the Alec was dead and not coming home Ryan just continued to stair at Eli as tears slowly rose in her eyes poring over and trickling down her cheek. This couldn't be true! Alec was to good at what he did for that to happen. How could this and why didn't the Elit do anything to help him? This just couldn't be true. This was a mean and cruel joke that someone thought was funny. 

    "I'm tired, I need to go to bed."

With that Ryan wraps her arms around herself and heads past her brother and to the hall way where she stops for a moment. Taking a deep breath in she looks back into the living room remember all the good times there. Quickly she goes to her room and closes the door behind her where only a few sobs cant be heard.

Sinking down on her bed Ryan burys her face into her pillow before pulling out her phone and opening the text messaging finding Alec's number. 

    Eli told me tonight you were not coming home. He said you went off to try and help the Elite but you went by yourself.

Ryan's fingers hover over the buttons for a moment before hitting send and than starting to type again.

 It just can't be true...can it?

Laying her head down in her pillow again Ryan waited for a reply to come. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours till finally her own tears put her to sleep as the pain in her heart became more real than the time before. 

Seeing Jason come into the room Misty sits up a little big. Everything was heavy still and she still didn't fell like herself but it was nice to see him after going so long without anyone coming in. As he drew closer to the bed though Misty new something was wrong and her heart raced. What now...what more could go wrong?

Listing to what Jason was saying Misty wanted to believe it was not true. She wanted to yell and tell Jason he was lieing, but she new he wasn't. She could tell by his tone, his eyes, and everything else that this was no joke. Withing moments tears sprang into Misty's eyes as her already broken heart shattered more. Why was everyone she loved, cared for leaving her. Why was happening and why to her? 

Looking to Jason any light that had remained in her gaze was gone, snuffed out by this blow. There was no reason to hide it, no reason for anything anymore and she just didn't understand.

   "Thank you for telling me."

Removing her hand from Jason's Misty wrapped her arms around herself and just rolled to her side away from Jason as the tears just continued to come and wouldn't stop. She was sinking into a hole and it felt like she had no one to keep her up anymore. Everything was gone.

Looking up at Carson Katie cocks her head to one side looking at him in the eyes. She couldn't even start to imagen what he was feeling or going through. Really she could only guess and she new it wasn't good at all. She hated hearing him talking down about himself.

   "Who's to say that even if you didn't change side this wouldn't of happened anyways? The only different would be we'd all be missing out on an amazing friendship with an amazing man."

Trying to offer her best smile Katie looks away for a moment thinking hard about what to say next. Looking back at him she let out a small sigh before setting away from him and just leaning against the wall. She wondered if her words would make Carson feel better or worse.

   "I know Misty doesn't really like you right now and I know she blames you for a lot but I could only imagine how much more pain she would be in if you went and did something dumb yourself and got yourself killed."

Leaning her head back against the wall Katie closes her eyes for a moment. They felt heavy, she felt tired, but sleep was not an option. Her friend needed her. Opening them again she looks at Carson once again.

   "Don't give up on her yet. She's going to need you Carson, even if it dosn't seem like it right now."

Looking up as the door opened Hope gave Scott a soft smile. She'd heard about what happened with Alec. Word traveled fast around the office. Though it was a bad situation it was nice to see Scott. It had been a little bit since the last time. 

   "Was it that you didn't feel sad, or was it just easier not to feel anything at all? I think everyone is in a little shock over this and we all are going to deal with it a little differently."

Nodding at the chair that was close by she offered it to Scott. She wasn't all sure what he wanted to talk about but as always she would let him talk about anything he wanted too. She was always open for that, and would never push him away.

   "If you'd like to stay awhile you can talk as little or as much as you'd like. I'm not doing much of anything at the moment."

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