

Cleaning most of the food and plates up Misty keeps the cooler assessable in case anyone wanted more to drink along with the chips and fruit. Finding the bag with the items for smores she places the bag by the little fire they had started in the bit by the bench. 

Finding her own comfortable spot on the ground crossing her legs. Listing to the soft music it was so comfortable and soothing Misty had always enjoyed Jason's talent. It was a gift he was given and such a good one at that.

   "Mmmmm...now this I could listen to all night."

Looking over at Alec Misty waves him over and holds out a stick for him to roast marshmallows on. She didn't know if Alec had even had this treat but it was one of the best that someone should never pass up.

  "Just put the marshmallow on the stick and roast it to your liking than take two grams, a peace of chocolate and the marshmallow in the middle and I can bet this will be the next thing you love. Jase would you like me to make you one?"

Glancing over at him Misty's smile wides a little more at he looked back at her. These nights she was really enjoying. Friendship, comfort and people who understood a common ground. Each with a different store or reason but each hurting.

Watching the light from the fire dance on Jason's face Misty searches his eyes. The dim light making them seem that much deeper. Misty had always loved his eyes and the way they shined, it was hard not to get captivated in them.

Realizing she might have been looking to long Misty looks away as she cheeks grow red. Only to turn her eyes back to Jason again in a shy manor the grin still on her lips.

Hearing what Dani was making for dinner Dalton's stomach growled as he was being pulled to the kitchen. it sounded so good and knowing first hand she could cook made it even worse. He hadn't found one thing she made he didn't like yet.

 Feeling Dani's arms warp around him Dalton's arms do the same just wrapping around her gently with great care for this presouse gift. Just soaking in the moment Dalton couldn't wait for them to last forever. Leaning down and giving Dani's head a kiss Dalton smiles and nods.

   "That sounds perfect for dinner. Need me to help you prepare anything?"

Giving a smile to Hunter and turning to head inside this time Katie didn't need to ask for directions she new right where they were going. Heading down the hall and noding to some of the nurses they finally get to Jeff's room. Entering Katie gives a smile and walks closer to the bed still holding the sack with the food in it.

   "Hey Dad, I told you we would be back, and with some good food too. Feeling any better today?"

Looking at him he did look to have a little more color to him than yesterday though he still looked so tired. Katie hated seeing him here and couldn't wait for him to get home but at the same time she was happy here he had to relax and take it easy.

   "We have stuff to make subs, fresh baked rolls, different kind of meats and anything else you could think of. Along with some of Becky potato salad."


Dani's eyes widen for a moment, her cheeks growing crimson in color. Dalton was so utterly sweet, it almost made her cry. 

With an even bigger smile, she takes the flowers and shakes her head after she'd smelled them. "If it weren't for the simple things, nothing would seem special... like you." 

Standing on her tiptoes, she still has to pull Dalton down a little so she can reach him with her lips to give him a soft kiss. "Thank you." Grabbing his hand, she pulls him inside and shuts the door, then pulls him along with her to the kitchen. "I've got chicken breasts ready to put in the oven, and I thought I'd throw together some pasta salad and for dessert, there's still some of that chocolate pie I made, leftover from the other day."

Reaching up into the cupboard, she finds as vase, filling it partway with water and then setting the flowers in them, fussing over them a moment to arrange them neatly. "There." 

Spinning around, she looks up at Dalton, smiling and wraps her arms around his waist to lean into him, her head barely reaching his chest. "Mmm... you make any day better."

Moving her head to look up at his face, she grins. "So how's that sound for supper. Okay?"

Hunter chuckles at Katie, though she did make him feel good. He was glad she'd enjoyed the ride and liked his company. He'd make sure it was a fun ride back to the ranch later too. 

Dismounting with her, he secures both helmets to the bike before heading inside with her. 

Lying in bed, Jeff stares up at the ceiling. He'd long since turned off the television, bored with the shows and not used to watching much television anyway. He wanted to be home. He wanted fresh air. He'd only been here one night but he hated it already anyway. 

