

Cleaning most of the food and plates up Misty keeps the cooler assessable in case anyone wanted more to drink along with the chips and fruit. Finding the bag with the items for smores she places the bag by the little fire they had started in the bit by the bench. 

Finding her own comfortable spot on the ground crossing her legs. Listing to the soft music it was so comfortable and soothing Misty had always enjoyed Jason's talent. It was a gift he was given and such a good one at that.

   "Mmmmm...now this I could listen to all night."

Looking over at Alec Misty waves him over and holds out a stick for him to roast marshmallows on. She didn't know if Alec had even had this treat but it was one of the best that someone should never pass up.

  "Just put the marshmallow on the stick and roast it to your liking than take two grams, a peace of chocolate and the marshmallow in the middle and I can bet this will be the next thing you love. Jase would you like me to make you one?"

Glancing over at him Misty's smile wides a little more at he looked back at her. These nights she was really enjoying. Friendship, comfort and people who understood a common ground. Each with a different store or reason but each hurting.

Watching the light from the fire dance on Jason's face Misty searches his eyes. The dim light making them seem that much deeper. Misty had always loved his eyes and the way they shined, it was hard not to get captivated in them.

Realizing she might have been looking to long Misty looks away as she cheeks grow red. Only to turn her eyes back to Jason again in a shy manor the grin still on her lips.

Hearing what Dani was making for dinner Dalton's stomach growled as he was being pulled to the kitchen. it sounded so good and knowing first hand she could cook made it even worse. He hadn't found one thing she made he didn't like yet.

 Feeling Dani's arms warp around him Dalton's arms do the same just wrapping around her gently with great care for this presouse gift. Just soaking in the moment Dalton couldn't wait for them to last forever. Leaning down and giving Dani's head a kiss Dalton smiles and nods.

   "That sounds perfect for dinner. Need me to help you prepare anything?"

Giving a smile to Hunter and turning to head inside this time Katie didn't need to ask for directions she new right where they were going. Heading down the hall and noding to some of the nurses they finally get to Jeff's room. Entering Katie gives a smile and walks closer to the bed still holding the sack with the food in it.

   "Hey Dad, I told you we would be back, and with some good food too. Feeling any better today?"

Looking at him he did look to have a little more color to him than yesterday though he still looked so tired. Katie hated seeing him here and couldn't wait for him to get home but at the same time she was happy here he had to relax and take it easy.

   "We have stuff to make subs, fresh baked rolls, different kind of meats and anything else you could think of. Along with some of Becky potato salad."

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