

Dani's eyes widen for a moment, her cheeks growing crimson in color. Dalton was so utterly sweet, it almost made her cry. 

With an even bigger smile, she takes the flowers and shakes her head after she'd smelled them. "If it weren't for the simple things, nothing would seem special... like you." 

Standing on her tiptoes, she still has to pull Dalton down a little so she can reach him with her lips to give him a soft kiss. "Thank you." Grabbing his hand, she pulls him inside and shuts the door, then pulls him along with her to the kitchen. "I've got chicken breasts ready to put in the oven, and I thought I'd throw together some pasta salad and for dessert, there's still some of that chocolate pie I made, leftover from the other day."

Reaching up into the cupboard, she finds as vase, filling it partway with water and then setting the flowers in them, fussing over them a moment to arrange them neatly. "There." 

Spinning around, she looks up at Dalton, smiling and wraps her arms around his waist to lean into him, her head barely reaching his chest. "Mmm... you make any day better."

Moving her head to look up at his face, she grins. "So how's that sound for supper. Okay?"

Hunter chuckles at Katie, though she did make him feel good. He was glad she'd enjoyed the ride and liked his company. He'd make sure it was a fun ride back to the ranch later too. 

Dismounting with her, he secures both helmets to the bike before heading inside with her. 

Lying in bed, Jeff stares up at the ceiling. He'd long since turned off the television, bored with the shows and not used to watching much television anyway. He wanted to be home. He wanted fresh air. He'd only been here one night but he hated it already anyway. 

He'd spent a lot of time mulling over things Jay had told him... He wanted to feel better. He wanted to feel happy like he had before. And not let things get to him. Maybe Jay really didn't mind his constant teasing but... it was difficult to first think he'd made an idiot of himself, then to be told he hadn't, and try to readjust again. What was he supposed to do now? How was he supposed to act? Had he offended or embarrassed anybody else? And what about not being able to work in the barns? He'd tried, he really had. Was he truly meant to be stuck with minimal tasks and a life of never having the satisfaction of a hard day's work? 

Sighing, he shifts his head around in an attempt to make the pillow more comfortable. It didn't help much. And he hated being in a hospital gown. And the bed was hard. And being hooked up to monitors was uncomfortable. And...

He sighs again and looks at the clock. He'd told Rosetta he was fine being alone but... maybe he was ready for some company... if anybody wanted to come. 

The whole incident with Trooper was baffling, but after a short while, Alec was still leery but had at least stopped shaking and he didn't bolt when the big dog neared - that in itself was an improvement. And somehow, Trooper seemed to know. It was almost as if he walked with a confident air - if a dog could - as if he knew exactly what he was doing, having a method and purpose only he knew. He'd always been that way though. While he answered only to Jason, and could obey him very well, sometimes he still seemed to take his own route, making up his own mind about things. 

Conversation continued at the table and laughter resumes. The meal is enjoyed and no food is put to waste. By the time it was finished, the sky was starting to grow dim. Jason retrieves his guitar from his truck and takes up a spot in the grass under a nearby tree to pluck the strings and hum, choosing some soft, lulling tunes, fit for a peaceful summer evening. 

Alec sits on the picnic table and watches, secretly intrigued at how Jason could play the guitar and sing - let alone without having any music to look at. He'd never been musical himself, so it had always fascinated him. He'd known Jason played but... he hadn't known how nice it could sound. The soft notes seemed to have a strange kind of power, settling even his own nerves and relaxing him. 

Still playing and singing softly, Jason's eyes find Misty's, and he smiles. 

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