He'd spent a lot of time mulling over things Jay had told him... He wanted to feel better. He wanted to feel happy like he had before. And not let things get to him. Maybe Jay really didn't mind his constant teasing but... it was difficult to first think he'd made an idiot of himself, then to be told he hadn't, and try to readjust again. What was he supposed to do now? How was he supposed to act? Had he offended or embarrassed anybody else? And what about not being able to work in the barns? He'd tried, he really had. Was he truly meant to be stuck with minimal tasks and a life of never having the satisfaction of a hard day's work? 

Sighing, he shifts his head around in an attempt to make the pillow more comfortable. It didn't help much. And he hated being in a hospital gown. And the bed was hard. And being hooked up to monitors was uncomfortable. And...

He sighs again and looks at the clock. He'd told Rosetta he was fine being alone but... maybe he was ready for some company... if anybody wanted to come. 

The whole incident with Trooper was baffling, but after a short while, Alec was still leery but had at least stopped shaking and he didn't bolt when the big dog neared - that in itself was an improvement. And somehow, Trooper seemed to know. It was almost as if he walked with a confident air - if a dog could - as if he knew exactly what he was doing, having a method and purpose only he knew. He'd always been that way though. While he answered only to Jason, and could obey him very well, sometimes he still seemed to take his own route, making up his own mind about things. 

Conversation continued at the table and laughter resumes. The meal is enjoyed and no food is put to waste. By the time it was finished, the sky was starting to grow dim. Jason retrieves his guitar from his truck and takes up a spot in the grass under a nearby tree to pluck the strings and hum, choosing some soft, lulling tunes, fit for a peaceful summer evening. 

Alec sits on the picnic table and watches, secretly intrigued at how Jason could play the guitar and sing - let alone without having any music to look at. He'd never been musical himself, so it had always fascinated him. He'd known Jason played but... he hadn't known how nice it could sound. The soft notes seemed to have a strange kind of power, settling even his own nerves and relaxing him. 

Still playing and singing softly, Jason's eyes find Misty's, and he smiles. 


As the whole scene unfolds with Trooper and Alec Misty stands from the table as her face goes white. She didn't dare move twords Trooper not sure of what was going on and how the dog would react to her. He wasn't listing to Jason why would he listen to her?

Looking between Jason and Alec that was all Misty could do. She was worried about Alec, she was worried about Trooper, she had no idea what was going on or what was wrong with the silly dog to make him act like this.

   "What one earth...."

Continuing to watch Misty is stunned. But finally see Trooper lick his face she becomes even more confused. What was that all about? Was that Trooped letting Alec know he was ok with him now or was he telling him if he wanted to hurt him he would but he choose not too. No one could really know why the dog behaved the way he had.

As Jason helps Alec up Misty puts her hand to her chest and sits down again shaking her head. She felt like her heart was in her throat. She new Trooper would never hurt anyone unless told but it still had startled her.

   "That dog is something else I'll tell you what."

Looking back to Jason Misty gives a smile and a shake of her head. Maybe Trooper was smart and was just trying to get Alec to get use to him. Only the dog new but at least now Alec seemed a little easyer around him. Taking a bite of her burger Misty shakes her head again and grins.

Sitting on the back of the bike as it takes off Katie loves the feel of the wind that passes over her. Leaning with Hunter Katie's grin tightens a little bit but not to much. She loved the feel of going this fast. Watching everything wiz by it just gave Katie a sense of power or a sense of being free. The feeling like nothing else mattered.

Getting to the hospital and slowing down Katie was almost disappointed the ride had been so short. If the could of gone longer she would not have minded at all. At least she had heading home to look forward too.

   "Nope, you didn't lose me your stuck with me."

Giving Hunter a little squeeze Katie slides off the bike and takes her helmet off waiting for Hunter to dismount as well so she could get into the backpack a little better and grab the food out.

