
Little better

Getting Rosalyn's reply Chad was happy she had chosen too. Part of him had wondered if she would or not with how things had been left when he'd left. With her replying though it did make things easier because now he didn't have to try and convince her or if he did at least she wasn't completely close minded.

   You are not making anything harder on me.
   This is far from hard. Tomorrow it is,
    I will text you on my way out there.
Chad stops for a second giving a smile before continuing the text.

   Sleep well my princess.

Wes understood what Cindy was saying and he didn't mind at all. He new the others would understand his want to just spend a little time with her before everyone else. It had been to long he'd been away and though dead he just wanted the quiet to hold her, to tell her everything he wanted too. And that night he did just that talking for hours, enjoying her company.

...Morning came all to quick with Cindy still wrapped in his arms. Opening his eyes and hearing the sound yet the quiet of the area a smile spread across Wes lips. He was home, with his wife, warmth and safety. Last night the nightmares didn't come, and he was glad at least for one night he could be at peace with his own mind, and what he was thankful for.

Slipping out of bed softly as to not wake Cindy up Wes slowly walks into the kitchen not bothering to throw a shirt on. His scars bothered him but something about being here, about being home seemed to for not let them slip from his mind. Going to the coffee pot and turning it on Wes gets to work on making some breakfast and soon the smell of bacon, 

Finished and having everything platted up Wes takes the food on a small try and brings it into the bedroom setting it down on the night stand by Cindy's side of the bed. Sitting down on the edge and leaning over her Wes leans down and places a kiss on her lips before nuzzling her head with his own.

   "Babe, I made breakfast if your intrusted. If not I don't mind just sitting here and watching you sleep."

Feeling Jared's hand on her face Grace could feel her heart kick it up a few notches. His hands were warm, and soft, Grace liked how they felt on her skin. Leaning her head into his hand a little bit her eyes fall shut for a second before she opens them again and looks into Jared's. 

As he draws closer and brushes his lips against hers Grace thought maybe her heart would pound out of her check. Keeping her eyes locked with his though and seeing the smirk on his lips she new this was now a show down on who could out last who.

    "No...that was not to shabby...but this...."

Leaning in again and pressing her lips to Jared's Grace's free hand comes to the side of his face and than to the back of his head. Just letting her lips press against his for a long moment before finally pulling away out of breath just a little bit. Giving a smile her eyes stay locked with his.

  "...is a little better."

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