
Just the same

Knocking on the door Jess checks to see if its unlocked and just walks in. Looking into the living room and not seeing him in there Jess heads to the kitchen.

"Axel I'm here."

Seeing the set up in the kitchen all Jess can do is stand there with a big smile on her face. Axel was always sweet. No matter what he always did his best to make her feel good.

"You didn't have to do this Axel..."

Jess comes up to him and puts her arms around his neck pulling him into a hug. He sure did make her feel special.

"...But thank you just the same."

Looking to Pete with a bit of surprise Trey wondered why Pete wouldn't bother to tell Reese. Between him and Ariel he just couldn't understand them it was so confusing...could they...really care?

"Why Pete? I don't understand why. Ariel says she care, and but I dont understand why when you guy were just pretending. I just don't get it."

Trey just continues to look at Pete before taking another sip of coffee. He was tired, his head hurt and he felt stupid and confused.

Sitting down next to Jason Katie gives a laugh. Even though it came out a little dry she tried to just roll with it. Leaning forward she grabs a slice of pizza and takes a bit just letting the silence linger. Some people might think the slince was nice but Katie hated it, yet it was almost welcomed because she didn't know what to say.

"Umm...It was alright. Not really busy today. I had a lot of computer work to do. Other than that...nothing."

Taking another bite Katie still felt so strange trying to figure out small talk, trying to express things it seemed so difficult. Things were getting a little better though right? Her and Jason were alright and were working through this right?

"How about you? Taking it easy on that leg? Rick call you a million times yet?"

Not gonna

"I don't know." Dani shakes her head at Aerith. "He's been such a grouch lately. I woulda thought he and Misty were having trouble, but every time he talks to her or sees her, he's all Mr. Happy again. Not that it's any of my business, but I'm kinda tired of his moodiness."

She sighs and picks up some glasses that needed to be washed. "Maybe it's as simple as him not sleeping well, but one of these days, I'm gonna kick him in his seat if he doesn't quit taking it out on the rest of us."

Jason gives Katie a wry grin. "Guess he couldn't. He was crossing his legs - figured I better let him out. It was either that or let you walk through a puddle when you got here."

Humor? Jason had barely cracked a joke since everything had happened. Was it an improvement now? Did that mean he was slowly gaining something back?

His grin remains, but his eyes don't twinkle. Humor? Whether he'd said something funny or not... he didn't really feel it.

Moving to the side, he lets Katie in, then whistles for Trooper, who obediently returns. Closing the door, he hobbles back to the living room, following the scent of pizza. Wincing, he eases down on the couch again, putting his leg back up on the footstool that had been made taller with a couple folded blankets.

"Pizza smells good," he comments. Why did small talk seem difficult? And why did such an annoying thing not... feel... annoying? He tries to just relax. "So, um... how was your day?"

As Trey removes her hand from him, Ariel catches a rather irritated look in his eye, and she retreats. She hadn't meant to annoy him. She was just worried about him was all. Had she said too much? Had she gone too far by calling Pete? Maybe it wasn't her place to worry at all, or be concerned for Trey's welfare. He was a grown man and could take care of himself. Maybe she really had been stupid. But she hadn't meant to be patronizing, and she hoped that his annoyance didn't mean that he'd thought she'd done anything on purpose. All she'd done on purpose was care.

Giving him a nod and wave goodbye, she remains quiet until Trey is gone. "No... it's not okay," she agrees quietly.

Sighing deeply, she turns to look at the breakfast that wasn't going to stay warm much longer. Wandering down the hall to her office, she taps on the half-open door before pushing it open. "Hey, Colt, are you..." Her sentence trails off when she sees him lying on the floor, fully dressed with his hands behind his head. His eyes looks up at her with curiosity. She sets a hand on her hip. "I thought you were still asleep."

"Nah. I've been awake for a while."

"How come you didn't come out?"

"Figured you'd rather have me out of the way until Trey was gone."

Ariel bites her lip. "Hear everything?"

Colt grins and sits up. "Maybe."

"Did I do too much?"