As Dani opens the door a smile spreads across Dalton's face as he holds up the flowers. Giving a little grin he takes his sunglasses off and puts them on the top of his head his eyes giving a twinkle. Since He'd met Dani She made him feel special, she made him feel handsome and not some freak because of his size and scars. She was amazing and Dalton was happy with every moment he got to spend with her.

   "Well you see I have these pretty flowers here and I wanted to give them to a pretty lady but...I don't think I should give them to you because your far to beautiful for something so simple."


Alec grits his teeth, feeling his hands shaking slightly. He didn't like being afraid, but he couldn't help it. Not after what had happened as a child. Getting bit by Trooper a while back only added to it all, and he'd just as soon walk home now and let Misty and Jason stay here together. 

Feeling Misty's hand on his shoulder, he flinches before realizing it's just her. Swallowing hard, he stares into her eyes as if searching deeply for reassurance. He wasn't strong enough to deal with this right now. Not on top of everything else. He didn't want to. He couldn't. He wanted just to leave. 

Instead though, he finds himself nodding numbly. Would a dog know he didn't have the same attitude as before? Or would Trooper just remember that Alec had struck his master?

"Okay," he relents quietly. 

Returning to the table, he picks the far end away from Trooper, his eyes never leaving the dog, just in case. 

Jason glances over his shoulder and is glad that Misty had convinced Alec to settle down. He'd forgotten entirely about that whole incident - had he remembered, he probably would have left Trooper home. In a way, he felt badly, but he also didn't want to give in just because Alec had a fear either. Trooper was a safe dog unless crossed. 

"I didn't hear anybody tell me how they like their burgers," he muses loudly, asking once again as he starts the fire in the grill. 

It wasn't long before the mouth-watering aroma of grilled meat wafts through the air, making even Trooper drool. At some point, the dog wanders over to Jason to watch him cook, hoping for a scrap to be dropped. Alec remains at the table, still uneasy but trying to relax, listening to Misty and Jason chat. 

Soon the three were settled in for their meal after a prayer, and the food was being enjoyed. Alec really was hungrier than he thought... and perhaps his stomach wanted as much as it could get, for fear of not knowing if this luxury of regular good meals was going to last.

At some point, Jason looks over and realizes just how many onions Alec has on his burger, and he has to comment. "Want a little burger with your onions there?" 

Alec grins sheepishly as he swallows his bite. "I like onions... but I can't taste them unless there's a lot." 

Jason chuckles. "I suppose it's okay as long as you don't have a hot date. I don't think a stick of gum would help you." 

Alec can't help a laugh and he shakes his head. "You should see me with garlic." 

"Whooo boy. I don't think I want to." Jason grins and takes a bite of potato salad, throwing Misty a silly look. This fellowship was... nice. Even with Alec there. As surprising as it was... the guy really did seem to be changed. He simply wasn't who Jason remembered. "So... I brought my guitar in case we wanted any entertainment later... but I can't play and roast marshmallows at the same time..." 

As the conversation circulates, Trooper finds several handouts from Jason before moving around to Misty, his leash dragging on the ground as he goes unnoticed. Seeing Misty busy talking to Jason, the dog waits only a few moments before passing her by and coming up alongside Alec. 

Alec was paying little attention, having finally forgotten about Trooper even being there. Feeling a cold, wet sensation on his arm, he looks quickly to the side, only to come almost eye-to-eye with the giant dog. Reflects control him faster than thoughts, and without even realizing what he's doing, he's abandoned his food and tried to get away from the table. Unfortunately, his foot catches on the bench, sending him sprawling onto the ground. 

Rolling over, it's just in time to see Trooper pouncing. With a shriek of terror, Alec covers up his face with his arms as the dog lunges at him. 

It takes a moment for Jason to even realize  what's going on, and by the time he stands, Trooper is already on top of Alec, his paws at his shoulders as he stares down at him, growling. 

"Trooper, back off!" Jason orders sternly.

Trooper glances over at him, but for once, he doesn't obey. Returning his gaze to Alec, his growling continues until he barks loudly. 

