
Maybe tomorrow

There was much more Rosalyn's heart wanted to say, but she left her phone closed for the night. Sleep didn't come easily, especially in a strange bed. She was glad for the hospitality of Clint and Wendy though, and helping take care of Chase and Kaylee too her mind off her own problems for a little while at least. Come morning though, her heart felt much more gray than the bright, cloudless sky.

Sitting on the porch swing of the main building, Rosalyn fiddles with her phone. It wasn't quite time for breakfast yet, but Jade had a handle on things in the kitchen, so she'd opted to spend a few quiet moments alone before more people started filing in. She was trying to be cheerful... to put on a smile... especially since they'd all get to see Wes later today. But... her heart just wasn't in it. 

After letting out a long sigh, she finally flips open her phone.

Good morning, Chad. I hope you
haven't left yet. Please... don't
come to the ranch today. I can't
handle it. Not again. Not so soon.
Please understand. Maybe
tomorrow if you haven't gone
home yet. 

Stirring just a little, Cindy thinks maybe she feels the bed move, and maybe hears Wes leaving the room. But she was still too asleep to know for sure. She didn't know how late she and Wes had stayed up talking, but she did know that she hadn't slept as well since before he'd left. Something told her that it was later than usual for her to wake up, but she was so comfortable and warm that she just didn't want to move. 

It wasn't long though when she feels the bed move again and she receives a light kiss and hears Wes' sweet voice. Her eyes flutter open and a thin smile spreads on her lips. "Mmm..." She stretches sleepily. "I wouldn't mind either... as long as you came back to keep me warm." She finds his hand, bringing it close to kiss. "But... I'd hate for such cute efforts to go to waste." Her eyes glance at the hot breakfast. "It's so good to have you home... even if you didn't fix me breakfast." 

Breaking into a smile, she finally pulls herself up to sit. Setting the plate in her lap, she takes a bite and nods. "You can still cook eggs," she teases. "I'll give you that." Her foot nudges his leg. "Everybody is going to be so happy to see you, Wes... It all still feels like a dream."

Drawn into Grace's kiss, Jared returns it with the same amount of passion, feeling as he had the other day when they'd kissed for the first time. He's almost disappointed as she pulls away, and he tastes of his lips. His eyes lock with Grace's, a sly grin toying at the corners of his mouth. "A little," he admits. 

His hand slinks around the back of her shoulder, his thumb running up and down her neck. "I still think we could do better," he whispers, leaning in closer again. Caressing the back of her head, he returns to her lips, giving her a string of light kisses that move to her cheek, to below her jawline, then back up again where he deepens the kiss for several long moments. 

Withdrawing just far enough to see her eyes once more, his grin returns. "Mm...that's more like it."

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