Colt sighs. Standing up, he gives her shoulder a pat. "You only did as much as anybody who cares that much would. If he took it the wrong way, that's his problem. But you don't have anything to apologize for, if that's what you mean."

Ariel looks down and turns to follow him back to the kitchen. "He gave me a look that warned me I was acting like a mother or something."

Colt chuckles. "Let me put it this way..." He wanders to the coffee pot. "You could have treated him like a two-year-old this morning and he would have deserved it after last night. He owes you big time for being so nice to him. He's got a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas. I doubt anything you could have said this morning would have induced a different reaction."

"Maybe." Ariel shakes her head and sits down at the table. "Well, no matter. I doubt I'll hear from him again anyway after all this."

"You're not gonna go see him?" Colt snitches a link of sausage before sitting across from her. "After all you did?"

"That's just it." Ariel shrugs. "I don't think he cares. He was irate yesterday, downright mean, and if he's going to be that way then, so be it. I did all I could, but... I can't go begging him to stay friends."

Colt studies his sister for a moment. He knew her well enough to know that there were quite a few conflicting emotions churning in her. But he knew better than to press her. "Okay then."

Pete is rather relieved when he sees Trey coming out of the house. He'd wondered if he'd even show at all, let alone be willing to ride with him.

Waiting until Trey was in and buckled up, he pulls away from the curb without a word. The first few blocks are silent as Pete drives, his sunglasses hiding his gaze. Finally though, he speaks.

"Reese doesn't know," he states flatly. "So unless you tell him, he's not gonna know either." He falls silent again.

Ending the call with Jess, Axel felt rotten. She'd gotten dressed up for tonight. He knew good and well that first, she didn't do that often, and second, any woman would be disappointed if they'd gone to all that effort just to have plans change. She could have declined on coming to his place, but she was too kind. No... he'd just disappointed her... again. Way to go.

Signing, Axel dials his phone again, this time calling for Chinese. And... maybe there would be another call after that so the night wasn't a complete bomb.

A while later, some soft classical music was playing and Axel is dishing Chinese food out of the cartons and onto several plates at the kitchen table. The curtain was drawn so it was a softer light, and a bouquet of bright colored flowers were in front of Jess' seat. Though Axel was in his bare feet, he had on a nicer pair of jeans at least, and a white collard shirt that he'd tucked in.

Continuing to set the table, he knows Jess will be here any moment and... he hoped that he could make up for at least a little bit of her disappointment. She deserved better.


Looking to Dani as another shout comes from the kitchen Aerith throws a look over her shoulder and than back to Dani shaking her head a little. There was a part of her that was happy Thirteen wasn't here. She was doing really good but was still a little skidish around yelling. That was probable something she might always have a problem with.

"What bee got in his pants today? think everything's ok?"

Picking up the phone and hearing Carson's voice a smile spreads across Misty's face. When ever Carson called her it always seemed like that. She always loved his voice his words just nothing seemed to compare.

"That sounds great. If your home by fiveish that would be good. If you could pick up some soda one your way home too that would be great. Thanks Babe I'll see you than."

Hanging up the phone Misty stands and walks out to Con's cubicle where Jamie was sitting with him. Leaning on the wall she gives a smile her eyes sparkled a little more than normal today.

"Carson was cool you guys coming over. He's gonna be home about fiveish and is gonna grab some soda if you guys wanna bring some french bread. We can have dinner and than maybe play some games or something tonight."

Misty really was happy they were getting together. It had been a while and the fellowship would be nice. It was funny to think of how close Carson had gotten with Jamie and Con, out of all people but stranger things had happened and it was one more way to see the amazing power of God and forgiveness.

Pulling into the driveway Katie see Trooper shoot out the door and Jason just standing in the doorway. Giving a shake of her head she wondered how Jason did it. He's had leg surgery, and now he was in the hosue all the time, yet he had gotten up and taken the dog out. If it had been her she would....Katie wondered trying to reach into the deepths of her mind. She would what?