Scared beyond anything, the bark sounds like thunder to Alec and he jumps, his arms going to try and push Trooper away. "Get off of me! Get him off! Get him off!" 

"Trooper!" Jason commands. What was wrong with his dog? He shoots Misty a concerned look before finally leaving the table, now having no idea what Trooper might do, or why. 

Alec's pushing does no good, and all of a sudden, there's a great weight to his stomach, knocking the air clean out of him. Lowering his arms from his face slightly, Trooper's eyes stare back at him, along with a few gleaming teeth showing. The dog's paws were on his shoulders and the rest of him spread out on top of Alec, pinning him down by simply lying on top of him. 

Breathing heavily, Alec's eyes are wide. The growling had stopped, but having the huge jaws inches from his face was not comforting. "Get him off!" he cries again. 

By now, Jason had reached them and was bewildered at Trooper's behavior. "Trooper, get off," he orders, grabbing the leash and giving it a yank. 

Trooper turns to take the leash in his teeth, yanking right back before returning his gaze to Alec's frightened face. Jason tries to push him off, but all he receives is a growl. "What on earth..." 

Alec thought for sure he was going to pass out. And as Trooper's muzzle comes even nearer, he cringes, ready to have his face mutilated. But when he feels a large tongue run up his cheek, he dares to open one eye. Trooper's head was down now, resting on Alec's chest, just watching him. 

Jason has no clue what's going on, and he looks to Misty again, confused and surprised at his dog's strangeness. There was no threat though, so he just stands and watches. 

Swallowing hard, Alec's pulse races as sweat runs down his face. Trembling, he tries to roll over, but Trooper gives a little woof, making him lie flat again in fear. Finally, he dares to reach up with a hand and lay it on Trooper's massive head. He was softer than Alec would have guessed, and the fur felt kind of warm under his fingers. 

Trooper leans forward and gives Alec's face one last lick before standing up again and backing off. Released of the weight, Alec gasps for air and sits up, wiping his face with his shirt sleeve. Trooper cocks his head at him, before yawning and stretching lazily and going back over to the table. Looking up at Jason, Alec doesn't know whether he was still afraid, angry, relieved or what. "What did your dog just do?"

"I... have no idea." Jason blinks, trying to figure it out. "I... think he was trying to tell you to chill." 

Alec scoffs. "By pinning me to the ground? He's a menace!" 


Alec looks over to the table where Trooper was now lying in the grass and rolling around on his back. "Well what... he..."

"Come on." Jason offers Alec a hand up and nods back to the table. "Let's finish eating." 

"But..." Alec follows along lamely, feeling foolish, embarrassed, still scared, and shaky. Sitting back down at the table cautiously, he keeps one eye on Trooper, who suddenly spots him back at the table. Getting up off the ground, Trooper shakes off the loose grass and saunters over to Alec, licking his chops and setting a paw on the bench next to him. 

Though still scared spitless, Alec takes one of his potato chips and offers it to him. With the gentleness of a lamb, Trooper accepts the chip, crunching it happily. When it's gone though and he doesn't get another one, he nudges Alec's shoulder with his head. Alec rolls his eyes and gives him another one. 

Jason looks at Misty once more, this time with a grin. Perhaps his dog knew Alec better than they even did. 

Hunter smiles as he hears Katie's response, and feels her tighten her grip around him. "Hang on..." Shifting gears, the bike gives a lurch as it takes off at a higher speed. Pushing it harder, the bike surpasses the speed limit and then some. Hunter had taken Katie fast before... but not this fast. 

Bending low, he makes sure he can feel Katie bend with him. The scenery flies by in a blur. His eyes zero in on the road ahead, seeing only blacktop and a solid yellow line. Something red comes into view. A pickup. A very slow pickup. 

Coming up on it fast, Hunter leans to the side, smoothly taking the motorcycle into the other lane then back again, going around the slower vehicle. The wind made it feel like they really were flying. The sun warmed the air while fences and trees zipped by with enough speed to skew the colors, making it seem almost like an abstract painting was surrounding them. And this... this is what Hunter loved. 

