
Not gonna

"I don't know." Dani shakes her head at Aerith. "He's been such a grouch lately. I woulda thought he and Misty were having trouble, but every time he talks to her or sees her, he's all Mr. Happy again. Not that it's any of my business, but I'm kinda tired of his moodiness."

She sighs and picks up some glasses that needed to be washed. "Maybe it's as simple as him not sleeping well, but one of these days, I'm gonna kick him in his seat if he doesn't quit taking it out on the rest of us."

Jason gives Katie a wry grin. "Guess he couldn't. He was crossing his legs - figured I better let him out. It was either that or let you walk through a puddle when you got here."

Humor? Jason had barely cracked a joke since everything had happened. Was it an improvement now? Did that mean he was slowly gaining something back?

His grin remains, but his eyes don't twinkle. Humor? Whether he'd said something funny or not... he didn't really feel it.

Moving to the side, he lets Katie in, then whistles for Trooper, who obediently returns. Closing the door, he hobbles back to the living room, following the scent of pizza. Wincing, he eases down on the couch again, putting his leg back up on the footstool that had been made taller with a couple folded blankets.

"Pizza smells good," he comments. Why did small talk seem difficult? And why did such an annoying thing not... feel... annoying? He tries to just relax. "So, um... how was your day?"

As Trey removes her hand from him, Ariel catches a rather irritated look in his eye, and she retreats. She hadn't meant to annoy him. She was just worried about him was all. Had she said too much? Had she gone too far by calling Pete? Maybe it wasn't her place to worry at all, or be concerned for Trey's welfare. He was a grown man and could take care of himself. Maybe she really had been stupid. But she hadn't meant to be patronizing, and she hoped that his annoyance didn't mean that he'd thought she'd done anything on purpose. All she'd done on purpose was care.

Giving him a nod and wave goodbye, she remains quiet until Trey is gone. "No... it's not okay," she agrees quietly.

Sighing deeply, she turns to look at the breakfast that wasn't going to stay warm much longer. Wandering down the hall to her office, she taps on the half-open door before pushing it open. "Hey, Colt, are you..." Her sentence trails off when she sees him lying on the floor, fully dressed with his hands behind his head. His eyes looks up at her with curiosity. She sets a hand on her hip. "I thought you were still asleep."

"Nah. I've been awake for a while."

"How come you didn't come out?"

"Figured you'd rather have me out of the way until Trey was gone."

Ariel bites her lip. "Hear everything?"

Colt grins and sits up. "Maybe."

"Did I do too much?"

Colt sighs. Standing up, he gives her shoulder a pat. "You only did as much as anybody who cares that much would. If he took it the wrong way, that's his problem. But you don't have anything to apologize for, if that's what you mean."

Ariel looks down and turns to follow him back to the kitchen. "He gave me a look that warned me I was acting like a mother or something."

Colt chuckles. "Let me put it this way..." He wanders to the coffee pot. "You could have treated him like a two-year-old this morning and he would have deserved it after last night. He owes you big time for being so nice to him. He's got a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas. I doubt anything you could have said this morning would have induced a different reaction."

"Maybe." Ariel shakes her head and sits down at the table. "Well, no matter. I doubt I'll hear from him again anyway after all this."

"You're not gonna go see him?" Colt snitches a link of sausage before sitting across from her. "After all you did?"

"That's just it." Ariel shrugs. "I don't think he cares. He was irate yesterday, downright mean, and if he's going to be that way then, so be it. I did all I could, but... I can't go begging him to stay friends."

Colt studies his sister for a moment. He knew her well enough to know that there were quite a few conflicting emotions churning in her. But he knew better than to press her. "Okay then."

Pete is rather relieved when he sees Trey coming out of the house. He'd wondered if he'd even show at all, let alone be willing to ride with him.

Waiting until Trey was in and buckled up, he pulls away from the curb without a word. The first few blocks are silent as Pete drives, his sunglasses hiding his gaze. Finally though, he speaks.

"Reese doesn't know," he states flatly. "So unless you tell him, he's not gonna know either." He falls silent again.

Ending the call with Jess, Axel felt rotten. She'd gotten dressed up for tonight. He knew good and well that first, she didn't do that often, and second, any woman would be disappointed if they'd gone to all that effort just to have plans change. She could have declined on coming to his place, but she was too kind. No... he'd just disappointed her... again. Way to go.

Signing, Axel dials his phone again, this time calling for Chinese. And... maybe there would be another call after that so the night wasn't a complete bomb.

A while later, some soft classical music was playing and Axel is dishing Chinese food out of the cartons and onto several plates at the kitchen table. The curtain was drawn so it was a softer light, and a bouquet of bright colored flowers were in front of Jess' seat. Though Axel was in his bare feet, he had on a nicer pair of jeans at least, and a white collard shirt that he'd tucked in.

Continuing to set the table, he knows Jess will be here any moment and... he hoped that he could make up for at least a little bit of her disappointment. She deserved better.

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