The lack of emotions where still there though she tried her best to find them or act like she though she should but the truth was...it just wasn't the same and it was slightly lonely inside her own mind...alone.

Shaking her head, grabbing the pizza and heading up the sidewalk till she was facing Jason Katie pushed the questions out of her mind for now as she gave a smerk at him.

"He just couldn't wait a few more seconds till I got here huh?"

Getting in her car Jess answers the phone. She couldn't help but fear it was Axel canceling again. Hearing that he wanted her to come over instead she let out of small sigh but part of it was releaf too. At least he wasn't canceling again.

"As long as you don't mind me coming over in the dress I put on for the restront sure. Chinese sounds pretty good to me. I'll see ya in a little bit."

Hanging up the phone Jess taps her fingers on the searing wheel. It wasn't often she put a dress on and she practily had to force herself to put this one on, but now that it was she didn't feel like taking it off. She was disappointed about not going to the restront but she wouldn't lead on to it. Maybe tonight she could find out what was going on with Axel.

Taking the cup of coffee from Ariel Trey takes a sip. Looking back at Ariel again as she mentions Pete was waiting for him Trey can't help but roll his eyes and let out a long sigh. He could of walked and he would of been fine even if he was tired. Why she didn't think he couldn't get home safe was beyond him and it annoyed him slightly.

"Great, should be a fun ride back to the dungan. Thanks anyways I guess."

As she reaches out to play with a peace of hair Trey looks into her eyes again. With her words that followed he almost felt like he was a kid again and the teacher wouldn't let him walk home because he missed the bus. He was use to taking care of himself and having someone almost baby him...he wasn't to sure if he liked it.

Reaching up and taking her hand Trey hold it for a second before bringing it down from his hair. He needed time to process everything that had happened, he needed time to just think things through but he felt more level headed than he had yesterday before drinking.

"Ya, I'll let him."

Turning Trey heads twords the door to leave but stops a moment before looking over his shoulder. Letting out another small sigh.

"Sorry about yesterday. Showing up here drunk and everything. Don't say its ok either because I know its not. Just...sorry."

Continuing on his way Trey exits the house and squints into the sunlight. Figures the one day he needed his sunglasses he didn't have them. Seeing Pete car Trey stops for a moment. He wanted to run, he wants to walk, he didn't want to be close in a car with Pete, but he'd already promised Ariel he would.

Getting down the side walk and opening the door Trey gets in before closing it behind him and taking another sip from his glass. Looking at Pete and than looking out the window Trey didn't know what to say if anything.

Phone Calls

The kitchen phone rings out but is barely heard above the clatter of pots and pans. Carson growls as he tries to keep a stack of dishes from falling over, while juggling two pans of pizza. "Dani! Would you- gah." Once he's finally able to get everything on the counter, the ringing stops. He rolls his eyes. Sure. Go figure.

"Yes?" Dani sticks her head in through the door.

He tosses her an annoyed glance. "Too late now."

She recoils slightly. "Well I'm sorry. I was busy with a customer."

"Meaning you were standing there gabbing while I needed you back here."

Dani's eyes narrow. "I don't know whose cactus you sat on, but pull out the nettles an get on with your day."

If Carson hadn't been in such a sour mood, he would have laughed. As it was, he just glares at the door after she'd gone. Just as he's throwing another pizza in the oven, his cell phone goes off. Wiping his hands on a towel, he wanders over to the basket on the counter where he kept his phone. Misty. He sighs. His thumb twitches, wanting to flip open the phone. But he doesn't. Shutting off the sound, he lets it go, knowing she'd leave him a message...

"...no, not tonight.... I can't.... No, Misty wants to invite some friends over. I gotta be there." Carson paces the kitchen. It was twenty minutes later and he was on his cell phone. "No! Not like this. It... come on, don't give me that. I can't do that, don't you understand?!"

Out at the counter, Dani smiles sweetly at a customer before throwing Aerith a worried glance. She knew she wasn't the only one who could hear her brother on the phone while he raised his voice, and it was rather embarrassing.