It was no surprise that they made it to town in record time, and very soon, Hunter was parking at the hospital. Cutting the motor, he puts the kickstand down and takes off his helmet. Shifting to look over his shoulder, he gives Katie a wide smile. "I didn't lose you, did I?" 

"Great!" Ending the call with Dalton, Dani heads the rest of the way home. Once there, she makes sure that her shower is as quick one, knowing that it wouldn't take Dalton long to get here. 

She'd just finished changing her clothes and putting her wet hair up in a bun, when she hears the door. Grinning, she trots over to it and opens it cautiously, peeking out with one eye before opening it all the way. 

"Well hello there, stranger. What can I do for you?" 


Hearing Jason Misty turns and gives a smile to him and a wave. Seeing Trooper with him she can't help but giggle. The big dog would never let his master come to the park for a cook out without bring him along that was for sure.

   "Not late just...behind, but not by to much."

Misty had pretty much everything layed out of the table some of the items still covered so it didn't spoil in the heat and a cooler down by the end of the table with ice and different kind of drinks inside. Alec and herself had really only been there about five or ten minutes tops.

Turning her attachen back to Alec Misty can see the look of fear on his face. Suddenly remembering Alec and his fear of dogs Misty can feel a strange pang in her heart. Though she can't tell Jason to bring Trooper home, or keep him by the car. That just wouldn't be far to him either.

   "I think you've changed a bit since Trooper met you last. I don't think he would be likely to attack you again unless you provoke him."

Coming up next to Alec Misty lays a hand on his shoulder. Looking between him and Jason for a moment she looks back to Alec and gives a soft smile and a nod. She couldn't imagine having a fear so strong against something like he did, so she couldn't start to understand how he was feeling but she did her best to grant him a little comfort.

   "It'll be alright..ok?"

Getting her shoes on and than heading to the mess hall for some items for lunch Katie goes back outside and helps Hunter put them on the bike. Once everything was set and putting her helmet on Katie gets on the back of the bike and gets settled. 

   "Let's do this!"

Katie exclaims with enthusiasm. She loved the feeling of being on the bike, she loved the feeling of being free. She loved it since the moment she'd gotten on Jason's bike and rode with him. In that moment a flash goes through Katie's mind about riding with Jason, there kiss...those had been the days for sure. Shaking her head as she could feel a small tear escape she was happy Hunter had his back to her so he couldn't see.

   "Let's fly."

Wrapping her arms around Hunter and leaning in close to him Katie was ready. She was ready to feel the wind and the rush.

A bit of color comes to Dalton's cheeks as she shakes his head and laughs. Dani sure did know how to bring out the color in his cheeks but he didn't mind it made him feel good in a way to know she could and that she meant what she said.

   "Alright let me get cleaned up a little bit and I will be right over."

Hanging up the phone Dalton gets up from the couch and heads to the bathroom. Splashing some cold water on his face and running a comb through his hair Dalton heads to the bedroom to change his shirt, and splash a little cologne on.

Finally finished he figured this was the best it was going to get for right now. Heading out it doesn't take him long to get to Dani's making a quick stop at a store to get some flowers. Making his way up the steps he gives a knock on the door and waits the pretty pink lily's in hand.


Jason thinks for a moment then shakes his head. "Naw... well... if you see any cream soda, I've been craving it this week for some reason." He grins. "Just don't tell Rick. He's been on my case about my sugar." 

Getting back to work wasn't easy, but at least now Jason had something to look forward to tonight. Reports for Reese were finished, a meeting with Con and Gunner was accomplished, and phone calls made. When it was finally time to quit for the day, Jason was glad. He felt more tired than normal tonight... maybe it was just stress. But he was ready to relax for the evening. 

Heading home, he showers and changes clothes, throwing on his knee brace for the rest of the day. He hadn't worn it at work... but should have, and now he was paying for it with muscle ache. He wasn't going to let that stop him though. Rick might not be happy with all he was doing while still recovering but without the foreign substance running through his veins, healing seemed to come a whole lot easier lately. 