Carson groans and runs a hand over his face. "Not yet. It's not the right time..... Okay... fine.... Yes, soon... Yes. .... Alright, okay.... but not the whole time.... Yeah, I can be late. Alright... see you later." Shutting his phone, he leans back against the refrigerator to take a moment and collect his thoughts before dialing Misty. His voice was happier, but still strained.

"Hey, Babe... got your message. That's fine with me if you want Con and Jamie over tonight. I'll either close up here early or have one of the girls close up for me. What time you want me home?"

"Yes, Rick... yes.... yes..." Jason sighs. He's lying on his couch with his leg elevated, his cordless phone cradled between his ear and shoulder. "I'm fine. Yes, I'm doing everything you told me to do." He shifts and winces. "Right. I'm exercising it but not walking on it. Quit worrying about me." He rolls his eyes. "Okay. Yeah, Katie's going to be here any minute so I'll be quite well taken care of. Stop worrying and do something more productive." He smirks. "Yeah, talk to you tomorrow."

Hanging up, Jason leans his head back and closes his eyes. His knee surgery had gone very well a few days ago, and now it was just going to take time to recover. He was going to be on crutches for a short while, but he was already ordered to exercise his leg to assist it in healing, and that, he could do. He felt like going crazy, being stuck at home, and he couldn't wait until Rick at least let him go back to work, even if it was just for paperwork. If he did everything right, his recovery time could potentially be far shorter than anticipated, and that's what he was aiming for.

Now though - it was evening and he was weary and cooped up at the same time. He knew Katie was coming over but he had no idea if they were going to do supper or watch a movie or what. Either way was fine with him.

Trooper's whine makes him look towards the door to see the giant dog waiting to be let out.

"Seriously? Now?"

Trooper wags his tail.

"Your timing is great, ya big brute." Jason looks around for his crutches, but for some reason, they were in the kitchen. He had no idea why or how he'd left them there, but he wasn't amused. He wasn't going to hobble in there just to get them though. It was only a short distance to the door.

Managing to get up and leaning on the couch for support, he makes it, quite gingerly to the door to let the dog out. Just staying there, he leans against the doorframe so he didn't have to go back and sit down just to get up again.

It was getting late. Well... late if Axel was planning on going out tonight. After postponing dinner yet again last night, he should be changing his clothes now and cleaning up to go. But he wasn't. He was still sitting on the floor of his living room. He fingers his cell phone.

Part of him still wanted to be alone. Part of him longed for company. Part of him felt it was safer to be by himself. Part of him just wanted a hug. Part of him wanted to continue hiding what was going on with him. Part of him needed to talk it through with someone.

After thinking about it for several more minutes, he finally opens his phone. He hoped Jess hadn't yet left to go to the restaurant. When she answers, he bites his lip. "Hey, it's me. Um..." He couldn't break their date again. He just couldn't. "You wanna come over to my place tonight instead of going out? I can order chinese or something... Not exactly elegant but..." He really didn't want to go out in public tonight. "Would that be okay with you?"

By the time Trey returns to the kitchen, breakfast was on the table, along with a fresh pot of coffee in the maker. Ariel rinses out the skillet before wiping her hands and turning to look at Trey. He looked a whole lot better. He still looked tired, and it was obvious he'd had a rough evening before, but he was at least more alert now.

"You're welcome." She smiles and goes to the cupboard, pulling down a little travel mug. Filling it with coffee, she puts the lid on and brings it over to him at the table. "At least take one for the road."

She stands near him and sets her hand on his shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. "Pete's outside in his car," she explains gently. "I have to go to work and I didn't want you to have to walk all the way to TJY."

She waits for him to look up so she could catch his eye. She knew he probably didn't want to have anything to do with Pete, but there had been no one else, and she wanted to make sure he was safe. She could only hope that Trey wouldn't be too upset with her. "He's not mad. No one is. And this is all I'm going to ask of you today." Her voice remains soft. "Let Pete drive you back so I won't worry about you." She reaches out to fiddle with a few wet strands of his hair, combing them back with her fingers. "Can you do that for me?"


Looking for the hall for a moment Trey doesn't move almost as if still not sure this was all just innocent kindness or a set up for something else. Shaking his head he new he did need to show and look halfway decent for when he return to TJY for his whipping.

Walking down the hall and finding the bathroom Trey enters and shut the door behind him. Looking in the mirror for a long moment he really did look a mess. He had a five a clock shadow going on and he looks like he had been through the ringer.

...A few minutes later after a nice warm shower Trey felt somewhat clean but he still felt pretty crappy. Walking into the kitchen in his bear feel he runs a hand through his wet hair and just lets it fall where it wants. His hair was short enough to be able to do that.

"Thanks for the shower, aspirin, and place to sleep."

Sitting down at the table Trey puts his shocks and shoes on. He might be rough around the edges, he might be broken but he still had manors. His parents had taught him that and it was something that had always stuck with him and always would.

"I should probable get going. I need to face the dogs sooner or later and I'd rather it was sooner to get it over with."

Trying to restront phone there was no answer. Strange. Trying Carson's phone still no answer double strange. Maybe it was just that busy at Mom and Pop's today. As the voicemail kicks on she leaves a message anyways.

"Hey Lover. I was wondering if you had any plans tonight and if not if you would mine Jamie and Con coming over for dinner. Jamie is itching to do something and I figured this would be good fellowship for us all. Give me a call back and let me know. I love you Carson."

Hanging up the phone Misty lets out a little sigh. She hopped everything was with Carson. The last few days he seemed high strung, and just stressed. She didn't know if it was work or what but she hopped he was alright.

Shaking her head and going back to work Misty just dug herself into her work. Once Carson got back to her she would let Con and Jamie know what was going on. It would be a fun might is Carson agreed maybe something they all needed.

Sitting at the kitchen table Jess plays with her phone for a long moment. It had been a few days since she had seen Axel and even longer since they had really been on a date. She hopped everything was ok. Sometimes he needed his free space and she new that but it was unlike him to call into work so much.

She wanted to call him but would that be invading. To Axel it might be. Maybe it was just better to let him call her first. If he canceled there date tonight she'd ask him about it. Jess worse fear though as that she was losing him.


Having Rosetta come to him, Mick doesn't pull away. There had been so much lately... so much stress... so much pain... this news just put it all over the top and he just couldn't handle it alone.

Resting his head against her, he didn't care about the time that passes or how many tears were shed. He hurt for Cindy. He hurt for Wes. He hurt for himself and the rest of the family. He hurt for Kaylee.

Eventually the small couch in the office is where Mick and Rosetta end up, pulling comfort from each other through hugs, tears and prayers together. But as the time does move on, the inevitable comes, and others must be told.

The information hits most hard. Some remain hopeful. Others don't believe there is hope. The women call on Cindy if she needs them or to take Kaylee off her hands for a while. The men grieve in silence as the work of the day continues. The ranch must function. The work must go on. But it's hard when a vital limb of the family's body has been lost.

Turning quickly from the stove, Ariel gives Trey a crooked grin. He looked terrible. Not that it was surprising. "Yeah." She nods to the hallway. "Down the hall on the right is the bathroom. There's aspirin in the cabinet above the sink."

Her grin becomes a gentle, understanding smile. "And if you want to use the shower, there's a clean towel hanging up there too. After that, I'll have some coffee made."

Axel remains seated on the floor in front of his couch. He'd finally worked half a day yesterday but had called in again today. He hadn't seen Jess in three days and kept putting off their dates. She'd asked if he needed anything - he'd said no. Carson had called - he'd put him off. No... there was nothing anybody could do.

Sighing, Axel's eyes flit back to the droning television. What was he supposed to do now? What if he really was wrong? He didn't think so. He'd been so sure. But the proof had dispersed before his eyes. Now what?

His eyes glance to his phone. He really did want to see Jess. She was probably worried about him and maybe even hurt that he'd been pushing her away. He hadn't wanted that. It was just...

He sighs again.

It was just hard.