Foreign substance...

Jason looks himself in the bathroom mirror, his comb hovering above his wet hair. Like a flashback, he was suddenly in the woods at the ranch, exhausted as his sugar crashed. He'd thought it was just a combination of his low sugar and suppressed memories... but that had been the beginning. The beginning of one of the hardest, most stressful roads Jason had known. Meeting Katie had set the deadly game in motion.

Glancing down, he turns over his hand to see the circular scar on his palm. It was the only thing that was left. The forever-reminder. And for him... it was a reminder of mostly pain. 

Shaking his head, he brings his mind back into focus and finishes cleaning up. Socks, shoes, Trooper, wallet, keys... he was ready to go. Hitting the store for the meat, he then heads back towards the park. 

Alec had yet again been somewhat surprised at Misty's invitation to join her and Jason at the park for the evening. Maybe somewhere he just expected her to grow tired of him being around, although he'd tried really hard to do some household tasks for her today too. At least he was feeling better - a cough lingered and he still tired easily, but overall he was on the mend from being sick.

Sitting at the picnic table with Misty, waiting for Jason, Alec's eyes roam the park. It seemed to be a pretty quiet evening, which was surprising since it was so nice out. Nibbling on a potato chip he felt a little awkward with the silence, but maybe silence was better than talking about things he didn't want to. He and Misty hadn't been here long, but already his stomach was starting to growl. He'd skipped lunch... that could be part of it. 

Glancing over at Misty, he studies her for a moment. She sure was handling this whole thing well. With divorcing Carson, that is. She seemed so cool and collected... yet Alec would never say she was cold. What made her so confident? So strong? What made her able to help someone like him, when she was going through hard times herself? And again, Alec felt humbled. He wasn't worth any of her effort. 

Jason pulls into the gravel lot of the park and shuts off the truck engine. Grabbing the package of hamburger and the small bag of charcoal, he slides out before clipping a leash to Trooper and letting him out as well. The giant dog hops out and yawns, taking a moment to stretch. Not being allowed at TJY anymore, getting out at all was a treat and he looks at Jason expectantly, curious as to what they were doing here. 

"C'mon, Bud. Let's go find Misty and Alec." 

Trooper obediently falls into step at Jason's heel, taking in the sights and sounds of the park with keen attentiveness. 

Spotting Misty and Alec at a nearby table, Jason heads in that direction, coming up to them from the side. It looked like Misty had everything else ready - they just needed the meat to get cooked now. "Hey, guys. Don't tell me I'm late again."

Having still been lost in thought at the table, Alec hadn't even seen Jason approaching. Turning to see him, it's only now that he notices Trooper there as well. Standing quickly, he detangles himself from the picnic table bench and backs up several feet. "Aw no... uh-uh... Nobody told me that dog was going to be here." 

Jason rolls his eyes and sighs looking to Misty with annoyance then back to Alec. "He's fine as long as you are."

"Well I'm not fine!" Adrenaline was already surging through Alec's veins. There were very few things he feared in life, but make no mistake, he was still petrified of large dogs - especially this one. 

"Come on, Alec," Jason prompts. "I'm not gonna leave him in the truck and I can't take him home now." 

"Look, I still got the scars and a numb spot on my ankle from that dog!" Alec remembered all to well, the feeling of Trooper's teeth sinking into his leg. He hadn't even been able to walk himself to the infirmary and he'd bled all over the place. It hadn't been a pleasant experience. 

"That was only because you got riled," Jason counters. "Cool it and Trooper won't have anything to get upset about." 

Trooper looks between his master and Alec, sensing the rising tension and he gives a low woof.

Alec jumps and shakes his head. "Uh-uh." 

Jason shortens the dog's leash and quietly tells him to sit. Trooper seems to question him for a moment, but then obediently lowers his haunches to the grass while keeping his eye on what was happening. "See?" Jason gives his head a pat. "He's fine. Now come on. Quiet being a such a sissy." Laying the leash over the picnic table, he takes the meat to the grill that was a couple feet away. "Alright... how does everybody like their burgers?"

Alec's mind had long since strayed from food, and hunger was now the least of his worries. Remaining where he was, he looks to Misty, the fear still in his eyes.

Stepping into Katie's bunkhouse, Hunter's senses are met with the sweet fragrances, lingering after her shower. "Mmm..." He takes a deep breath. "You smell good." 

Grinning, he leans on the doorframe as she puts on her shoes. Her comment about the bike just makes his grin widen even more. "Who said anything about going fast?" His quirked eyebrow accompanies the humor that danced in his eyes. She knew him too well to think he'd take the road slowly. 

Stepping back outside with her, he laughs. "I was born ready. Come on." 

After retrieving the food Katie wanted to take to Jeff, Hunter helps secure it in his backpack, which he lets Katie wear since she'd be sitting in back. He was glad he'd opted to bring his extra helmet too.

Mounted up, he starts the engine and waits until he feels Katie settled and hanging on before he steers slowly down the driveway  and out onto the road. The road was going to be nice and straight for a good long while - that much he'd observed yesterday. 

"Alright, Cargo..." He grins as he speaks into the helmet's mic. "You wanna feel what it's like to fly?"

Dani giggles as she gets into her car, Dalton's compliment making her feel so good. She'd been told that she sounded good on the radio before, but hearing it from him was special. 

Hearing his enthusiasm to come over, she laughs again, starting up her car. "You can come whenever you want. I'm just now headed home. If you want to come right over, we can hang out while I fix supper. Either that, or you name the time and I'll have supper ready by then. I don't care one way or the other." 

She checks her mirrors before backing out of her parking space and aims for the street. "No... that's a lie. I do care. I want you for as long as I can get you." She grins, knowing that if he were sitting here, she'd spy some color in his cheeks.

Hit the Road

Misty gives a small laugh and a nod. She liked that idea, and having plans for tomorrow night too was good. She didn't mind where they had or what movie they saw either. But she would think about it and at least try to figure out something.

  "Alright, I'll pick where we eat but maybe we both can pick the movie. I've never been to good at movie picking, nor do I even know whats playing."

Giving a smile to Jason Misty stands and folds her one arm across herself. She had a feeling tonight would be a good one. Cook out, fellowship, maybe roast some marshmallows. It just felt...good to relax. To her it sounded fun and right now, Jason, herself and Alec well all three of them needed it.

   "Well I better get back to work. If your going to get the meet tonight I will grab rolls and stuff. Anything special you want for chips or side dishes or stuff to drink?"

Hearing the knock and opening the door Katie runs her hand through her still wet hair. The soft smell of soap, and shampoo exits the room, but welcomes someone in at the same time. Giving a smile Katie waves Hunter in.

   "Come on in I just have to throw my shoes on and than we should be good to go."

At the option of taking his bike Katie things for a long moment. It was very temping for sure and she did like bike rides. Maybe this would be a little extra way to let herself go and just...be without any worry.

   "I think...taking the bike might be a fine option if I do say so myself. At least we would get the food to dad quicker before it gets cold."

Katie gives a cheese grin. Standing she goes to her night stand and grabs her keys, wallet and her phone putting them into her pockets. She hoped Jeff was in a better mood today and he would enjoy the food they were going to bring him. 

   "Alright...ready to hit the road?"

Seeing Dani's number Dalton gives a smile leaning back on the couch again. Today had been his day off and he'd been pretty much just been lazing around the house. It was to hot to really do anything else.

   "Hey Babe. I heard you on the radio. You sounded great!"

Looking at the clock on the wall Dalton's stomach gives a growl. Thinking for a long moment. But only just a moment and nothing longer. To pass up dinner with Dani would make him a fool. She made some of the best food he had ever tasted.

   "As long as your cooking I'll be there. What time you want me over?"